Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

photo tutorial: how to achieve the "sunday portrait" look

I wanted to do a little tutorial on how I achieve my Sunday Portrait photography style. I’ve been getting a lot of questions about this, so I thought I’d share. What you’ll need is a photo and Adobe Photoshop. I currently jump around from using CS4 at home and CS5 at work, so I believe the steps would be the same for all versions.

This tutorial uses a form of cross processing to achieve the desired look. Cross processing is another way of saying “you developed it wrong” if you were actually using film and chemicals to develop.

*Keep in mind each photo may need minor adjustments based on the quality of the original photo, but you get the idea. Also know that this tutorial will probably require some basic understanding of Photoshop, the layer’s palette, and adjustment layers.


1. First open you uploaded photo from your camera to Photoshop. I then immediately re-save the image with a new name. (ex: portrait_retouched.psd) I then always make a duplicate layer in the layers palette so I always have the original layer to work with.

2. Once you have a duplicate layer made, click the “create new fill or new adjustment layer” icon in the Layers palette and select Curves. From the Channel drop-down box, select the red channel and drag the top right of the curve a little to the left. Then drag a couple of points on the curve so the curve looks like an gentle “S”. (this will darken the shadows and brighten the reds in the image)

3. In the green channel, add another gentle “S” curve. This will bump up the contrast, especially in the highlights.Next, select the blue channel and drag the curve’s top-right point downward a tad. This will take some blues out of the highlights. Then drag the curve’s bottom-right point up a little.

4. Next, select the blue channel and drag the curve’s top-right point downward a tad. This will take some blues out of the highlights. Then drag the curve’s bottom-right point up a little.

5. Now it’s time for a little fine tuning. Play around with those curves in the different channels to get a look you like. Don’t mess with the combined RGB curve.

6.  In the Layers palette, click the “Create new fill or new adjustment layer” icon and choose Brightness/Contrast. Move the sliders around a little bit until you get the desired contrast.

7. I call this the step where all the magic happens.  In the Layers palette, click the “Create new fill or new adjustment layer” icon and choose Solid Color. I then choose a dark brown for the color (#362f2d) and turn the opacity down to about %50.  Change the layer style to “Color”

8. That’s it. I hope I didn’t lose you in all that mess. It does take some time to get the hang of it, but once you do, you’ll love it. I tend to tweak the process slightly from image to image because no two images are exactly alike.

Let me know if you have any questions and I can try to help you. I’m no pro at editing photoshop, but I do spend at least 6 hours a day on Photoshop at my day job. We’ve become best friends!

friday finds and favorites

*This picture was taken just as a test so I could test the settings on my camera, but I really love how it turned out. Spring has arrived in Missouri and the bikes are proof.

1. Thinking about getting a custom portrait made for my family from either Pop Pop Portraits or Paper Mama. I also may try to take a stab at it myself and put use to all my years of art school drawing classes.

2. Design Sponge shares my love for chairs! What  to do with all those chairs you pick up at the thrifts.

3. This beautifully designed bicycle website called BEG.

4. This amazing DIY project:  a massive chandelier/lantern out of paper!

5. Sienna Miller’s new clothing line.

6. Take a peek inside the studio of a Corter Leather.

7. This daily schedule sounds dreamy. I’m uber jealous!!!

8. I’d really love to own this vintage clock in Olive Green Anna’s Etsy shop.

9. I’m  absolutely in love with the city prints by Judy Kaufmann. (especially the 7th one down in the link provide. sooo cute!)

I wanted to thank everyone for the music suggestions that have been rolling in. Some really great artists. I was blown away with Miss Kelly-Ann’s  (over at Flowerchild Dwelling) list that she sent me last week. That gal knows her music!

Fleetfoxes, The Snake, The Cross, The Crown, Band of Horses, Margot and the Nuclear So and Sos, Horse Feathers, Sarah Jaffe, Seryn, The Tallest Man on Earth, Alela Diane, Wye Oak, Ray Lamontagne, Mt. Desolation, Ohbijou, Among the Oak and Ash, Marissa Nadler, The Lighthouse and the Whaler, The Avett Brothers, Andrew Belle

I also asked for some new French artists to check out and here’s what came in:
Edith Piaf, Madeleine Peyroux, Francoise Hardy, Serge Gainbourg, Yann Tiersen, Maxence Cyrin, Carla Bruni, Vive la Fete

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s photo editing tutorial

we've had a breakthrough

So last weekend the boy and I were enjoying a lunch out on a restaurant’s patio and we had a breakthrough. Here’s what went down.

The boy: I think I want to totally revamp my closet with thrifted clothes. I’m really sick of wearing what I have.
Me: Really, or are you joking?
The boy: No for real. Let’s hit up some thrift stores.
Me: Like today? Or just sometime in the future?
The boy: Today…On our way home. I want to get some really “out there” t-shirts.
Me: Awesome. I’ve been waiting for you to say that.
The boy: Yeah. I need to find a shirt with 3 wolves howling at the moon. It’s time I join the wolf pack.
Me: I  don’t think you need a wolf pack shirt.
The boy: Hopefully I find one that also has an eagle flying in the background. That’d be killer!

