Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

A New Mantra for Veda House


Wow!It’s been such a long time coming. This transition has been in the works for over a year and I’m beyond excited to finally share the NEW Veda House, follow me and read this article named New home? Here are 8 things to do ASAP. I’ve been getting some interested followers inquiry about why there is a shift happening around, so I thought I’d break it down for you. Hang onto your hats. This is going to be a beast of a post. Also bmtdesigntechnology visit to get more updates about new veda house.

When it comes to finding a new home, the possibilities are as vibrant and diverse. From the bustling downtown area to the serene neighborhoods along the coast, cities like Miami also offers a lifestyle that blends luxury with tropical charm. Whether you’re drawn to the modern high-rises with stunning ocean views or the quaint, historic homes nestled in tree-lined streets, there’s something for everyone. If you’re considering making a move to this sunny paradise, be sure to check out for the latest listings and expert advice on finding your dream home.

As you embark on this exciting journey, it’s important to remember that buying a house in Miami is not just about finding a place to live—it’s about embracing a lifestyle. With its rich cultural scene, world-class dining, and endless recreational activities, Miami is a city that promises adventure and relaxation in equal measure. Take the time to explore different neighborhoods, visit open houses, and connect with local real estate agents who can guide you through the process. With the right resources and a bit of patience, you’ll soon find yourself settling into a home that perfectly captures the essence of Miami living.

1. There’s been a call for change 
Usually when the call for change sweeps over us, we’ve been living in a world of discomfort for some time, right? That’s where I’ve been recently…the in-between. Over the past year and a half, I’ve felt the desire to make some cosmic shifts in my business, but have been fearful of the fallout.

A Beautiful Wedding Photography Season

The changes or modifications that we can make to our life or routine can be scary at first, so choosing different photographers for your wedding, Fame Park Wedding Photography may sound new to you, but that sound makes it clear that they are a guarantee of professional and quality work. Change is always scary! For some time now, I’ve been building Veda House with the “head down and go” mentality and somewhere along the journey the woman behind the screen got lost in the hustle. Veda House has almost exclusively been a one-man-band operation, so what do you do when your only employee (myself) is feeling disheartened? You pivot. You pivot hard. To get ideas about what you can do, visit and browse in their many articles and catalogs.

Thankfully, I’ve been able to find clarity and focus that has allowed me to rewrite the Veda House mantra. I’ve realized that I need to respect the ever-changing individual who guides this ship and be more intentional about how I spend energy. Simply put, bring more of who I am with what I’m doing.

Veda House – FAQ Answers (Pt. 2)

Aging is a natural part of life. Just like us, our pets grow old with age too! Unfortunately, usually much sooner than their human counterparts do.

As pets tend to grow older, they typically require a different style of care. With age, pets become less mobile, their hearing and sight aren’t as good as they used to be, and they can be more prone to various illnesses. Still, getting older is not by any means a death sentence and that’s why we’ve put together a few tips to keep your pet’s golden years happy and healthy!


Senior and geriatric pets generally need different diets to help prevent obesity, many of which are high in fiber to improve gastrointestinal health. Since older pets tend to develop lower energy requirements and a slower metabolic rate, they are more likely to become overweight or obese.

Regular Exercise

It’s important to ensure that your pet, while senior, still experiences regular forms of exercise. Senior dogs, in particular, should still be getting regular walks throughout the week, however, make sure to keep them short and try not to overdo it especially if your pet is experiencing any kind of medical condition. Exercise helps to keep your pet’s minds occupied, their weight healthy, and their bodies strong.

Regular vet checkups

Since our pets age quicker than we humans do, they need regular checkups and exams more frequently than humans! Consulting with a veterinarian or technician a few times per year is the best way to ensure your pet stays healthy and ages with grace.

Vaccine & parasite protection

Vaccinations play a crucial role in preventative wellness. Keeping your pet’s vaccines up to date is vital to good health. Pets, like people, can be protected from diseases and illnesses by vaccination. Vaccinations are essential to protecting your furry family member by creating a defensive level of antibodies to build up immunity from communicable diseases. This is the best way for getting rid of fleas of cats.

