Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting


The Veda House had a really good week this week. Not only was it a good week for me personally, it was a really successful week for the blog. Thanks to Danielle over at Sometimes Sweet for choosing me as her spotlight blogger, I now have a bunch of new readers I can hopefully get to know better. Thank you Dani!!! I was also hit with a little bit of clarity about what my next big adventure is going to be. You could say I’m inspired and have a jolt of energy to share with you guys.

1^ I’ve been so inspired lately I think I have too many projects going on at once. I might have to streamline some things.
2^ It was a crazy week at the agency. Working on new businesses pitches are fun, but so exhausting.
3^ My family is coming to visit next weekend and I’m taking three work days off. I’m excited for them to come and for the couple days to recharge.
4^ St. Louis was hit with another heat wave this weekend. It was 85 degrees for both days with sun and a nice breeze. The humidity is also back.
5^ Check out this blogger. I’ve fallen in love with her style and free spirit.
6^ Taxes are done and I’m getting money back!!! yipee!!
7^ Are we friends with Google Friend Connect?? If not, all you have to do is click the button in my side bar and I’ll come check out your blog!!!

Happy Sunday!


5 comments on “4.10.11

  1. Oh, I know what you mean with the projects. I get overexcited about things sometimes and try to do so many at once. I have to learn to take a step back and organize what I’m doing a bit better.
    Hooray for family visits! 🙂

  2. It’s hot (and humid) here in South Carolina, too! It’s awesome that you’ve been hit with a creative streak and you’re getting a few days off of work 🙂 I LOVE time off work, and when I’m done with graduate school (the last day of April, yes!) I’ll get to be off for a couple of months until my husband and I move. SO EXCITED!

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