Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

Ina Weise for Sonnenzimmer

Always inspired by the Chicago-based studio Sonnenzimmer (past feature post on VedaHouse). The mix of texture, typography and color are just stunning. Ina Weise (screen printer, textile designer, installation artist, designer) was curated by Sonnenzimmer to create a screen printed  zine for their “Curated By” series.

”The work in this book documents a slice of contemporary art practice, through the lens of four working artists. In each of their work, minimalism, formal exploration and the legacy of pop art are tackled, explored, and digested in a unique way.
Carrie Pollack, Peter Power, Alexander Valentine, and Ina Weise came into our lives through the multifaceted world of Chicago printmaking and we are quite happy to have them together in one place.” – Sonnenzimmer



Inspired by: Anthony Gerace

I recently stumbled upon the lovely work of Anthony Gerace. He’s a London-based graphic designer who specializes in photography with design. I love that combination!

Check out his website here and his Flickr here.

Inspired By: Ryo Takemasa

Ryo is an illustrator based out of Tokyo Japan. I absolutely love these modern illustration that have a unique vintage vibe. So great!

These veggie illustration felt very fall to me and with Thanksgiving right around the corner, I thought they were just perfect.


I’ve been super interested in Minerals lately and I think it’s solely based on their beautiful colors. I don’t know anything about rocks/minerals except that as a kid I used to collect them and keep them as the most precious things I owned. Thinking about investing in one of these beauties from Mineralia.


I really really love this ensemble showcased in the Blooming Leopold A/W 2012-13 look book. That top is just stunning! Click here for more images and to see more dip dying/marble dying greatness!

Totokaelo : Object Art

My new favorite online little shop –> Totokaelo. I’d really love one of everything. Such a great curation of hand-made lovelies!

Inspired by: Sonia Castillo

I recently stumbled upon the work of Sonia Castillo (based in Madrid) and fell in love with the use of image and color. You can tell the color pairings were made by someone with a eye that’s sensitive to perfect combinations. Sooo nice!

This project: Next Triangle Step (cover designs for a travel guide)
