Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

the new catch all

While I was home over Memorial day break, my aunt dropped off an old collapsable wire “hamper/cart thingy” that she thought would be a perfect item for my shop. I considered the idea for a split second and then realized I needed to keep this item for my own personal collection. I try not to do this a whole lot, but I knew I’d regret selling it. It’s super unique and could be used for almost anything. I decided that I’d try to keep all our spare blankets a bit more organized. It’s just what we needed.

It’s silver, it’s industrial, it’s collapsable, it has wheels, it’s funky, it’s vintage and it’s just plain awesome. Have you guys received an item recently that is just darn perfect??

friday finds & favorites (design edition)

Internet greatness is happening below! Some of the best design links I’ve seen recently.

[vimeo 24927348 w=515&h=290]
Another great process video by Product by Process. Watch Helen Rodel’s process of creating beautiful fashion pieces with yarn, thread and a crochet hook.

[vimeo 24686042 w=515&h=290]
If I had an iPad, I’d have this stylus. Feels like an old school marker pen and would be perfect for notetaking, sketching, or just scribbling

[vimeo 19723635 w=515&h=290]
A beautiful, yet super simple way to bring a brand’s identity to life.

1. These brass “paper clip” numbers by Baum-Kuchen are gorgeous and I could see them being highly useful. You can pre order a set (numbers 1-12) now.

2. Orla Kiely has a radio!! Whaaaa….. The PURE Evoke Mio DAB radio has been skinned with Orla Kiely’s signature pattern. I’m in love!

3. I could spend hours perusing the archives of  We Love Typography–  an image bookmarking site that is wholly dedicated to type related content. If you love typography and think Pinterest is addicting, stop by and check it out!

4. I have an online store crush and his name is SURPLUS. OMG this site is amazing designed and you can make a seamless purchase without interrupting the browsing experience.

5. The website Dear Photograph, brings vintage photographs to live by returning to the original site the photo was taken and comparing. What a unique was to show off old photos!

6. Originally tweeted by Kirstin of Simply Grove, the Color-Collective blog helps you put together color combinations that are simply perfection. A great place to visual inspiration.

7. Alright…I know you all want your cities to have one of these. Check out this Kickstarter project where three guys are trying to build a pool in a river. Neato! (don’t forget to watch the video!)

8. Wrap Magazine is a graphic design magazine that is BEAUTIFULLY put together. Check out the first 2 issues.

9. Day in and day out I’m placed in front of brand’s style guides. I feel in love with Polaroid’s rebranding project and style guide. (See video above)

the collected & reused (week2)

On thrift days, I usually I wake up early. I then patiently wait for the boy to wake up. Alright, I impatiently wait for the boy to wake up. He’s been tagging along with me from day one, so it’s only appropriate that he shares a story with you guys. This kid cracks me up. Enjoy!

Thrifting with Cass can be a lot of fun. It can also be a lot of work mixed with awkward pauses and stares. I’ll tell you what it’s like to have an insider’s perspective when she’s on an antique murdering spree. BADTATAT (machine gun mouth noise)!

Over the last couple months she’s turned the thrifting knob to level 12 and I’ve been right there to experience the highs and lows.  I think the difference between her and I, during the antique stalk, would be the mindset.  She’s on her, “I have to get this online store of mine stocked so I can take down the world,” mindset. I’m on my, “Oh, look at that little pony. What if I put it on top of this Mickey Mouse bobble head so it looks like they’re having sex, then I’ll show Cassie,” mindset. Don’t get me wrong, she loves to have fun when we’re out there, we just have slightly different end goals when things start.

A lot of times I’ll be collecting a nice range of items in my arms and find her at the other end of the store, obviously excited to show her my haul, only to have it stunted by her having mixed feelings about it all. Other times, I show her something and she practically tackles me she’s so excited. It’s fun shopping with her because she’s not afraid to tell me when something’s just plain stupid. I have a lot of respect for people who can speak their mind, and she speaks up frequently.

Sometimes, we will play little games too, without really realizing we’re playing a game. For example, sometimes we pretend we’re in our own little movie. I’ll take on a persona, like an overly hyped 13-year-old girl with an infatuation with clowns (for example) and she’ll counter all of my remarks with equally stupid retorts. This can last hours and usually carries on through multiple locations. We’ll, of course, come out of character, but when we go back, the other is right there to play along. In order to increase your bonding experience with your children, you can try incorporating toys like the best wooden playhouse for kids.

