Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

Lesson Learn-ing: It's ok to be unmotivated

I’m having one of those days. You know those days where even Pinterest can’t inspire you! Those severely unproductive days where you feel guilty for only moving a few pixels around on the screen with no need in pressing the save button. No masterpieces are being created, nor thought about.  The only kind of motivation I have at the moment is picking up a milkshake from the corner ice cream shop… Completely worthless I tell ya.

I suppose you can’t be “on it” every day, so I’m deciding that it’s OK to be unmotivated….today. I’ll try really hard not to make sloth like behavior my new day job. 😉


6 comments on “Lesson Learn-ing: It's ok to be unmotivated

  1. A friend of mine once told me that people are like the moon. Somedays full and vibrant and others half, dull and quiet. I’ve come to terms with my phases and it feels so damn good to accept your non productive days as a normal thing!

  2. As much as I hate to hear that you are feeling this way, it is consoling to know I am not alone. I tend to be pretty hard on myself on these days, but I know in my heart creativity can’t be forced. It’s good to hear you have a healthy attitude about it. Tomorrow is a new day!!

    1. For sure. As I grow as a designer and even just as a human being, I’m becoming more and more comfortable having LAZY days. Definitely need them to keep the other days moving forward. Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. Thank you for sharing this. It’s so true somedays we just need a break to walk around and remember that can help us to be better people as well as designers tomorrow if we allow ourself a day of rest. If instead of getting upset at ourself’s for our unproductive ness and creative dry spell we excepted it for the day and spend the day loving ourselves we will be better off tomorrow. Hard, but good truth. Thank you so much for this reminder and letting me know I’m not alone in these days.

  4. I am likewise relieved that I’m not the only one who has days when the last thing I wanna do is the work that I’m supposed to be doing. I have also discovered recently that I’m one of those weirdos that works better at night — pretty late at night. So, working on til 3am on a project is not only commonplace but voluntary most times. I know that if I were to set my alarm at 9am to work on something, it’ll take me a while to get inspired and motivated much less started. 🙂

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