Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

We'll be back!

That’s right! This girly is finally taking a vacation!!! I’ve been dreaming of laying on a beach for years now, so the boy and I decided to book a spontaneous trip to the Dominican Republic. I couldn’t be more excited for warm sun, sandy beaches, and oodles of pina coladas!

I won’t be blogging over the next week (which I’ve never taken this much time away from this precious baby of mine), but I needed to disconnect…or at least mostly. I’m hoping to be able to share lots of photos with you when I return, but until then you can follow me on twitter and see the photos I post to my Instagram account.

See you all in a week! I’ll miss you guys!


*UPDATE: So I haven’t even left yet and I just found out wi-fi is going to cost me big bucks. We’ll see if I can steal some access from somewhere and tweet/instagram my heart out. If not, I’ll have lots to share when I get back 🙂

Lesson Learned: List Making Saves Lives

Ok, lets talk about how Cassie is a crazy person, shall we? Some of the people closest to me would say I’m a chronic/compulsive list maker and it’s something I don’t deny. Lists have saved my sanity on too many occasions to count, which has created a profound love affair for them. I even have lists for my lists, which I know is crazy talk…but here me out.

I’ve got a system for doing things, most of them are really strange. Usually it starts with a hand-written list contained in one of my many list making notebooks. I then divide that list based on priority, this is me basically re-writting the list I just made, but in a more organized fashion. From here, I usually start attacking the tasks at hand, crossing things off as I go. Once I get to a point where about half the items are crossed off, I create a new list with those remaining items. This new list is much shorter and feels super manageable. Such a great feeling! It’s all a mental game anyway…right?

I also keep my list digitally in the FREE online program called TeuxDeux. I use TeuxDeux as my most concrete list of the day. I don’t delete things from it, or rewrite it, or even mess with it all that much. It serves as my final check list for my hand-written lists.  At the end of the day I bring up my list and mark all the things accomplished off and the unaccomplished get digitally pushed to the next day. The nice thing about TeuxDuex is that you can also have long term lists, for those pesky jobs that never seem to get done.

Ok, now that you all know I’m a crazy person with obsessive behavior, lets get back to marking things off our lists. In all honesty, without lists (big or small) I’d be an unorganized mess with frequent panic attack sessions. Keeping list is MY way of keeping my sanity to a normal level. What’s your way??

image by: Scott Peterman

Beam & Anchor

Beam & Anchor is a new shop that just recently opened up in Portland, Oregon. I was introduced to the shop by Jen of Honey Kennedy. After looking at the website, I realized that the shop had brought together some of my favorite existing shops (ex: Maak Soap Lab & Spartan Shop) to make one really fabulous shop. Wouldn’t it be absolutely amazing to have the job title of “Soaper” and “Apothecary Crafter”? Love it!

Stop by the website to see more people involved and some more shop photos.

Food Blog Love

I’m most likely the pickiest eater you’ll ever know. I have what I like and rarely stray from those handful of things. Oddly enough…I’m obsessed with food blogs and I think it’s because they make the food LOOK good. Anyway…I’m obsessed and I thought I’d share my favorites. I would also suggest you guys to check sites like Shahnaz Indian Cuisine where you can see some awesome recipes with you can cook delicious food. Well and for making some awesome drinks The-tea-set will be best choice to follow. If you have any favorites you’d like to share, I’d love to see them 🙂


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Pia Ulin

Pia Ulin is an advertising photographer based in Stockholm, Sweden. His work usually focuses on interior spaces and lifestyle imagery, but his person (everyday) style shooting is really lovely too. I tended to gravitate towards the darker/moodier images in his portfolio, but there really is a great range. I think my favorite aspect about the work is the high contrast and deep saturation of color; definitely something I try to achieve with my own photography work.

Simply Groves Insider's Tips / Week 4

Today’s week 4 of Kirsten Grove’s lovely insider’s tips. She’s awesome isn’t she? This week we are showcasing some of the rooms that have been most inspiring to me. I love the controlled chaos in these room and all the personality that comes along with mix matched items.

If you missed the first week of tip/suggestions, go check it out, and don’t forget to stop over at Simply Grove to see my latest color palettes!

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In Their Home (Studio) // Fuzzco

This week’s In Their Home is just a wee bit different because I stumbled across a studio space that just had me wanting to drop by and say hello. The Company is called Fuzzco and it is a studio where designers & programmers ” improve the quality of life for their clients”. I found the whole place, inside and out to be completely inspiring. Not to mention they have a great sample of work to share. See more office shots HERE of peruse their portfolio HERE.

Friday Finds & Favorites // 63

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1. Wild Olive is a really great craft blog with so much crafty goodness.

2. New-t0-me shop I really enjoy called Cub Monaco.

3. If you love adorable illustrations, you’ll love Isabelle Arsenault and her Blog.

4. I love it when my favorite bloggers get honest.

5. Spartan shop has some really unique home decor items that I’d love to my loft. So good!

6. Really great post by All This Grace & Charm about the top 5 things she claims to understand at age 25.

7. Love this guy’s illustration style. You’ll most likely see a post about his work soon 😉

8. For all you Martha Stewart lovers out there who strive to be just like her…

9. ohhh This DIY is awesome. Definitely adding it to my Pinterest DIY board

10. This room, photographed by Stellen Herner is just awesome. Love everything about it!

Happy Weekend!