SO there you have it guys. My boyfriend has finally accepted my love for thrifting and claims he wants to join the Wolf Pack. I’m just glad I won’t have to drag him along anymore and that he will be joining me willingly and with enthusiasm. Yahoo for breakthroughs! (that rhymed)

I’ll keep you guys updated on his search for the perfect wolf pack shirt. Where does he get these crazy ideas?

nerdy me tid bits

Oh Mishka, a blogger gal pal and I were talking on Twitter and coincidently we were both typing up a “nerdy me” kind of post to share with our readers. I’m definitely a nerd and I think my readers should be aware of my weirdness.

The boy and I frequently say things like, “it’s ok. we can say that…we’re nerds”. Being openly nerdy allows you to say things like “by golly” and “who woulda thunk”, which are two amazing phrases.

Here’s some nerdy tid bits about me. Stop over at Michelle’s blog to read her list. Because I’m a nerd I can…

1. Sing Aladin by myself in the shower. Who doesn’t love the song Magic Carpet Ride?
2. Drive to work and add up all the speed limit signs. I hate math, so this little activity is an odd one. (50 mph + 65 mph + 55 mph)
3. Spend a whole day filling out Suduko puzzles. I’ve even graduated to using pens while filling out the numbers.
4. Wish Bill Nye was still on television!
5. Say “Television”
6. LOVE typography. I could stare at the nuances of Futura and Bauer Bodoni for hours. You don’t want to get into a debate with me why those two fonts are the best fonts EVER!
6. Use an entire pack of post it notes in one sitting. I like notes….lots of notes.
7. Have a Hello Kitty stamp set at my work desk that I randomly stamp papers with. A Hello Kitty stamp makes documents much more important. Did I also mention I have a desk gnome standing on my desk?
8. Make up words on the fly and use them to describe things. The good ones like fridgidoor and horizontical have hung around. (refrigerator door and something that is not quite horizontal, but not vertical either) For more info visit pruittvillefarms .

After writing this post I asked the boy what he thought was my nerdiest quality. His response was “giggle”. Does that make me nerdy???

If you create a “Nerdy Me” post I’d love to see them!

*I also wanted to thank all of my new readers that have stopped on over from Sometimes Sweet. I really appreciate your visit and all the comments you guys are leaving. Thank you!

quilt update

It’s been some time since I’ve updated you on my quilting process. It’s moving along at snail’s pace, but I want it to turn out perfect. Here’s what’s been going on this past month in quilt land.

1. I finally decided that I wanted to make the quilt big enough to wrap myself in it and not just a baby sized one to look at. I want this quilt to be used and loved.

2. I started cutting out all the fabric squares to make the quilt. I choose to use 3″ squares which I think is pretty standard size. These squares will later be turned into a gagillion triangles. I am a little more than half way done with this part and let me tell you…get a rotary cutter, for sure. (*must have sharp blade)

3. I’ve started to determine how I want to colors to be show in the quilt. I’ve chosen to make the base of the quilt a creamy white color with all the bright colored fabric triangle in a radiating pattern. I think this will be the best was for the pattern to show with so many different fabrics. Oh! Have I told you how much I love my fabric choices!!

4. Next step is to finish up all the cutting and lay all the squares out on the floor in the chosen pattern. I’ll then collect them up in the right order and start sewing. I’m nervous for this part because I’m definitely not a frequent sewing machine user.

5. I’ll keep you updated and I hope to report more progress soon. Lindsay over at Eileen Josephine has some killer quilting skillz. Check her out!

See my other quilting posts. Choose from below.
Deciding to Start
Choosing the Pattern
The Fabric Arrived!

Oh and guess what? I’m in the blogger spotlight over at Sometimes Sweet!!! I’m extremely flattered, in awe, and soo excited to be featured by my favorite blogger of all time. Stop over to Danielle’s blog to see it’s greatness!

recently thrifted

I always have my eyes open for that one little object that can steal my heart. The thrill of the hunt, the styling of items once you bring them home and the possible DIY/restoration to bring an item back to life…these are the things that keep me thrifting. Here’s what I’ve recently found.

1_Kodak Brownie home video camera (1961)  2_Black Leather boots (my aunt’s wardrobe from the 70’s) 3_Vintage Aluminum  Thermos Brand Lunch Box (bought from Frecklewonder’s Etsy Shop)  4_ Metal & Wood Type Letters (mixed typefaces)

Have you found some “keeper items” recently?


