Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

Let's discuss: taking photos in vintage shops

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WHAT THE HUBUB IS THE BIG DEAL. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told by the creepy guy behind the counter that I need to put my camera away and not to take pictures inside the shop. WHAAA???

This is the oddest thing to me. Vintage is so one of a kind that if I’m coming in to sneak up on his inventory, I’m still going to have to do the leg work to track down all the items. I’ve been in so many shops where the shop owners almost follow you around the story stalking your every movement. It’s rude, it’s unwelcoming, and it’s definitely not vintage spirit (whatever that means).

I wanted to see if any of you were having this same problem or is it just me. I know I’m completely intimidating and have the intentions of stealing every item they have in stock, but COME ON!!

Ok….I’m done with my little hissy fit…..discuss amongst yourselves…..

13 comments on “Let's discuss: taking photos in vintage shops

  1. i cannot tell you how many times i have had this same experience. blurg! I have found that by conversing with the shopkeep about the reasons behind the photo they are more likely to allow me to shoot. For example, “this is lovely, may I photograph it?” or “I would really like to blog/write about your amazing shop. Would you mind?” works wonders. I am not entirely sure what “evil” they believe we are trying to accomplish with our photos, but by including them in the process many feel they still have control in the situation. If they say no, they say no. I respect it. But i still think they are weirdos.


  2. In my (bad) experience most people when they feel they have the power to forbid you from taking photographs, they will do it. I’m not sure where this paranoia is born, but it is very unwelcoming and sad!
    Have a great day, don’t get rude people get you down 😉

  3. The only time I’ve really tried to take photos in a vintage shop I asked if the owner if I could do so and I told her it was for a school project. Which was the absolute truth. She said sure! Go right ahead. Asked if she could see the photos whenever I got them printed. I think ppl appreciate being asked up front, some will say yes and some will say no. If they say no, then I’d prbly do it sneakily. Worst thing they could do is kick you out. idk, you’d think in this day & age ppl would appreciate any kind of free publicity.

  4. I take pictures in antique stores a lot, and have noticed the same thing. I agree with you – I can only assume they believe I intend to duplicate their entire inventory piece by piece in my own identical shop. Or something. 😉

  5. Haha, yes, I always want to take lots of pictures in shops I find beautiful or inspiring, but I feel awkward about it because most shop owners don’t seem to like it and look at me strangely…
    But I hope this won’t keep you from taking more photos, they’re beautiful!

    xx Viola

  6. I just recently had this problem when a friend and I were checking out vintage/antique shops in the town over. I found a set of cups that were the same pattern as a set I found on etsy that I am gah-gah for but cannot afford. I knelt down to look at them and was excitedly showing my friend the cups when the store owner said very loudly with a very angry look on her face “CAN I HELP YOU?!?!” Needless to say I kinda wanted to leave after that. I was just appreciating her merch, not planning to heist her vintage cup set that cost all of twelve dollars.

  7. Here in Belgium it’s not allowed to take photos in any stores. Since I work in one they also told us why. You could be a “spy” working for another party that is 1) going to copy the clothing and/or 2. going to steal the concept of the store. I don’t get all the buzz either, cause what 16 year old taking pictures of herself in the dressingroom is going to steal the concept? I once saw my boss forcing a girl to delete all the photos in a not very polite way. I personally don’t bring my camera along that often but I agree with what soe above me already said: I’d ask and say that I’m a blogger 🙂 maybe you could even gain a sponsor that way? I don’t know really. The one time I’ve had someone asking me if I could put away my camera was in a restaurant. I think the cook was afraid I was going to steal his plate or somthing. x

  8. For me it seems like most times I am too intimidated to take photos because of this very reason. I feel like sometimes the owners give off a bad vibe so to speak, and it discourages me from taking photos. A couple times i’ve snapped a few with no problem, but I also feel weird doing it without permission. aghh! such a dilemma.

  9. I’ve never done this because I’m so self-concious about being yelled at…but I think it’s ridiculous that people are so uptight about these things. I imagine it’s probably an attempt to protect their store…maybe some people have taken advantage of them that way?

  10. It definitely isn’t vintage spirit !!!
    Apparently there are rules in Australia, most people will be quite laid back here…which is alright…
    I got yelled at inside an australian equivalent of a thrift store…
    You just have to cross your fingers you walk into a cute little vintage store with an equally as cute little lady behind the counter…

    The only work place I’ve ever heard of this being a problem is at the cinemas…we used to have to stop being from taking photos because a lot of people tried to pirate the movies…..and would take photos of the displays for the covers…

  11. I’d never take a photo in a shop without asking for the owner’s permission but, no, I don’t understand why vintage shops don’t allow it – other stores, yes, but like you say it’s not like you can go out and duplicate a vintage store’s entire stock. There’s one store in Edinburgh which is always full of people taking photos and it adds to the fun if everybody’s able to have a laugh trying on outrageous outfits and snapping pictures of them – I’m sure it helps their sales AND it gives them lots of free advertising on blogs.

  12. yes. infact, i am too self conscious to even attempt to take my camera out into stores anymore..and when i do, it is really quick, and i look around sneakily! it feels so weird!

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