Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

we've had a breakthrough

So last weekend the boy and I were enjoying a lunch out on a restaurant’s patio and we had a breakthrough. Here’s what went down.

The boy: I think I want to totally revamp my closet with thrifted clothes. I’m really sick of wearing what I have.
Me: Really, or are you joking?
The boy: No for real. Let’s hit up some thrift stores.
Me: Like today? Or just sometime in the future?
The boy: Today…On our way home. I want to get some really “out there” t-shirts.
Me: Awesome. I’ve been waiting for you to say that.
The boy: Yeah. I need to find a shirt with 3 wolves howling at the moon. It’s time I join the wolf pack.
Me: I  don’t think you need a wolf pack shirt.
The boy: Hopefully I find one that also has an eagle flying in the background. That’d be killer!

SO there you have it guys. My boyfriend has finally accepted my love for thrifting and claims he wants to join the Wolf Pack. I’m just glad I won’t have to drag him along anymore and that he will be joining me willingly and with enthusiasm. Yahoo for breakthroughs! (that rhymed)

I’ll keep you guys updated on his search for the perfect wolf pack shirt. Where does he get these crazy ideas?

11 comments on “we've had a breakthrough

  1. Amazing! My boyfriend texted me yesterday saying he bought a pair of jeans at value village. He was so excited. I was so proud (note: he had never stepped into a thrift store in his life). And they say that a woman can’t change a man 😉

  2. This reminds me of a scenario that took place this afternoon. My boy and I were eating some lunch at a by-the-slice pizza place, and this group of 3 young lads walked in. One of them had on a pair of gray shorts with little anchors on them, which I thought were cute. Then I noticed his sweatshirt…light gray, with a big bunny surrounded by woodland flora. It was clearly made in the early 90s, when those realistic yet oh-so-cheesy animal portraits were all the rage.

  3. yusss!!!! Best thing ever is thrift shopping with a) someone you can show cool bargains to and b) someone who can carry the big stuff you always wanted but didnt want to move/pack into the car yourself – boyfriends are the best for that! Happy thrifting guys xo

  4. Wow! I am so impressed. My husband loves thrifting, too! He says he never wants to go, and then he always finds 50 things he wants and thanks me for dragging him along.

  5. Haha, if you watch The Office, there is an awesome scene when Dwight wears a howling wolf teeshirt in order to seduce some ladies… 🙂

    I love it when boys go thrifting!

    xo leanna

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