Alright, Colorado. We need to have a chat. I have a love/hate relationship with you right now and I just needed to put that out there. This summer, you welcomed my husband and I with open arms and gave us the most beautiful first summer in your lovely state. The dry heat, mountain views and super sunny days were a welcomed change from our mostly muggy St. Louis summers. However, choosing the correct truck before moving was crucial to making this transition smooth and enjoyable.
Upon moving in, you may also consider Green Van Lines, the first space we “renovated” was our outdoor patio space and I peppered that space with a gazillion succulent plants, cacti, and potted palm plants.
It was that broadened the picture I had in mind to a vast space of pure elegance. You could say I went a little overboard, but hey…Colorado…you inspired me. I basically created a jungle. Nothing fancy 😉
Flash forward to about 2 weeks ago. I woke up and the outdoor thermostat sat at 3 degrees with a “feels like” temperature of -14 degrees. What!? Just 2 days before that, my husband and I were walking around the park and people were laying outside with their shirts off in 70 degree weather. With their shirts offfff! So you can see, Colorado, you’ve side swiped me. You’ve side swiped all of us, you fool. You also side swiped all my outdoor pretty plants previously mentioned. My precious jungle beauties. Every last one of them….dead. Completely and 100% D-E-A-D. Next time, dear friend….how about a warning? XOXO, Cassie. To know more about our trip visit arturoherrera .
You could say I’m still adjusting to this new season, but I’m beyond thankful to be living in a state with so much beauty. Sending lots of love back home to St. Louis right now as it’s community struggles and a Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in the US who celebrate.