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when you think too much…

…your world starts to get sucked back into the black hole. I think I’ve hit the wall that I hear most new bloggers talk about. The wall that makes you question whether or not all your time and effort has been worth it. You’ve been pouring out your soul, sharing your life with the world and is there anyone who really cares? Anyone listening?

The fact is this- Β it shouldn’t matter if anyone is listening. I shouldn’t have set so many unrealistic goals. I should think about how I had the best time documenting my weekend, versus…who’s even going to read this? I love blogging. I love everything about it except for the technical difficulties I’ve been having with WordPress. I love the community. I need to focus on today and not where I’d like my blog to be a year from now. I need to enjoy every minute of it and take breaks when I’m a little burnt out. I need to live in the world of reality and not a world of high expectations.

I think I just needed to write this post as a reminder to myself. I need to remember that life is not about the destination, but the journey and all the adventures. I need to remind myself to keep documenting because I’ll really appreciate looking back on all the fun stuff I’ve done. I need to remember why I started this blog. This blog is for me!

Thank you to all the gals who had a chit chat with me on twitter about all these feelings. You really opened my eyes and allowed me to see things from a different perspective.

10 comments on “when you think too much…

  1. Remember these words…The true joy of life is the trip. So stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles. Instead climb more mountains, eat more ice cream, go barefoot more often, swim more rivers, watch more sunsets, laugh more, cry less. Life must be lived as we go along.

  2. Sometimes I feel like that as well, but at the end of the day the aim of your blog is to let out what your thoughts and feelings are and write everything down in your ‘space’.

  3. Okay don’t stop blogging because I love love love your blog!!! I can help you with some readers if you would like. I don’t have tons but the ones I do have are always looking for new blogs. Also, if you are having problems with WordPress, maybe switch to Blogger? I have loved it!

  4. I love your blog! It’s awesome for inspiration. Plus, I love hearing about blogger’s lives and you share yours, which is great! I also love your shoes… just saying πŸ™‚

  5. I just recently found your blog and I think it’s great. I didnt even realize you were new to this! I’m new to blogging too and it’s definitely important to remember to write for you otherwise a blog will never grow. Keep it up you’re doing a great job!

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