Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

the collected & reused (week 1)

I’m starting a new feature over here on Thursdays that I’m really excited about. One of my favorite aspects of hunting down previously-loved treasures is the research that goes into each item once it makes it into my home. They all have unique and interesting stories. This new feature titled, The Collected & Reused will feature one item from my online market each week. Each week may be slightly different, but I’ll provide little stories to go along with the item. Some weeks may be more informational as I will provide information about the item; where I found it, what it’s original purpose was, what it’s worth, and even what you can do to repurpose it. Think of it as an online Antique Roadshow broadcasting live from my loft. It’s going to be fun. I promise.

This week’s story comes from my Dad, partner in crime, and old junk lover. He’s been helping me track down product for the market203 launch, so he has some stories to share about the experience. Hopefully I can get him to share more stories during this series.

On the hunt again! Over the last year I have been pounding the pavement looking for the best deals! When my daughter, Cassie told be that she was going to open up an online shop, it sounded cool, then only to find out that she was going to sell vintage goods, I was in heaven. I have a love and knack for finding old treasures….

Hunting down products from the past can be a blast. You have to search all estate sales, antique malls and flea markets just to name a few. This is where you’ll find the deals and you have to look all over the country to be really successful.

Let me tell you about a story, my lucky day!

I got back from a business trip and decided it was time to investigate the “Garage Sale” scene. In my mind this just didn’t seem like a FUN day, sifting thru the mounds of clothes, books, old shoes, etc, all typical of what you will find in the neighborhood.

It was time to figure out where all the good stuff was, so I went and got our local newspaper. In my city they have a 3 page spread just devoted to Garage Sales! The newspaper displays a color coded map to help guide you to all the sales.

Now, how do you know where to start? Good question. “Close your eyes and point” was my method! I identified 10 stops I wanted to try, got out the GPS, loaded in every stop, and was ready to go! Woke up early the next morning, and the wife and I started out on the journey…

The first stop was out in the country, so to speak. We pulled up the stone driveway and saw nothing, no sign of any Garage Sale, no cars no people, no life! We kept driving down the lane and saw 3 chicken coops, a pole barn, but still no signs of life. Oh well I thought, lets go on to the next one…

Just as we were about to leave, I saw movement to my right. We looked over to see a women exiting one of the chicken coops. I rolled down the window and asked, “Is there a sale going on?” She answered, “yes, come on in, help your self!”

We thought, ok we came this far, lets have a quick look. My wife and I jumped out of the car, opened the chicken coop door, and WHOLLY MOSES, god’s gift landed in out lap. It turns out this lady along with a close friend have been collecting antiques, and OLD/vintage containers for several years. Her husband got sick so they closed down their antique store, and redecorated this chicken coop to the hilt. All I could say was AWSOME! The way they had everything displayed was inspiring. I thought to myself, “this is what it’s all about.” The bonus was that they sold me everything at cost, so I bought everything I could, and blew off the rest of the day. I guess the Garage Sales were not meant to be!

This item will be listed in the market203 the last week of June amongst a gazillion more items.

it was a good time

Over Memorial Day weekend I traveled home to spend some much needed time with family members on both mine and Jake’s side. It was a jam packed weekend spent with lots of visiting and lots of catching up. All that visiting can be exhausting, but it is always nice to know everyone is doing well. Here’s some unseen moments from the trip.

definition of a perfect day: farmer's market


This farmers market is amazing and open all year long. The fruit/veggie stands are covered with an overhang so you can even go on a rainy day. The boy and I bought some stuff to make a healthy lunch- pineapple, stuff to make a salad, grapes and a cucumber. I love how you can walk out of there only spending a couple dollars and you know you’ve spent your money well. As we were walking out the boy asked me if I’d like to pick out some flowers to take home. Of course I did, so we went all the way back through the market to find the perfect bouquet.

Once home we washed and chopped all of our fresh produce and put the gorgeous wild flower type flowers into a vase. We made lunch and then plopped ourselves in front of the television for the next couple hours watching Shameless on Showtime. After a few episodes I read a few chapters of my current book and took a solid 2-hour nap. Pefection.

