Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

I need a Picker Sister please

This past week I got a call from my mom around 10:00 PM, which is pretty late for the early to bed early to rise kind of gal. She was calling to tell me there was a show on Lifetime TV that I’d just love. She was right, I’ve kind of fallen in love with the show called Picker Sisters.

It’s a show about two best friends who are starting a business together and traveling throughout the US to source all the items that will be in their pop up shop. Both gals are interior designers and have an eye for design. My favorite aspect of the show is that they are not searching for shiny new object, but rather they are looking for the junkiest/rustest stuff they can turn into something else. They truly are turning one man’s trash into another man’s treasure.

Read the girls tips for pickin’ here–>
And check out their tips on where to treasure hunt here—>

I’d love to have a picker sister to go out treasure hunting with me. You can tell these girls have a long history together and each adventure is a blast. Having a boyfriend who doesn’t mind pickin’ with me isn’t bad though, so I’ll take it!



friday finds & favorites // 29

Busy week! Ahhhh. I feel like I’m moving at a million miles an hour and working on a gazillion projects. Holy moly. Good thing the internet is full of inspiration. Enjoy the links below and check out who won the hand printed fabric GIVEAWAY below!

[vimeo 20800127 w=515&h=290]
I stumbled upon this beautiful mix of electronic sounds and nature video. Let’s just say this was my favorite find all week!

[vimeo 13776542 w=515&h=290]
The simplicity in this animated short film mixed with the chosen music is perfect!

1. I absolutely love the rebranding project for Henry & Co. Feels like there is a lot of history behind the brand.

2. This Japanese clothing company has an amazing online magazine with great photography. I was a little thrown off when the pages starting turning backwards;)

3. Hire Neither Fish Nor Fowl if you ever need any illustration work. I envy their skills!

4. Did you see this? Solar Power pops, an on wheels popsicle truck. Yes!

5. This tumblr site has me coming back for more. My new fav.

6. Sign up for Amanda’s photography e-course. I bet there is some great content in there:)

7. This bicycle is going to be mine someday. I’m in love with it and that’s that.

8. While staying at the Ace Hotel in Portland, I fell in love with their complimentary shampoos and soaps by these guys.

9. This hanging flowerpot DIY via poppytalk is a summer must!

*Nataly: I’ll be email you for your contact information. Congratulations! 

redoing my creative workspace

1. Card catalogue with file drawer  2. accents of vintage apothecary bottles   3. stacks of my favorite books and a classic time piece   4. some task lighting   5. a bold typographic calendar  6. more storage for small items   7.  wire desk racks from my shop for paper organization  8. a stool to sit close by and collaborate on projects   9. a vintage metal lunch box for incoming/outgoing mail   10. a vintage scale to weigh market203 products before shipping  11. and of course my vintage mint green typewriter 

It’s that time again. Time to redo, refresh, and revitalize my work space. My current space is decent, but after almost 2 years of moving around in the space, things could be better (aesthetically and functionally). I’ve also decided that our current his/hers office space doesn’t really work when you have one person that is super organized and another that loves controlled chaos. So we are separating our spaces. He can keep his action figures and stacks of recycling and I can have my aesthetically pleasing/organized office. These are things you learn along the way. The goal is to slowly gather key pieces and create a space for myself that feels cozy and allows me to comfortably put in long hours of freelance work.

Here’s my mood board for the space. It’s always evolving based on what items I’m able to source, but I’m pretty happy with the direction. Keep in mind that all my personal items, desk, desk chair, and artwork are not included in the mood board, but will be included in the space later. I hope to create a space that is clutter free and brings new life to several vintage pieces. What do you think?

E-course contributor: Make Art a Part of Your Life

I was flattered when Kaitlyn of isavirtue  asked me to be a contributor in her e-course , Make Art a Part of Your Life (Register Today). I jumped on the opportunity and you’ll find my contributions in the paper crafts and thrifting sections. It was a fun combination of sharing some gained knowledge in an article about thrifting (for you and your business) as well as sharing one of my favorite hobbies, making mini paper journals. I look forward to seeing all the other girls contributed projects.

