Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

dear pen pals, I love you!

*note: I do not have a sister, just a best friend that I’ve known since 2nd grade.

It’s been a while since I’ve talked about my pen pals. I don’t have a bunch of them, but the ones I do I have are near and dear to my heart. I try to send little gifts and notes every couple weeks (by snail mail of course) to shorten the distance between us. One of my 2011 goals was to stay better connected to my long distance friends, and so far so good.

If you are interested in jumping on the pen pal list, please let me know. I’d love to send you little goodies here and there, even if it’s notes like back in grade school. I’d also be interested in doing magazine swaps with those of you in the US. If interested, leave a little note in the comment section and we can coordinate the details. *types of magazines to swap: fashion, design & photography

The Veda House
1119 Mississippi Ave, #203
St. Louis, MO 63104


don't call me a hoarder please

I’m not really a true hoarder, in that I don’t keep trash and I don’t keep stacks of old newspapers, but I do collect little pocket-sized treasures that are probably only “cool” and important to me. If I catch anyone trying to throw them out, you’re life will be over…just kidding.

I stumbled upon miss Quiet Violet’s post about her little treasures and found it really fun. Here’s some of my little treasures and don’t forget to stop over at her blog!

The Eiffel Tower Notebook: this keeps a very in depth documentation of our two week back packing trip though France and Italy a couple summers ago. I wrote about everything we did and now I can relive every moment.

Photobooth photo of my mom: this is a series of photos of my mom and her friend back in her school aged days. I love how goofy she’s being. ( my mom’s on the right )

Photo of my grandfather: I believe the story is told that he bought this car down in one of the southern states and was traveling back up north to pick up my grandmother. Prince Charming.

Strength stone: this metal stone was given to me by my aunt in one of my first years of college. I remember getting it in a time when being strong was the perfect message.

Paper Crane: I keep this crane in my house, but he’s always changing locations. I adore paper cranes and they remind me of a dear friend from college. We’d make cranes every second of downtown we had, usually out of the university newspaper (suduko section)

Cup for tea: The boy picked this set out for me at a local thrift store the first summer we were in St. Louis. We didn’t have a lot of kitchen stuff with us at the time and I was desperate for ‘chai drinking’ cups. They are the perfect size!

Fabric swatch: This is the fabric swatch of my first couch. This was my first ‘real’ piece of furniture and a graduation gift from my parents.

Buttons: The whitespace button reminds me of my years in art school during college. The gymnastics button is a symbol of the 19 years of gymnastics.

I could of pictured a bunch of things, but then you’d call me a hoarder. haha.

Do you collect things? Have little treasures packed with memories?

through the Pine-sol® forest

*All photos taken with Canon Rebel T2i, 50mm 1.4 lens

Practice makes perfect, right? I’ve been trying to get out each weekend and do little photo shoots with my new camera. It’s going to take some time for me to explore all the ins and outs of this fancy pants camera, but I’m really enjoying it so far. I’m definitely not a pro and could always use some tips/suggestions if you have any to share.

This past weekend, the boy, the pup and I went to our favorite park here in St. Louis to walk some of that puppy energy out of Porter James. He’s a wild child and I’m not even sure our 2-hour adventure pooped him out in any way. O’well.

The walk wasn’t overly exciting, no drama decided to come along. (Thank Golly) The sky was gray and the wind was blowing. The ground was wet and muddy, but you could see little signs of spring trying to poke their heads out. The pine tree forests smelled like Pine-Sol®, the pup was oddly scared of rocks, and clouds hovered above.

Spring, we’re waiting for you!


closet inventory, aka mission blackhole

I got bit by the spring cleaning bug and felt the need to empty out every single item in my closet, throw stuff around the room, organize into keep/donate piles, and then put everything back in the closet. I took inventory of everything I had, starting with laying all my shoes out in a pretty lineup, then moved onto bags, etc. The pictures attached to this post are mostly after all the ‘controlled chaos’ happened because most of the before images are quite frightening. haha

I’m pleased to say that I ended this little adventure with a pretty good size donate pile. I really should try to sell some of my clothes online or something, but that seems like a hassle at the moment. I’ll save some things for my younger cousin who is about my size, take some things to the gals at work and take the rest to local goodwill or thrift store. Feels good!