Once we were rested after our afternoon nap it was getting late in the day. Our neighborhood also had it’s first “concert in the park” that night, so we thought we’d take the pup on a walk and enjoys some tunes from a local band. We walked slowly taking in the steamy hot evening, listening to the end of the concert and letting the pup smell anything and everything on our way home. The rest of the night was filled with more and more Shameless. The end.


definition of a perfect day: the antique fair

Just warning you, this is a lengthy one. Perfect days call for long 2-day documentation. (See tomorrow’s post for second half of the day)

Woke up bright and early on a Saturday, which is pretty rare. I must have been excited about what we had planned for the day. Promptly at 10:00 I woke the boy up to get ready to go to our neighborhood’s 42th annual home and garden tour /”Antique Fair” being held in our neighborhood square. Several booths were calling my name and I was anxious to get out there before everyone else, hoping to find a treasure. It was steamy hot, even at 10am in the morning, but the boy and I parked the car and started to peruse the square. Lots of great booths, lots of great items, but unfortunately everything was over priced. (why didn’t I buy one of those plastic mouse figures above…I’m hating myself for passing one of those up) I’ve learned to not be disappointed if I don’t find something worth while, so we got back in the car and drove to the farmers market in the next neighborhood over.   TO BE CONTINUED…..(tomorrow)




Wanted to get my readers opinion. First, what kind of blog post do you like to read on a Sunday? Do you like my Sunday Portrait series, or would you rather see something different. Let me know…

1^ There is really nothing better than a 4 day week and getting to leave 1.5 hours early from work on Friday afternoon. Perfect.
2^ I was determined to start some sort of workout routine this week. On thursday I went to a yoga class over lunch and the gym at night. Saturday was Power90. I think that’s a good start.
3^ I’m in photo editing mode for market203. It’s kinda like robot mode and kinda like zombie mode.
4^ I’ve been doing a lot o reflecting on what I’ve accomplished in my 24th year. I’ll share later. It’s a pretty useful tool to put things in perspective.
5^ Started watching Shameless, a TV series on Showtime. We’re addicted and almost done with all the episodes in on weekend. True dedication or couch potato?

Hope everyone had a great week. Anyone looking forward to this coming week for some particular reason??

the mint green typewriter

Oh golly am I excited to share with you the most recent gift from my parents, a mint green typewriter. Typewriters seem to be one of those items in an antique/thrift store that stop me in my tracks. Its impossibly hard to obey the “DO NOT TOUCH” signs posted on the historic beauties and have always wanted one to call my own. There have been many opportunities to buy one, but knowing that they are somewhat large, take up lots of shelf space, and are uber heavy…I needed to find one that fit perfectly within my decor. Over the years I haven’t been able to locate the perfect one at a perfect price.

Leave it to my dad to scope one out quickly. I got a text message one afternoon saying I bought this for you and there he was, the mint green beauty. It would be a perfect addition to my vintage collection of goodies. The only downside was that my dad had it with him back in Indiana, and I was in St.Louis. I waited and wait, and then this past holiday weekend we were united! If they weren’t so big, bulky and heavy, I’d own a gazillion of them.

friday finds & favorites

Another week has flown by and thank golly tomorrow is the weekend already. I love shorten weeks! I hope you all enjoyed your holiday weekend last week and short weeks this week. I’ll leave you with some links to peruse over your morning tea. Enjoy!

[vimeo 24336093 w=515&h=290]
Just discovered these guys and I must say, I’m likin’ it.

[vimeo 23848041 w=515&h=290]
I watched all 7 minutes of this in awe. It’s beautiful and I loved seeing the process.

1. This home goods website and shop is just gorgeous. The photography and product styling is amazing. Plus, they have beautiful products. (
2. A really neat infographic on “How to make a website”.
3. Thinking about buying a pair of Highwood clogs from Lotta From Stockholm. Love them!
4. A peak into the branding of my Advertising Agency’s parent company McCann Worldgroup.  (Watch the neat video)
5. Did you happen to see that St. Vincent will be releasing a new album on September 13, called Strange Mercy. I’m pretty excited about it and love the mix of vintage keyboards, horns, violins, and wood chimes she uses to create her music.
6. Have you seen Elsie & Jeremy’s wedding video? Looks like such a good time. Check out her blog.
7. I’ve made these DIY garden markers before out of mint green clay. I think I want to make them again now that I have letters to stamp them with. Give it a try!
8. I’m in love with this Anthropologie kid’s “tea and crumpets” apron. I’m pretty sure it would fit me.
9. I’m beyond in love with this little nook. It’s perfect. I MUST track down the big number calendar. Let me know if you know where I can get one. I saw it originally on this amazing Pinterest board.
10.  I’m making these s’more cookies STAT! Perfect weekend snack.