Overall, I get a lot of joy thrifting with Cass. To be honest, I wouldn’t be doing it if she wasn’t with me, but the company we give each other makes up for any disagreement I might of had. She also puts up with all my fart jokes…    – Jake

This item, among many more will be featured in the shop. Launch is coming soon, working out a few kinks before pushing it live.

trunk furniture = perfection

As you can see from the first image, I’m giving this company the “love this” stamp of approval. Yummy right? Too bad the company is based over seas and the entire website is in Japanese. Love the beauty and simplicity. Clean lines, comfy textures, amazing colors. Check out their shop here!

the thrifted wardrobe: guest post with Steffy

Today’s I’m lucky enough to have  guest post with Steffy of Steffy’s Pros and Cons.Her blog is becoming my favorite go to source for thrifted/vintage wardrobe inspiration. Adding thrifted items into your wardrobe can be tricky at times, but if you take Steffy’s approach of anything goes, you’ll be just fine. Stefanie has provided a few images for inspiration as well as a tips for styling. Hope you enjoy her style as much as I do. Welcome Steffy!! ♥

Hey cuties! My name is Steffy and I run the blog Steffys Pros and Cons. I am so excited to be here on The Veda House, and thank you so much Cassie for featuring me! I am going to share with you a few summer outfits that are fully thrifted to give you some ideas when you find yourself in a thrift store completely lost (it happens, don’t fret!)

(vintage pleated dress, vintage bag, thrifted sandals)

OUTFIT 1: This dress was one of my luckiest finds. If you find a dress that also looks great with a cropped top over it (like this one).. which usually works with most pleated dresses… BUY IT. This dress can be worn as a dress or as a skirt, and that is awesome!

(vintage hat, vintage polka dot dress, vintage bag, vintage heels)

OUTFIT 2: Anytime I am thrifting, I always am on the lookout for retro looking patterns that pop out at me. That is exactly how I stumbled upon this beautiful polka dotted dress! The hat is also vintage… if by chance you find a cheery item you can wear with many different outfits, never pass it up!

(thrifted striped tee, vintage plaid skirt, vintage bag, vintage loafers)

OUTFIT 3: This outfit is mostly thrifted. I decided to be bold and pair stripes with plaid, as well as bright colors with other bright colors! When you are in the thrift store, be brave! What is the fun in thrifting if you aren’t going to leave with one-of-a-kind, vibrant and unique items?

I hope I could teach you a thing or two about vintage/thrifted clothing, and how to pick it out! Make sure you hope on over to MY STORE- tea and tulips, because most of these items are for sale in my store!

xoxo steffy

Thanks Steffy! We really appreciate you sharing a little bit of your thrifting knowledge with us. Let’s be brave people, and pair stripes with plaid!



saturday convos & antique runs

Today around 1:30, the boy and I sat ourselves down at a neighborhood pub to enjoy a nice lunch. I mentioned something like “to bang, or not to bang”, meaning should I cut bangs in my hair or not, and the rest of the conversation went down hill from there. It’s interesting how a lunch date conversation can turn from ordinarily pleasant to dirty in less than 10 seconds with the mention of a hairstyle. I think the rest the rest of the conversation included mentions of boners, ninja’s and gang signs. Guys… the things they find entertaining.

We spent the afternoon strolling one of our favorite St. Louis neighborhoods and antique stores.

I wanted to thank everyone who commented and helped me through my recent really rough day. Having a blogging community as supportive as you guys is truly a gift. Thanks to all of you!



Dear week,
You were mean and ugly. I hope to never see your face again. Please and thank you. I’m determined to make this coming week amazing!

1^ Today is grocery day. Yuck. At least I get to stock pile my fridge with a bunch a fruit.
2^ We finished Shameless and now we are looking for our next TV series. Seems like we’ve seen them all, so it’s going to be a challenge to come up with something. Any suggestions?
3^ I’ve been craving ice cream like crazy. This could be bad news on my wallet and mid section.
4^ 2 more weeks until I turn 25. I keep thinking there is something I need to mark of my list for year 24. hmmm what could it be.
5^ The boy and I are planning a little vacation out to Portland sometime in July. Let the travel planning begin. Any must see things?

Goal for this week:
I’m going to do my best to workout/ do physical activity every day this week. I also need to drink a lot more water than I have been. We’ll see how this goes.


Today, I was completely exposed.

Photo via Julia

Today was rough, horrible, completely memorable in a not so great way. Today was one of those days where you are the fly and life is the car windshield; ugly, graphic and hard to clear away. I do have to admit that all the blame shouldn’t be placed on this single glorious day, but on all the recent days leading up to it.

