Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

Pink Elephant Antiques

I mentioned this Antique mll in one of my recent Friday Finds & Favorites as a place I’d like to go. While my parents were in town 2 weekends ago, we were searching for things for do, and or course Pink Elephant Antiques came up. About 45 min away from St. Louis and situated right off a highway 55, this little gem turned out to be  good find. The lawn is littered with oversized displayed collected from all over and the building itself is a converted old school gymnasium. They even sell ice cream out of an old swirl cone shop in the parking lot. Can’t get much better than that right?

There were very few drawbacks to the place. When you’re visiting antique malls on a weekly basis you start to recognize what makes them “good”.  At this place,  the pricing was a bit high and they had soooo many things in locked cabinets that you had to get permission to unlock. There were some things I passed up just because I didn’t want to track down the owner to unlock it for me. I also felt like the place lacked a sense or organization and that the booths could have been easier to peruse.

Overall…great trip. I’m a little pissed I didn’t snap a photo of the massive pink elephant in the front yard. The one iconic piece…and I missed it!


6 comments on “Pink Elephant Antiques

  1. Seriously, why do they have to lock the cabinets?? And if they do, they should have an employee waiting for someone to open them for customers. ugh, so dumb!

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