Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

my boys in fields of green

My boys and I frequently visit our neighborhood dog park and each time we stop by there are new people to chit chat with and old friends for Porter to run around with. You can tell it’s a place where he’s truly happy and we love seeing him all giddy, ears flapping in the wind. I included a picture of the ducks as an update…Porter is still scared of them. Go figure!

food styling/photography with Katie Davis

*all images were pulled from Katie’s Blog. Click image to visit more of her work on her blog!

One of the first blogs I ever found, What Katie Ate, stole my heart with beautifully photographed food and table settings (based out of Australia). She makes the pickiest eater, like myself want to step outside our comfort zones, just to get a little piece of what’s she puts together. Her work is slowly getting recognized and I don’t doubt she’ll be everywhere in a year or two. She some more of her recent projects in the links below.

See the Design File interview with Katie.
Watch a video of Katie talking about her career on Facebook.
Flip through a 250+ page online magazine put together by Katie (pure amazingness)

Enjoy your Saturday!

friday finds & favorites // 24

What a good week! I’ve been waiting for the universe to shift and a little light to be shown my way. I can only hope for this feeling to stick around. Counting down the days until my vacation to Portland OR.

[vimeo 17188504 w=515&h=290]
Thanks to The Selby, we now have a great process video of artist, Tom Sachs.

[vimeo 22861096 w=515&h=290]
Congrats to Grace Bonney and her upcoming book release for her blog Design Sponge.

[vimeo 25576639 w=515&h=290]
Thanks to Gillian over at Etsy we have this beautiful video to watch. I strive to tell the story behind all my projects just like this guy!

1. Now that you’ve seen Grace’s video of her upcoming book Design Sponge at Home, go pre-order your copy today! ORDER HERE

2. Apartment Therapy never fails to steal my heart with their DIYs. This reclaimed wood table is perfect and totally doable!

3. One of my favorite new blogs! Nordic Design blog showcases the best of Scandinavian designs.

4. I would love to own one of these Anderson’s belts. So colorful!

5. Portland Parks artprint by Jon Macnair via Society 6

6. Work.PlacePDX is a blog that documents the best of Portland’s creative spaces. It strives to understand the creative process and where all the “action” takes place. I must say this is an amazing idea!

7. Are you looking for a FREE workshop to attend? Go on over to Daily Imprint to check out their workshop called “How to Create a Successful Online Business”.

8. Another amazing home decorating post by Mandi over at Here’s Looking at Me Kid. She talks about decorating your tightly-spaced hallway!

9. Before and After with buffet from IKEA. Go Decor8! It’s so pretty.

Happy Friday lovely reader! I hope you enjoy your holiday weekend!