This weekend I’ve been on my own because the boy was attending an industrial design conference. I planned on getting a bunch of DIY things marked off my list, but when the time came…I wasn’t all that into it. I picked away at the little things on the list and spent the rest of the time catching up on my blog roll and writing posts for the upcoming week. I’m amazed at home much this new blogging adventure has taken over all of my free time, but I’m not complaining because I’m really enjoying it. I think I’ve found something really special here and I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.

1^ I received a new 3 lb bag of chocolate chai in the mail and after a week of not having any…I was so excited. I even carried the heavy package around my office showing people what I got in the mail and no body seemed as excited as I was. (check out Big Train chai and you’ll know what I’m talking about) I think I’m going to go make a cup before I finish the next items on the list…brb…..
2^ OK back. I skipped both my yoga classes this week because I just wasn’t into it. I’m regretting it now with tension headaches. ICK!
3^ I’ve been spending a lot of time researching vintage companies of all kinds. I’ve been caught up in the dream of starting my own vintage clothing/home goods company and after my research efforts, I think my dream may become a reality someday.
4^ Wishing I had two of me to accomplish everything I want to do. Feeling a little anxious that I will miss out on something amazing because my schedule is too busy.
5^ Sourced a shipping flat for my spring DIY dog bed project. Concerned that the flat may be treated wood, so we’re looking into all the details before continuing the project. Wouldn’t want the pup sleeping on a bed filled with chemicals.
6^ Thankful my freelance projects are going to be wrapping up soon. I think I’m going to take a break from freelance for awhile. Exhausted.
7^ Are we friends with Google Friend Connect?? If not, all you have to do is click the button in my side bar and I’ll come check out your blog!!!

Still taking music suggestions but with a focused intent.
Who’s your favorite French singer??

Happy Sunday!


taking it all in

Today, spring decided to make an appearance again. Mr. Spring has been in hiding this past week, so when I woke up to sunshine I was ecstatic. When I woke up I immediately check the weather app on my phone and sure enough it was going to be sunny and 60! Wahoo.

Around noon, I took the pup out for a nice long walk through our beautiful neighborhood, just he and I…taking it all in. Our neighborhood is dreamy and if we ever have to move, it will be severely missed. The hood feels like it’s been transported from the calm side streets of Paris and plopped down in the center of a bustling city, it’s own small contained bubble of bliss. It’s a small square that has a fantastic vibe and a batch of extremely nice home owners and renters.

We stepped outside to the smell of warm sun and white and yellow blooming trees. There was a slight chill in the air, but if you stayed in the sun and closed your eyes, it felt like early summer. I took several deep breaths, practicing some breathing techniques learned through my practice of yoga. We walked EVERY street of the neighborhood and the pup stopped and smelled EVERY blooming flower we passed. It took a long tim to get home, but I was enjoying every minute of it.

On a particularly straight stretch of road I closed my eyes and let the pup lead the way. (dangerous…yes, but totally worth it) I had Beau Fixe by Coralie Clement playing on repeat in my head all day, but this ended up being the perfect background music for our outing. I soaked up all the sounds and sights of early spring and reminded myself about the importance of life’s simple pleasures.

Once we finally made our way home we both, the pup and I, curled up on the couch and took and much needed afternoon name. We continued to enjoy the spring day from the couch. Perfection day.

How have you been spending your Saturday?

friday finds & favorites

*from page 96 & 97 in Est Magazine (click image to view magazine)

I’m excited that today is the first day of april AND it’s Friday. Can’t get much better than that. I plan on spending the weekend alone actually while the boy attends an industrial design conference here in St. Louis. Let’s hope I can get a bunch of things marked off my to-do list and enjoy a little down time. What are your plans?

I also wanted to let you guys know that because I love bloggers I choose to sponsor two lucky ladies this month, Busy Bee Lauren and Seablanket. Please stop over at their blogs and give them some love.

1. Have a photo journal made at Pinehole press. I’ve seen some really great baby books made with this company.
2. Are you interested in how minimalist design can enhance a brand? Some really great brand explorations with companies like Tabasco, M&Ms and  Evian.
3. This fancy pants electronic color picker. I need one of these!
4. A beautifully crafted online EST magazine. Click image above to flip through all 104 pages!
5. Build a high quality website for yourself at Cargo Collective.
6. Loving these art prints in ReStyle’s Etsy Shop.
7. The Quitting Your Day Job Esty Series on the Etsy Blog.
8. This beautiful cook book. All you foodies need to pick this one up!
9. These Mondernist Coffee Mugs and bowls from West Elm. I’m sooo in love!
10. The coolest site this week. Swap your art with other artist for Free!! How cool!
11. All Modcloth dresses. haha. Especially this one, and this one, and this one.

I’m still working on putting together my FAQ page. Please leave a comment below with any questions you may have. I’d like to get all questions compiled into one helpful place!

One last thing, I know I’m rambling…Know of any music artists similar to The National and Mumford and Sons?? (desperately needing new music)

Love you all!

