Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

friday finds & favorites

This friday I’m mixing things up a bit. As you can tell from my sidebar, I’ve made the Buy Handmade Pledge. They idea of buying handmade is really important to me, so I try to support other artisans when I can. If you know me, I’m a real big bag lady. I’d take a new bag over a pair of heals any day. I’m also absolutely in love with printmaking, so you’ll see a lot of love for my friends over at Brainstorm Print & Design.

I chose to post 3 of my favorite videos of artists creating things with their hands and producing quality product. If you are a follower of A Design Mafia, you may remember some of these videos, but I felt like a re-post on a new blog with new readers was alright. Plus, they are videos that are beautifully put together.

Are you inspired yet?
I’ve got a lot of great links to share with everyone today. Hope you can sit down with a cup of joe and check ’em out.

1. Fringe, Union Square- Are you into collaborative workspaces as much as I am? I’m still trying to figure out a way to make this idea part of my career. Fringe is a 4,400 sq ft. creative business incubator and co-working space in Somerville, Ma.

2. Photojojo– Photo gifts and gear for photographers. Camera lens bracelets, iPhone lenses, F-Stop watch, and other novelties.

3. Spoonflower– OMG! Custom printed fabric. Design your own pattern and have Spoonflower print it for you on natural fabrics. The custom fabrics are a little pricey, but completely one of a kind. They even have a weekly fabric design contest!

4. Lucy Rose– I was introduced to Lucy Rose when I stumbled upon a ‘links for your weekend’ type post over at Sometimes Sweet. She has an amazing soft voice!

5. Blythe Doll Wallpapers– You can download your favorite doll wallpaper to your desktop. Thanks!

I also have the winner of this weeks giveaway. It fits perfectly with the hand-made theme of this post since this chicken was 100% hand sewn by NEST’S loan recipients in Guatemala. The winner of this little chicken will be getting an email soon so I can gather the right shipping address.

How do you plan to spend your weekend? I can’t wait for mine, but I’ll tell you all about it later! So excited for saturday!

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