Others who have contributed:
Erin from Sunshine & Carousels (Cooking: baking & decorating)
Kristy from Gastronomical Sovereignty (Cooking: cooking)
Kait from Kait Souch Blog (Design: typography)
Zoe from Pretty Zoo (Design: photoshop design)
Lindsay from Scenic Glory (Design: graphic design)
Hannah from 17 Inch Heart  ( Photography: portraits)
Rachell from No Mark at All (Photography: nature)
Maggie from Maggie Keegan Gross Photography (Photography: portraits)
Natalia from I Could Make That (Stitching: felting)
Mollie from Wild Olive (Stitching: embroidery)
Tara from Sew Tara (Stitching: sewing)
Nataly from Beautifully Elegant (Jewelry: earrings)
Kristina from Buy Some Love (Jewelry: beaded bracelets)
Sonya from Fishnets and Hip Checks (Jewelry: friendship bracelets)
Ping from Pings Zoo (Drawing)
Lyzi from Being Little (Drawing)
Lily from Little Birds (Drawing)
Julia from Julia Luckett (Painting: oils)
Jessica from Jessica Durrant Watercolours (Painting: watercolors)

E-Course details:
– 8 week E-course that will assist you in opening your eyes, your mind and your heart to art
– course sections include: perception, appreciation, inspiration, education, decoration, socialization, exploration, interaction, and creation
– costs $45 and you can REGISTER at any time.

Go sign up today. This e

Portland leather co.

A crappy building sitting on a somewhat crappy street corner, but full of greatness. I saw the sign “leather co” and beelined for the front door like a mosquito to sugar water. Don’t you just love leather products? Oh….and they smell so yummy!

Before heading to our lunch date, the boy and I decided to stop in the Portland Leather Company to see what it’s all about. To my surprise it was a good mix of behind-the-scenes leather workshop, product gallery, and consumer shop where they were selling a variety of leather goods. (I wanted one of the backpacks SOOOO bad!) If you are looking for scrapes of leather for your next DIY project, this place is your jackpot. If you looking for something to fill your time, totally worth stopping by!

a stroll through the gardens

I hope you guys aren’t getting bored with me talking about our trip to Portland. I sure did take a lot of photos and love sharing everything with you. One of my favorite things we did while in Portland was visit the well know Japanese and Rose Gardens in the city’s Forest Park. Oh my golly were the Japanese gardens gorgeous. I couldn’t help but imagine little fairies living throughout the space. Everything felt peaceful, perfectly crafted, and completely untouchable. You walk through the space oooooing & ahhhhing and saying things like “how’d they get that to do THAT”. We loved it.

The Rose Garden was pretty, but didn’t live up to the Japanese Gardens. I know a lot of work must of went into creating all those rose bush varieties, but those Japanese….;)

*The photography on this blog is being highlighted on For the Love of Blogs 

GIVEAWAY: hand printed fabric (ended aug 5th)

*click image to go to DIY step by step over @ Sometimes Sweet!

If you missed this morning’s post you need to stop by Danielle’s blog Sometimes Sweet where I am guest posting and sharing a DIY project (hand printed fabric). I thought it would be fun to give one lucky reader the finished product. The fabric is 42inches long by 27 inches wide, enough to make two small pillows 🙂

1. leave a comment telling me about your favorite summer memory so far
*you must be a Google Friend Connect follower of this blog to enter (see side bar)

ADDITIONAL ENTRY (please leave a separate comment for bonus entry)
2. follow this blog via Bloglovin’.

The winner will be randomly selected this Friday! Don’t forget to stop by Danielle’s blog and leave her a little note to come home to.

guest post DIY project over @ Sometimes Sweet

Today I am guest posting over @ Sometimes Sweet while Danielle is away on her east coast vacation. I chose to share a DIY project that I’ve had on my to-do list for some time now. Block printing your own fabric pattern is a lot simpler than you’d expect, once you get your hands a little dirty and try it out. Hop on over and follow the step-by-step process.

If you end up falling in love with the process like I have, here are some books to check out. Check back this afternoon because I’ll be giving away the fabric to one lucky reader!!

The Printmaking Bible –   The Street Art Stencil Book –  Lotta Prints
