Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

jumping on the bandwagon: 6 confessions

So there has been a post theme going around lately titled “6 confessions”. I believe this post theme started with Leigh-Ann over at Freckled Nest, and ever since she posted it I’ve loved reading everyone’s little secrets as I hop from blog to blog. I hope my 6 confessions aren’t too shocking or pathetic. (hehe)

6 confessions = things  you may not know about me.

1. I’ve never traveled or lived west of the current city I live in, St. Louis. ( lame )
2. I’m an extremely picky eater and I’m not a big fan of my food mixing on a plate.
( cross contamination! eww)
3. I have a list of boys and girls names picked out for my child to be. ( I’m totally not having a baby anytime soon, but I am obsessed with their cuteness )
4. I own all the sessions of Gilmore Girls and Sex and The City on DVD and have watched them multiple times. Never gets old.
5. I read the entire Twilight series after lots of hesitation and fell in love with it after page 1. Yes I’m 24 years old. ( I also got my mom and grandmother to read it and they loved it. )
6. I hate reading books and count down the pages until I get to the end. ( I’m trying to learn to love them. )

Wow, those were actually easier to write than I expected. Am I that transparent?? hmmm.

You can ask me more questions if you’d like to know more via my FORMSPRING page.

3 comments on “jumping on the bandwagon: 6 confessions

  1. Yay for Gilmore Girls!! I am glad I am not the only one that still completely enjoys watching that show though I have seen it all multiple times.. you are completely correct it never gets old.

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