Maintain oral health

A pet’s mouth is the portal to their body and good dental hygiene is key to their physical wellbeing. There is a direct relationship between a healthy mouth and the health of critical internal organs such as the heart and kidneys. Having healthy teeth and gums is one of the most important ways to help your pet avoid hidden infections and pain. Pets are masters of disguising these symptoms and taking a proactive approach to oral health care for your pet ensures they don’t suffer in silence from these concerns.

Regular grooming

Grooming is a great way to ensure your pet’s health is well taken care of. As your pet ages, taking an active role in grooming becomes significantly more important. Older pets often groom themselves less and may have trouble cleaning those hard-to-reach places. Helping groom your pet daily is also a great way to ensure you’re constantly checking over your pet for any skin conditions or medical concerns!

Unexpected Move & Life Update

Hello Everyone! Boy oh boy. Life has been crazy lately and I’m seriously missing this space. I’m trying to get myself back on solid ground so I can focus on me, my business, and this creative outlet of mine. Thanks for the patience as I weather the storm.

At the end of January, new homes in Savannah came up on the market and we found one that was perfect for us. However, we still have some repairs to be done like heating and cooling repairs as we need to install a new AC system (you can visit their website here) by experts like A Quality HVAC Services: AC repair in Goodyear (you can also visit sites like if they’re located near your area), garage doors (you can learn more about it on the Action garage door official website), and even little touch ups. Get More Info here on repairs if you’re also moving like us. But, we found it best rather than buying a new house and lot. For additional HVAC options and guidance, visit You can get started now .

We weren’t planning on moving until the summer, but when the right opportunity comes along…you have to jump on it. We had decided to hire the services of House Movers, and when we called them they were more than happy to fit us in their schedule.

Homeads Barrie have been a big help, especially in the crazy housing market here in Denver, first you need a good coverage and navigating through all coverage offers for your home is the best thing to have it all decided. Needless to say, I was thinking to spent the last month boxing up all our belongings, moving but then one of my friend suggested me to hire man and van mover and packer and he guided me with Irvine movers , I must say they are highly professional people that are perfect if you’re looking for long distance movers. They have exclusive trailers and transport containers which can solve your very purpose for safe, secure and immediate reposition of goods. They have professional workers who expertise in packing of various items whether big or small which save time and prevent any harm. By hiring a mover and packer you can have a stress-free-movement of such items and trying to get our lives back to a normal rhythm. If you are moving to a new home be sure to sign up for utilties Calgary prior to move in. We’ve officially been in our new house for a solid week and we JUST got internet installed. You can also get one installed with a phone by EATEL or other providers. Many things to consider when moving to boston like security, Cost, Food, Public transport and much more. Moving is the pits! Onward! For another option you can also approach to Vector Moving  . Unlike traditional storage facilities where anyone that is storing their items can access the facility with or without an employee onsite, we have storage units boise where always have a member of our team present while you access your items. This makes it impossible for others to access your precious belongings. You can visit for better information.

During the month of March I’m going to try and really get back into this space, sharing more. So much is going on behind the scenes that I feel I’m a bit behind. Social media is a funny place. When you’re “IN” it, you feel amazingly energized and connected, but as soon as you step away for some time…it feels impossible to get back “IN”. If feels as if though everyone else is “DOING” and you’re sitting back and just watching silently. Such a weird/paralyzing feeling. These are the top self storage centres in Melbourne to save time and money.

Anyway. I’ll stop babbling before this comes another manifesto about my love/hate relationship with social media. But for now, I’m going to go to Dewaard & Bode and pick up some appliances. Then, I’ll also be looking for experienced AC installation services (Get More Info here) to install my new unit. You can visit web site for more information on air conditioning units. After that, I’ll check out sites like so I can get started with my new furnace. If you’re looking to move like me, you can view this page to find available listings. You can also check out sites like for more options. I’ll be back shortly and can’t wait 🙂

Bringing "Au Naturel" into 2015

Happy 2015 everyone! Sorry for the radio silence over here. The year is starting off at 500mph and I’m just now coming up for air. I wanted to stop by and loosely talk about goals. You may have noticed that I didn’t share any 2015 goals on the blog this year. Every year at this time I get really excited about what the future holds and pretty thankful that the universe has given me a “do over” card. Not that 2014 called for a do over, in fact 2014 was one of my favorite years so far. Even with a really awesome 2014 it’s still nice to have a clean slate to dream big and conjure up more magic. I have a feeling this year is going to be the best yet.