*There was a bigger mess and many more donations that what is pictured above.

Things I’ve discovered from taking inventory. (all bad discoveries for my wallet)
1. I need to step outside of my flat shoe comfort zone and get a little more adventurous in that department.
2. I need a stripped t-shirt or something else stripped. I have one thing in my closet with stripes, yet I LOVE stripes
3. Could always use more dresses!
4. Need to also step outside of my skinny jean comfort zone. How about high-waisted or wide leg jeans for once??
5. HATS! I feel stupid saying this, but I own ZERO hats! ( I have a child size head that makes hats hard to find.

Curious about something not shown, like where I keep all my belts or how I store my pants?? I took more pictures, but didn’t post them all. Just let me know.


So I’m trying something new over here on Sundays. I fell in love with LLYMRLS Sunday Portrait feature that includes a self portrait of some sort and a little recap about what’s been going on lately. Sundays are usually my ‘domestic diva’ kind of days, with no time for in depth blogging sessions. I’ve been searching for the perfect weekly post theme and I think this is it. I want to give adorable Lily 100% of the credit for this new adventure and I hope you guys like it.

1^ I unsuccessfully OMBRE’d my hair. I wanted it to be subtle, but not as subtle as it actually is. I was a chicken and didn’t leave the bleach in long enough for it to really do anything. Maybe I’ll try it again when I put on my big girl panties.
2^ Spring cleaning has officially started in The Veda House loft. Closets were completely emptied and reorganized with a large donate pile to prove I actually got rid of some stuff. (blog post coming tomorrow)
3^ My job is currently sucking the life out of me. I’m hoping there is some light at the end of the tunnel or at least some warmer weather. Something.
4^ I’m loving my new camera and lens purchase. It’s so much fun when your camera actually takes the picture like you want it to. Of course, I’m still learning and could always use helpful hints.
5^ The boy and I are watching Mad Men on a daily basis and have made it to season 3. I love this TV series so much it makes me think I should of been born in a different era.
6^ I love this sweatshirt!

Happy Sunday!

capes & platforms

This is my very first “What I Wore” post and being in front of the camera is something I just DON’T do. But, I’m in love with this cape, so I tried to be brave so I could show it to you. The cape was bought from TwitchVintage shop on Ebay. Robyn updates her vintage clothing shop every Thursday night with amazing stuff, and once I saw the cape, I bidding on it like a hawk and WON! ( cost me $10 baby! ).

I’ve never worn a cape before, nor do I know how to wear a cape, so It’s been sitting in my closet for some time now. So here’s the cape…worn with jeans and my new platform shoes. Capes are cozy and kinda like blankets, so they are pretty much perfection.

*Photos taken with Canon Rebel T2i, 50mm 1.4 lens

Cape: TwitchVintage Ebay Shop
Jeans: Gap (pretty much the only brand I can find to fit)
Shoes: Platform sandals from Target

friday finds & favorites

*This picture was taken last summer in one of our favorite St. Louis parks. Porter James was only 4 months old!

I feel like I recap each week by saying, “wow, this week was incredibly busy!” I’ve been in never ending marathon FOREVER and not sure I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel yet. I’ve spent the last couple days really thinking about warmer days and how the sun and heat just makes everything THAT much better. Come on spring!!!!

The boy and I randomly decided today that we need a vacation, so the planning begins. Where to go?? We both would like to go somewhere in the western part of the United States, since this is an area that we both haven’t spent too much time at. I would love to go someplace that is warmer than here, so a Southwester vacation is sounding kinda nice. I’m taking suggestions! Send them my way.

I’m going to go finish up a bunch of stuff at the agency today and hopefully I won’t have to work over the weekend. My closet desperately needs some spring cleaning, so that’s on my to-do list this weekend. I’ll leave you with some link love.