Let me know how your weekend goes.

sneak peek into the market203 shoot

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, my weekend was spent at my parent house back in Indiana. My Dad and I spent the majority of the weekend tag teaming product photography for my online shop, market203. I’d shoot all the image and he’d help me weigh all the product and jot down their dimensions for shipping purposes. We got a system going and even though it took a large amount of time to complete, I’m thrilled with the outcome. I also got to spend some quality time with my dad and bond over a project that gets us both excited.

10 Things I learned about shooting product:
1. A tripod might not be the best idea. I ended up moving around a lot and shooting things at different angles. A tripod would of been a hassle.
2. No matter how hard you try to keep your natural lighting consistent throughout the shoot, it will ALWAYS be changing. I had to constantly readjust my camera’s setting to accommodate the different lighting throughout the day.
3. Carting product up and down stairs is a big pain. I’d try to have all stored product and the place you are shooting on the same floor.
4. Take more breaks than I did. At the end of the whole shabang my arms and shoulders were so sore. I know that sounds wimpy, but holding a camera up in portrait position for a weekend is tough!
5. Come up with a VERY organized inventory list that can easily be updated. We had to reference our inventory list several times and anytime something was out of place, we were scrambling to find things.
6. Gather up a bunch of optional props that have a variety of colors in them. Make sure these props stand out from the color of the surface you are shooting on.
7. For consistency sake, shoot all products in one orientation. Choose either portrait or landscape from the beginning and stick with it.
8.  Know your products well. If there is a special detail on the product that makes your product unique or more valuable, make sure you get a photo of it!
9. Wash hands often. This not only keeps your products photo ready and your camera clean, but it also helps prevent a sneeze attack. Working with old/dusty product can be harsh on the nose and eyes.
10. Lastly. After shooting an item, make sure the item is stored in a place where it can be easily accessed in the future. I’d hate to have to unbury a product at the bottom of the stack if that item sells first.

Some of these things may be no brainers, but since this was my first solo product photoshoot, I learned a lot, FAST. Let me know if you have any questions about the process.

it was a lake day

Hello Everyone! I’m back!
This past weekend the boy and I traveled back “home” to Indiana to spend the holiday weekend with family that we haven’t seen in 6 months. It was really nice to be home and to catch up with all our family members. I spent the majority of my weekend “working” (photographing product for market203), but I’ll blog about that tomorrow.

Today I thought I’d share some snapshots from our lake house. We spent the entire day on Sunday soaking up some much needed sun, cruising on the speedboat, visiting with extended family, watching the pup play in the freezing cold water, and even hunker down for a strong afternoon storm.

There isn’t a single thing that I dislike about the lake. My grandparents have lived in the lake cottage ever since I was born, and it’s a place where I used to spend all the warm sunny summer days of my childhood. A lot of my favorite memories come from being up there and being around all the family that tends to gather.

It’s always hard to leave at the end of the day, especially when the date of the next time I’ll be visiting is unknown. Let’s just hope it’s sometime soon!

mary poppins style suitcase

That’s really the only way to describe the gift I received in the mail from the sweets girls over at School of Vintage. On Tuesday afternoon our delivery lady at work plopped off a decent size box at my desk and I had no idea what the contents inside could be. I usually have a pretty good idea of things I’ve ordered, but this time I was stumped. I opened the box with lightning speed and inside I found a avocado green suitcase with silver closures. OHHH myyy!!! An avocado green suitcse!!!

I was in heaven, but still had no idea where this beauty came from. I had not ordered a suitcase, so I instantly new it had to be a gift. I opened the suitcase to find it loaded, I’m talking LOADED, with vintage home goods and a sweet card sitting on top. I opened it up, read it, then jumped up and down when I saw that this gift came from the girls at School of Vintage.

They had sent me this package as a thank you for my recent company rebranding work I did for them. I took on their rebranding project because I was really excited about what we could achieve, but never did I assume there would be payment associated with it. These girls blew me away with their gratitude for the work and their extremely generous gift they sent me as a thank you.

I know you’re all curious what was inside, so I’ll share. Inside the suitcase was a deer figurine planter, a green and white mid-century water pitcher, a yellow kitchen apron, a set of vintage pattern napkins, a candle holder, a milk glass bread pan, and a green and white pyrex casserole dish. OMG right???!!! That’s what I call Christmas in May.

Thank you sweet ladies!