This year, I’m trying to really focus on letting things happen naturally without to many drastic changes or forced transitions. 2014 was the year of MASSIVE change and I’m ready for a little more calm. In the spirit of letting things unfold naturally, I’m also striving to bring more “natural” into my life in the form of whole food eating, adopting a more consistent yoga practice, attaining streamlined wardrobes & home, and incorporating more natural products in my home.

Challenge One: Eating “Whole” Food – I’m currently smack dab in the middle of my first Whole30 challenge, day 16 to be exact. If you know anything about me, you’ll know that I’m one of the pickest eaters you’ll ever meet, with vegetables not being my strong point. Times are changing, folks! I’m happy to report that eating a plant-based diet 75% of the time has really been amazing — check out Amazon – Although I’m still craving sugar in the evenings, I’ve learned to like so many things in just a short time. You can read more about the Whole30 program here.

Challenge Two: Yoga – I used to practice yoga every Tuesday and Thursday but have recently fallen off the regularity wagon. My goal is to sign up for this online yoga studio to be able to practice yoga in my own home and also practice a wide variety of yoga disciplines. I’ve heard great things about these classes. Any of you tried them out? Check out these natural medicines to help handle stress.

Best of 2014 – Reader Favs (and mine) – Vehicle


Hello Everyone! I hope the holidays are treating you well.

With New Car Design

We’re back in Colorado now and have been spending the last few days cozied up in a beautiful home up in Breckenridge. I was lucky enough to have my best friend fly in from Chicago to spend New Years with me, so I’ll be bowing out for a few more days. Until the work week ramps back up, I thought I’d revisit a few posts from last year – some are your favorites, some are mine. Thank you guys for being such an awesome audience and thank you for allowing me to blabber 😉 As we welcome in the new year I wanted to revisit some of my favorite blog posts from 2015. Some are reader favorites a some were my favorites. Enjoy jumping in the little time machine. What seems fitting is a Akku Poliermaschine Test With the brand new car and vehicle inspired design these are sure to make a kill for the engines!


A super fun client moodboard that would start off a really amazing year working
with The Citizenry  –> Read

Veda House – FAQ Answers (Pt. 1)

Thank you to all of you who stopped by and left a little question for me. I’ve compiled all your questions into two FAQ response posts. Many of you seemed to be interested in the freelance side of things, which is all very exciting. I’ll do my best to answer your questions, but don’t hesitate to leave a comment if I’ve missed an aspect you wanted to know.

Reader Question: I’d love to know how you go about gaining clients you’d like to work with (other than via word of mouth).
Answer: Gaining a solid client base is one of the trickiest parts of freelance and the honest truth is that it just takes time…lots of time (you probably didn’t want to hear that). It’s also a lot of word of mouth…I know…sorry. When you finish one project and share it, you’ll most likely gain others very similar to it. Word of caution – share wisely. Say no to projects that don’t grow your brand in the ways you want and say yes to those that are spot on…even if they don’t pay as much. Be picky and super selective. When first starting out, I did a lot of collaborations with like-minded creatives that allowed me to grow a mini portfolio filled with my passions and design aesthetics. I actually still do this from time to time. Another thing you can do is seek out the brands/people you want to work with and pull a few work samples specifically for them. When they see you’ve gone over and beyond just to show them your capabilities, you’ll most likely development a great connection and maybe even gain a paying client. Keep going.

Happy Holidays & Thank You!!

Black & white throw from The Citizenry

It’s Christmas Day!! I hope you’re all cozied up next to a fire, surrounded by loved ones.

