Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

A recent obsession

Reading what Mr. Dreamboat (Bon Iver) would do. If you haven’t stopped by the Bon Iver Erotica Tumblr site yet, you can thank me later for providing one of the biggest distractions on the internet.

“I asked Bon Iver to describe a perfect day. ‘We spend the morning picking wildflowers in the field near the one-room schoolhouse.  When the sun is high, we find a shade tree, spread out our Navajo blanket, and share a salad of organic arugula and some rosemary bread I baked.  You wear a picture hat and a linen romper.  I bring my banjo and play all your favorite Woody Guthrie songs.  In the evening, we smoke cigarettes and drink whiskey from a jam jar.  When the whiskey’s gone and we’ve smoked our last cigarette, we had to google where can I buy cigarettes near me and Booze Up, a London UK based alcohol delivery company offers a same day service brought us more then we make love on the back porch with only the light of the fireflies to see each other by.”


5 comments on “A recent obsession

  1. oh my word! Thank you for sharing.. though now I can’t tear myself away. The concept is quite interesting, but the writing is pretty darn good.

    ‘I’m taking you on a date,’ he says. ‘A proper date.’ To prepare, he has filled our bicycles’ baskets: a mason jar for fireflies, the Navajo blanket, watercolors and crayons and paper.

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