I’ve been thinking a lot about the golden rule … “Do onto others as you would like them to do to/for you.” Aside from the obvious benefits, I think this concept of being of service is some really important in the self employed/freelance world. I’m noticing that with “freelance” you are constantly putting yourself out there, hoping the universe will reward you with a shiny new client, or maybe even a much needed break. You do things with the hopes that you will get something in return.
What if you changed things up a bit and did things, just for the act of doing things…more importantly – did things for others with no intention of getting anything in return? Again, nothing new and ground breaking here…but is this the key to success in the world of the self employed.
Gabrielle Bernstein, my self-aclaimed spirit guide these days talk about this concept often. She often mentions instances where she’s gone out of her way to be of service to people she admires…and just by the act of doing good…the universe showers her with things she’s been hoping for. She reminds us that you may not see an immediate result, but if you change the way you think about “being of service” BIG things change for us. You start to manifest everything you ever dreamed of…one at a time.
I know I’m rambling a bit here, but basically the question is “How can I make your life easier…??” When you ask this question to those you work with, those you hope to work with, family and friends, what happens?
You can download Gabrielle Bernstein’s Service Meditation here where she starts of the meditation with an excerpt from The Prayer of Saint Francis.
In the spirit of the holidays and giving, I’m just curious to hear about how this concept has worked for you. Have you tried it and seen great results?
(photo for Clementine Daily)