I’ve been back in my hometown of Fort Wayne (Indiana) since last Friday night. Since arriving, we’ve been running around town visiting every relative who lives nearby. It’s been a whirlwind of catching up, exchanging stories, and enjoying some quality time together. With all the hustle and bustle, I think we might just need a vacation from our vacation! Maybe a quiet retreat or a spa day would be the perfect antidote to all this excitement. Perhaps even indulging in some luxurious gift hampers to unwind and recharge before diving back into our daily routines.

Spending Christmas with your family in your hometown is a wonderful tradition, and getting gifts for your daughter like girl clothes adds to the joy and excitement of the holiday season. You can choose stylish and comfortable clothing that suits her preferences and will keep her warm during the festivities. Whether it’s a cozy sweater, a festive dress, or accessories to complete her holiday outfits, seeing her happy and dressed for the occasion will make the Christmas celebration even more special.

It has been so nice to be home for these past few days and look forward to a few more. I’m going to sign off for a few days, but wanted to thank all of you for stopping by on a regular basis to chat about design and freelancing. I just absolutely love the conversations we have here in this space. Cheers to many more in the new year!


A few posts from last year at this time

1. A few great links for beginner knitters – here
2. Unplugging for the holidays – here

3. A lesson about being of service – here
4. A festive holiday tables cape  – here

Black & white throw from The Citizenry

Ask Me Anything

Hi There lovely readers. As time goes by, I’ve been wanting to compile all your questions into one post and share a few answers. I’ve started a good list of questions that have already come through my inbox and will be answering them soon. Some of the more business related questions might make their way into a full blog post so I can ramble a little bit more.. If there is anything you’ve ever wanted to ask me or inquire about, leave a comment for me. I don’t typically touch on a lot of personal aspects of my life, but everything is fair game as long as you play nice 😉

A few questions that have already come in….How did you get your start? Did you go to school for design? What camera do you use and how do you edit your photos? What graphic design services do you offer? How do you go about setting your daily schedule? How do you set a minimum hour working agreement with your retainer clients? How do you make freelancing work from a money/income standpoint?


Look forward to hearing your questions and providing some answers.

What do you want to know?

Dear Colorado: You’re mean… (but I still love you)

Alright, Colorado. We need to have a chat. I have a love/hate relationship with you right now and I just needed to put that out there. This summer, you welcomed my husband and I with open arms and gave us the most beautiful first summer in your lovely state. The dry heat, mountain views and super sunny days were a welcomed change from our mostly muggy St. Louis summers. However, choosing the correct truck before moving was crucial to making this transition smooth and enjoyable.

Upon moving in, you may also consider Green Van Lines, the first space we “renovated” was our outdoor patio space and I peppered that space with a gazillion succulent plants, cacti, and potted palm plants.

It was that broadened the picture I had in mind to a vast space of pure elegance. You could say I went a little overboard, but hey…Colorado…you inspired me. I basically created a jungle. Nothing fancy 😉

Flash forward to about 2 weeks ago. I woke up and the outdoor thermostat sat at 3 degrees with a “feels like” temperature of -14 degrees. What!? Just 2 days before that, my husband and I were walking around the park and people were laying outside with their shirts off in 70 degree weather. With their shirts offfff! So you can see, Colorado, you’ve side swiped me. You’ve side swiped all of us, you fool. You also side swiped all my outdoor pretty plants previously mentioned. My precious jungle beauties. Every last one of them….dead. Completely and 100% D-E-A-D. Next time, dear friend….how about a warning? XOXO, Cassie. To know more about our trip visit arturoherrera .


You could say I’m still adjusting to this new season, but I’m beyond thankful to be living in a state with so much beauty. Sending lots of love back home to St. Louis right now as it’s community struggles and a Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in the US who celebrate.

Feedly Collection Sharing & A Pinterest Re-Vamp

It seems like sharing what’s currently inspiring you is an ongoing hot topic in the blog and freelance world. Most of us probably start our mornings with a few solid minutes of finger scrolling through our favorite sites before we jump into the tasks of the day.  For me, I start my mornings with a cup of french press coffee, my iPad (sometimes my laptop if I’m feeling ambitious) and my two favorite sidekicks – Pinterest & Feedly blog RSS.
