Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

mary poppins style suitcase

That’s really the only way to describe the gift I received in the mail from the sweets girls over at School of Vintage. On Tuesday afternoon our delivery lady at work plopped off a decent size box at my desk and I had no idea what the contents inside could be. I usually have a pretty good idea of things I’ve ordered, but this time I was stumped. I opened the box with lightning speed and inside I found a avocado green suitcase with silver closures. OHHH myyy!!! An avocado green suitcse!!!

I was in heaven, but still had no idea where this beauty came from. I had not ordered a suitcase, so I instantly new it had to be a gift. I opened the suitcase to find it loaded, I’m talking LOADED, with vintage home goods and a sweet card sitting on top. I opened it up, read it, then jumped up and down when I saw that this gift came from the girls at School of Vintage.

They had sent me this package as a thank you for my recent company rebranding work I did for them. I took on their rebranding project because I was really excited about what we could achieve, but never did I assume there would be payment associated with it. These girls blew me away with their gratitude for the work and their extremely generous gift they sent me as a thank you.

I know you’re all curious what was inside, so I’ll share. Inside the suitcase was a deer figurine planter, a green and white mid-century water pitcher, a yellow kitchen apron, a set of vintage pattern napkins, a candle holder, a milk glass bread pan, and a green and white pyrex casserole dish. OMG right???!!! That’s what I call Christmas in May.

Thank you sweet ladies!

12 comments on “mary poppins style suitcase

  1. sooo fantastic! what an amazing gift – that suitcase really is to die for. i love that they used something so cool to contain all of their gifts to you.

    great blog by the way – it’s so gorgeous and crisp!

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