Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

friday favorites: smoothies & link love

Yum yums.
I’ve been trying to eat a little healthier these past few weeks, but it’s a real challenge for a gal with a two-year-old food palette.  I kind of fell off the healthy eating kick when I had pizza for dinner wednesday night and only a smoothie for dinner last night. Oh well. They were both delicious! Simple smoothie recipe below. ( I cheated a little)

fresh strawberries & bananas (knife & cutting board)
spoon for stirring
french vanilla ice cream
cup to hold smoothie

Cut up some fresh strawberries & bananas and place in blender. Add about 1 cup milk and  a few spoonfuls of ice cream. Blend until mixed well. Add a few cubes of ice and blend until desired thickness. Pour smoothie into cup and throw in some more fresh strawberries.

I leave you with some links for the weekend. Enjoy!
1. Smallable– A French brand that has everything adorable for baby! Clothing, little toys, decor, etc.
2. Downloadable vintage textures for all your crafty designers out there!
3. A collection of Poster designs. All posters are 11X17 and are designed around the current social issues of today. Inspirational.
4. For all you Twilight fans out there. Here’s the first book of the series written from Edward’s perspective in PDF form. Draft by Stephanie Meyers.

5. My new found love for Port St. Willow thanks to Kelly Ann over at The Flowerchild Dwelling.

You can also stop over to Brooke’s Blog, Bright Wishes and participate in the Handwritten Blog post that she’s asked me to do. You’ll see my responses up soon.

thistle & weeds

I’ve been in a bit of a funk these past couple days and I think it has everything to do with the weather, but who knows. I know these kind of days come and go so there is really no need to dwell on them. I’ve been listening to a lot of Mumford & Sons recently and I’m starting to think this great band is contributing to the blaaa feelings. One of my favorite songs by them is titled Thistle and Weeds and for me it kind of exemplifies how I’ve been feeling. Not necessarily the lyrics, but the “feeling” of the song.

*click image to enlarge

freelance job: book cover design

This freelance project happens to be for some family members who have written a book together. The boy’s grandmother kept journals leading up to and after the death of her husband and now those journals have been turned into a book. The boy’s mother is a writer and has spent the last few years crafting this book into what it is today. Now, years later this story of grief is ready to be published and they’ve asked me to design the cover. I’m pretty excited about the whole deal, but the pressure is on to match the quality of the written material inside. I would suggest you to check oceannenvironment for guide on book cover design.

I’m on the hunt to be inspired, to find the perfect graphic treatment to bring this book to life. Let’s be honest…most people judge a book by it’s cover and in this case, that’s my cover design that is going to be judged.

Here’s a great resource for anyone else who may have a book cover design on their hands. The Book Cover Archive is lovely. I’ve pulled some covers from that site that I feel are particularly interesting and relatable to the current project I’m working on. I need something that is slightly vague but full of emotions. The first time I read the rough draft of the book I balled my eyes out in sections. The second time I read the revised rough draft, I did the same. I feel like I am getting to know my boyfriends family through this book and I am honored they want me to be a part of the process.

Here are some little nuggets of gold pulled from the book. The book is uniquely written from three peoples perspectives, the boy’s grandmother, mother and ill grandfather. It’s written in a way that brings his grandmother’s journal entries, his mother’s recollections, and his grandfather’s little love notes to life. I love it and can’t wait to see it published and shared with the world.

“I look for his obituary in the paper. How strange to see his life portrayed as a paragraph collection of facts. These vitals are as limiting as his body became. They don’t describe what a treasure he was. They don’t explain how special he was. I am thankful to have known him. I am thankful that I shared his life.”
Jan, November 2010 (excerpt from book)

” It catches m eye from across the room- a small picture with bright colors against a dark background. As I get closer, I see a clothesline strung between bandaged trees with men’s and women’s laundry being tossed chaotically by a frenzied wind. It is only because I stand staring for so long that I finally notice the words around the frame, written in a color that is barely perceptible: “An individual doesn’t get cancer, a family does.”
Cammie, Winter 2000 (excerpt from book)

call me the crazy bag lady

There’s girls out there who drool over shoes or sunglasses, but I’d take a bag over anything else ANYDAY! I usually gravitate towards large bags that I can carry my life around in. I’m not necessarily an impulsive bag shopper because I tend to shop around for awhile until I think I’ve found the perfect one. Can’t have any top flaps, must have short and long handles, must not have too many inside dividers, must have a couple inside side pockets, must be able to zip close, and must not have any gold on it. That little list right there was determined over years of choosing the wrong bag and lots of “I’ll never buy a bag that has _____ again” kind of talk.

