Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

favorite pickin' spot: Lemp Mansion

I’ve got a favorite (relatively unknown) picking’ spot here in St. Louis, the Historic Lemp Mansion. I’ve been at the warehouse the past 3 Saturdays, collecting a little bit of this and a little bit of that. The architecture of the warehouse itself is just gorgeous and I love all the industrial details. I thought it necessary to take a few pictures to share.

*all photos by The Veda House

A weekend at the lake

I grew up a “lake rat”, spending long hours floating on the lake and being pulled behind the speedboat. To this day, a lot of my fondest childhood memories come from those times and each and every time I get to go back, I’d dropped right back into my comfort zone. These days, I don’t get to visit the family lake cottage more than a couple times a year and I miss everything about it. A few weeks ago I made the 7 hour drive home, just to be able to spend 1 day on the sunny perfect lake, and it was totally worth it.

Photos captured by my DSLR camera.

Kentucky Trip: Part 2

Mayfield Kentucky, Summer 2012
All photos taken by me, Veda House

Out & About: St. Louis Summers

A random grouping of photos from my camera & phone.

* All photos taken by The Veda House

Also, today I’m over on my dear friend Amy’s blog (Amy Moore Studio) sharing some of my favorite moments in herĀ ‘Objets de Valeur’ feature. Head on over!

Instantly Turning 26

At the end of June I turned 26 years old. 26 feels weird. It’s like you’re now moving out of your 20’s and towards something scary. I don’t know. Let’s not think about it.

Anywho, my fiance bought me the Fujifilm Instax Mini 7s and several packs of film. It’s a gift I’ve been dying to have and ever since opening the box, I’ve been taking a bunch of photos. The photos above were taken while away at a friends wedding. We chose to use the down time in between the ceremony and reception to scour the country rounds of Southern Indiana for the best photo taking spots. I must say, the mister is looking pretty dashing….and yes…its was 105 degrees and we wore all black. Typical.

*Photos by veda house (top: pic of me, bottom: pic of my fiance)

A Weekend Out & About, part 1

Here in St. Louis we’re lucky to have a lot of fun things to do once the weather turns to spring/summer. The city comes to life and everyone comes together for their favorite summer activities (farmer’s markets, outdoor music events, wine tasting, etc).

The photos in this post are a mix from my camera and my iPhone. I’ve been using the new VSCO film app recently and really enjoying the way I can turn my iPhone photos into something my actual camera would produce. Pretty neat.


*photos taken by The Veda House

The Dominican Republic: Part 3

This trip to the Dominican Republic will always be held near and dear to my heart. Half way through the trip, my boyfriend/best friend of 10 years got down on one knee in my favorite place on earth, the sandy beach. I’ll never forget how shock I was and I’m continuing to soak in all the little details, one week later.

You could say it’s been a really long time coming and we couldn’t be any more excited!
