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1. I’m not a mom yet, but I thought this article about raising your kids like a French woman was really interesting.
2. Elsie and Emma did it again. Cake batter milkshakes!
3. The tea towels in this Etsy shop (Lisa Rupp) are beyond perfect. Amazing color palettes!
4. Aren’t the illustrations in this Etsy shop (The Black Apple) so whimsy!? I love everything about these images and Bonus…decent prices!
5. A really awesome jackalope DIY on Eva’s blog.
6. Might have to try and make this eternity bracelet DIY featured on Lune Vintage blog.
7. Get your custom stamps here…oh my !
8. Do I need this backpack. Let’s ponder on this for a while shall we.
9. OMG knits! I just love the name of this Etsy Shop. —–
10. I really love this post on Thread the Choirs about morning light.
Happy Weekend!