I just bought a new DSLR camera this weekend and guess what, I betcha it will need a bag to be carried around in. (excuse to buy a new bag) This bag wouldn’t replace my current BCBG purse/bag because I’m still in love with it. I’m looking for something in addition to the daily purse. I’d love to find a bag similar to the Ecote Tooled bags in a thrift or vintage shop that would be big enough for my camera gear. I definitely need to add it to my thrift list.

Bags shown above:
1. Patricia Nash Tooled Buckle Crossbody Bag
2. Ecote Tooled Lady Bag
3. PAP Leather Tote Bag with Braided Handle
4. Ecote Crossbody Surplus Bag

What’s your favorite bag above? Think functional but also “pretty”.

photo journaling: a photo an hour

I’ve always loved looking through others’ blogs and finding the “photo an hour” posts. They have such great personality and show little snippets from the lives of bloggers we adore. Inspired by that, I decided to take a stab at this fun challenge myself. Although I didn’t manage to snap a picture exactly every hour, I think it captures what I did yesterday during my day off. If you’re into creative photography, you might enjoy exploring different tools online. For instance, I recently came across AI Nude Generator, which offers AI-generated images. It’s fascinating how technology can add a unique touch to creative projects. Enjoy the snapshots!

“Wake up” chai

Mid morning snack

lazy days = lazy kitty

a snapshot of quilting “hell”

catching up on blogging

taking the pup out for a walk

taco dinner. yummy cilantro!

Well, that was kind of fun. I’ll have to try that again when I’m having a more exciting day. I was playing with camera setting today and was please when I was able to take all of these photos in the manual setting. Go me!

catch up day

Warning: I’m a crabby lady is this post. It’s one of those days.

Today I took the day off to catch up on life. I have things haunting me and I’m in desperate need to mark some things off my to-do list. The morning started off right with e-mail catch up. I was able to empty my entire inbox, which is crazy considering how it looked last night. Instead of feeling extremely excited and accomplished, I’m feeling a bit off and I’m whinning.

I’ve spent the last couple hours curing at my fabric for my quilting adventure. I had a major scare this morning when I was taking my fabric out of the washing machine and the edges were a frayed mess. I panicked, looked to my sewing genius friend for advice and all was well. Silly me…all I had to do was trim off the frayed pieces…duh!

I then took on the daunting task of ironing all the pieces of fabric. I HATE ironing as much as I hate peas! I think it has to do with my perfectionist attitude and how I can never seem to get out all the wrinkles. Boo! So the fabric is finally ironed and it’s now hanging to keep the wrinkles from reoccurring. The stacks seem to be staring me down and telling me to get started on my quilting project,  but I’m terrified I’m going to ruin the fabric when I start cutting the pieces out. So today…I’ll just look at all the fabric hanging nicely.

I should be taking advantage of this free day I have created for myself, but all I want to do is curl up with a book/magazine and watch the hours of the day tick away. I’m in a Debbie Downer kind of mood and even though I’ve marked two things off my list, I’m not happy. I blame the weather for teasing me into the cheery spring mood and then magically disappearing and shoving winter right back into my face. Weather…I hate you!

What do you do to get through a shitty day?

hidden treasures

Over this past winter break I was able to travel home to visit family and make a trip up to the lake house where my grandparents live. My grandmother has a pretty impressive vinyl record collection that is now collecting dust in her basement. She told me that I should go down there, check it out and that I could have anything I wanted. I found gems down there people!! I’m talking classics, like Thriller!

I ended up keeping about 20 of her records and I love how they sound better because they were loved by my grandmother. She’s got good taste in music to this day and I think she loved sharing her love for vinyl with me over the holidays.