I feel like I always stumble on the greatest things during the week, but don’t have the time to actually sit down and look over everything! Hope you can start your weekend off right with these goodies and a little “You” time. I tried to gather all my links that were either creative or artsy and compile them into one list. So wa la…here’s the list. ( Quilting, printmaking, gift wrapping, typography, online art communities, and more! )

1. I’m absolutely in love with this DIY quilting project on the Katie Did blog. I’ll put this on my list of things to make. Seems simple enough!
2.  These pillows ! OMG cute.
3. This book, The Print Making Bible. Who doesn’t need this? $50 from Chronical Books!
4. Free downloadable photo frames for your blog!
5. This Emigre wrapping paper for $12. (so unique!)
6. This online art community called Eat Sleep Draw & this online photography community.
7. The behind the scenes sketches of how Acorde, a typeface was created. Super neato.
8. This letterpress print, titled “Office” by Eight Hour Day.
9. Reupholstering furniture -> this great before and after heart chair on Design Sponge.
10.  This video.

trip to mini cinema

Busy day over here, so it’s MOVIE DAY! I don’t know about you, but I love little animated short films. I’ve posted two of my top favorites today, so grab some snacks and spend the next 10ish minutes to relax. If one of your 2011 goals is to take more time for yourself, here’s the perfect opportunity.

* Alma just happens to be my grandmother’s name, so I’d like to think this is my “Nanny” when she was a wee thing.

* pure greatness from Pixar!

* I’m in love with paper cranes and this little short is filllllllled with them.

—click on the video to see more information about who made them and how they were made—

It’s been really busy over here. I’ve been working my buttutti off at the agency and with freelance and blogging. It all has paid off with a really nice paycheck and a promotion at work. Go me!

Do you have a favorite children’s movie or animated short?

what lula chose for spring!

Oh Lula! You crack me up on a daily basis and I just love ya. Lula’s blog Lulapalooza is about life’s nonsense, art, style, and a little bit of everything else. She’s able to capture the personality of her life with snapshots of this and that. I’m always amused. I also envy the fact that she lives in DC and is constantly surrounded by greatness.

What better way to introduce you guys to Lula than to show you what she is dying to wear for the first day of spring.  Her and I have partnered up to show you our Spring Essentials. I know you’re curious, so let’s chit chat and “window shop”. I’m over at Lulapalooza today and she’s here. Dontcha love it. Blog Love!

Let’s get to know this chica just a smidge more…

What’s the day in the life of Lula like?
My days are pretty boring, nothing really exciting happenin’! I wish I could entertain you and say {with a pretencious hairflip and roll of the eyes}: “yes, dah-lings, I do stunts for a living. ‘Why’, you ask? Let’s just say I don’t mind being paid to have adrenaline rushes. -Oh, you wanna know about the time I had to jump off the Brooklyn bridge in a gorilla suit for King Kong 3? Okay fine, I’ll tell you –” BUT unfortunately that wouldn’t be true now would it? I made all that up, in case you hadn’t noticed.

So, a day in my life would kind of look like this: I have the world’s best schedule so I never have to wake up at 8 (jealous much?) and all my classes are during the afternoon. It’s pure bliss because I like to stay up late, for some reason I get more stuff done at night! When I get home for school I’m in shark mode and I go straight to my computer to read blogs and to play on Photoshop. My latest addiction. A word of advice: don’t buy Photoshop, if you’re like me, you will get sucked into the Photoshop vortex and you’ll waste countless hours of your life. Like The Sims. But then again, if you wanna be a graphic designer, this addiction could actually, potientally work for you! Apart from that, I study. Ocasionally. Oh wait, I can’t believe I forgot to mention Spot (my jack russell) in here! He’s my sunshine. Sunshine of the SPOTless mind, ha, get it? Like the movie? Whatevs. But yes, he’s my boy and every time I come home we do a little happy dance together, it’s realllllll cute. I’ll film him one day and share it with the world, if you want.

Are you curious to see what I’d wear for the first day of spring? Stop over to my dear friend’s blog and take a peek! (just click the image below to take you there)



just curious

I’ve been thinking that it might be nice to find out how people search through their blog rolls. I use Bloglovin’ and I love the look and simplicity of it.  If you could asker the question below and view the results it might give you insight into how to share your blog content better.

Remember: You can subscribe to my blog by scrolling down to the end of my side bar and subscribing with Feedburner, or you can click on the Bloglovin’ link in the sidebar to subscribe that way.

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If you chose “OTHER” could you please specify which service you use. Thanks dearies!

Happy blog sharing!