Today’s awful, not so great day was a culmination of all of life’s recent pressures, coming together at a peak and them completely blowing up in my face. Today was the day that I needed a pair of boxing gloves just to make it through the work day and a day when I didn’t have enough energy to fight. Today was the day that the pressure of opening my online shop by the end of June became to much, and things needed to be reassessed. Today was the day that I was temporarily convinced I shouldn’t be a blogger because I’m boring, the stuff I write about is bland, I don’t have a “voice” and the content I put out there is just plain shit. Today was also the day that my to-do list exceeded what was physically possible to achieve, not today…maybe not in this lifetime. Last but not least, today was the day the laundry piled way too high, the living room rug became an award-winning collector of dog fur, the refrigerator became completely empty, and I still haven’t had a chance to get my butt to a salon an get my hair dyed. Yeah…that was today.

I’m feeling completely defeated and living on the edge of insanity is just not my cup of tea. I need to take a BIG deep yoga breath (maybe 5,000 would be good), take a little time for me, and come up with a game plan to make life a little more manageable. I’m not one to let life defeat me and when it makes a really great attempt, I make lists. Lots and lots of lists. (predictable) I brainstormed in a hot bath tub filled with aloe bubbles until my toes were embarrassingly wrinkly. Of course I cried…a lot, and I whined that there would never be a solution. After coming back down to reality I think I managed to come up with a 6-step plan. (or at least a start of something solid)

Step one is to eat something. Stat. Step two is to make lists (DUH) of things that are absolutely crucial. I’m talking about “What’s absolutely necessary to get done in the next 30 min?”, and work from there. Small baby steps are the way to go. Step three is to reach out to the people I’m closest to and bloggers who I value their opinions, and see if they have any insights about some of the things I’m struggling with. My hope is to gain perspective from doing this. Step four is to come up with a blogging schedule that will give me something to plan my weekly posts against. More structure and less flying by the seat of my pants kind of thing.  Step five is to extend my shop launch deadline to be less concrete. Instead of it opening at the end of June, it will be opening “this summer”.  This allows me to produce a product that I’m 100% invested in and completely passionate about. I’ll also be removing the lookbook from my immediate tasks to accomplish. The lookbook is a want and not a need at this point. Step six is one of the most important. It’s time to get inspired again. I’m talking uber inspired.

So that’s the plan, the immediate plan. Things may be adjusted as I work things out, but right now things are feeling a bit more manageable. By the end of this month, when I reach the beginning of my 25th year, I’ll be ready to take on anything that comes flying my way. Bring it on. Bring it on.

Post referring to Thursday, June 9th

friday finds & favorites (blogging edition)

This week there has been some AMAZING things going on in blog land and I am excited to share with you some of my favorite links this week. I love being able to give bloggers the recognition for publishing something truly inspiring.

[vimeo 23965123 w=515&h=290]
I love the Behance Network and this video about putting your ideas into action provides some useful tips on productivities (I’m definitely getting myself an egg timer)

1. Did you happen to read Kyla Roma’s guest post over on My Girl Thursday blog? It’s all about blogging with a focus on PASSION and it has some great little insights. Go read it for sure!

2. One of my new favorite blogs to read comes from Emily Henderson of HGTV’s Secrets From A Stylist. She does some great show recaps and guess what…you can watch all of this season episodes here–>

3. In the mood for a really great DIY project? I know this particular project has been on my list for some time now- Hand Printed Fabric Gift Wrap…omg. Casey ( My Life As a Sugar Lander) guest posts over on Unruly Things and it’s greatness.

4.One of my absolute favorite bloggers, Danielle of Sometimes Sweet has started a new adventure of writing on the site Hello Giggles. She talks all about mommy hood in a unique and witty way. Check out her posts every Wednesday!

5. This kitchen renovation featured on MINT design blog is gorgeous. Shows how just a little paint can make all the difference. Reno on a budget!

6. I’m in love with this heart felt post by Sidney of The Daybook. The post is a sweet note to her husband who is apparently rocking the “husband card” these days.

7. A Creative People interview with Gemma Correll. on Oana Befort’s Blog. Her illustrations are so whimsy, they make me smile.

8. Isn’t Katie just the most adorable mom out there. This Weakly Wears outfit is perfect for an on the go mama and love the node to vintage going on.

9 Some #FF on the blog today because I can never seem to mention everyone on twitter in 140 characters. These girls are (somewhat new to me)must reads. I need to add them to my daily reads list on this blog.
1.  Love Life
2.  Aura Joon
3. Door Sixteen
4.  Scantingly Brilliant
5.  Strawberry Moth
6. Sweet Fine Day
7.  The Hummingbird Girls
8.  The Velvet Bird
9.  Three For The Road
10.  Whole Family Fare

I hope everyone has plans to sit back and enjoy this pre-summer weekend. It’s been really hot over here in St. Louis, so we plan on laying low and catching up on things.