My love for vinyl is somewhat new, but growing by the day. Any time I’m at thrift/second hand store/antique store I keep my eye out for the oldies but goodies. It takes some time to sift through the stacks, but totally worth it when you come across a keeper!

I’m curious how everyone stores/organizes their record collections. Have you found an easy way to sift through the stacks?

jumping on the bandwagon: 6 confessions

So there has been a post theme going around lately titled “6 confessions”. I believe this post theme started with Leigh-Ann over at Freckled Nest, and ever since she posted it I’ve loved reading everyone’s little secrets as I hop from blog to blog. I hope my 6 confessions aren’t too shocking or pathetic. (hehe)

6 confessions = things  you may not know about me.

1. I’ve never traveled or lived west of the current city I live in, St. Louis. ( lame )
2. I’m an extremely picky eater and I’m not a big fan of my food mixing on a plate.
( cross contamination! eww)
3. I have a list of boys and girls names picked out for my child to be. ( I’m totally not having a baby anytime soon, but I am obsessed with their cuteness )
4. I own all the sessions of Gilmore Girls and Sex and The City on DVD and have watched them multiple times. Never gets old.
5. I read the entire Twilight series after lots of hesitation and fell in love with it after page 1. Yes I’m 24 years old. ( I also got my mom and grandmother to read it and they loved it. )
6. I hate reading books and count down the pages until I get to the end. ( I’m trying to learn to love them. )

Wow, those were actually easier to write than I expected. Am I that transparent?? hmmm.

You can ask me more questions if you’d like to know more via my FORMSPRING page.

day 1 with the baby

I hope you all had a lovely Sunday and got to enjoy it with the people you love. I’m on cloud nine since yesterday when I purchased my new Canon Rebel T2i. Yesterday I was unable to take photos because I was waiting for my memory card to come in the mail. I had to get a fancy pants memory card that could keep up with the capabilities of my camera. So today, with memory card in the camera, I was shooting everything. I fell in love with taking depth of field type shots because this was something my old camera couldn’t do.

The puppy and I went out for a lunch time walk and I stopped to take pictures so many times I think he started to get annoyed. All I can say is that I’m in love and my blog visuals are about to be kick ass from now on. Thank you Canon baby. I’m starting to think this camera is going to need a name. I name my electronics that get the most use because they deserve some recognition (ex: My laptop’s name is Charles and he is quite fond of his identity.)

*all images were taken around the neighborhood we currently live in, Lafayette Square in St. Louis, Missouri.

Feel free to comment on the actual images. Since I’m newer to this whole DSLR game I could always use some tips/tricks to make my photos better. Look forward to sharing camera bag options with you soon. eeeeee

Do you like how big the images are on my site? I tend to take vertical format images and they are really big. Thoughts?


the new addition to our family

For all of you who have been following my photo journey over the past month or so know that I’ve had lots of things to consider with all the great camera out there right now. Nikon or Canon? Entry-level or Pro-sumer? This and that, back and forth. I finally weighed all my options and decided to buy the Canon Rebel T2i with the 18-135 mm lens upgrade. I’ll also be purchasing a 50mm f1.4 or f1.8 in the near future, but I have a friend that will let me test them both out before buying. (I’ll write about lens comparisons in a later post)

I found a really great camera shop here in St. Louis that has AMAZING customer service and they have the ability to make you not feel dumb when being surrounded by profession photographers. The man at the shop walked me through ALL my options and what the prices of each option would be. He then made a suggestion based on what my camera needs were and his suggestion ended up being what I had in my mind all along. I knew the T2i was the perfect choice.

I look forward to being able to have super high quality photos on my blog. I may even attempt to do some more personal fashion posts if I get used to being in front of the camera instead of behind the camera. OH! Another really cool thing about this little camera shop I found was that with any purchase of a DSLR you get two FREE photography classes for two people, 100 FREE prints and a FREE backup Canon battery! Those were definitely some of the selling points.

If any of you have camera shopping questions I’ve been completely immersed in the whole things for some time now, so I might be able to help. Also stick around for more camera goodness…I’m looking for a great camera bag!
