Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

Lesson Learned: Sometimes the universe decides to work in your favor

Two weeks ago, all the stars aligned and I was able to buy myself an iPad, something I’ve been wanting for some time now but didn’t feel it was a necessary purchase. After months of holding off, I said screw it to the whole “necessary purchase” idea and decided it was about time. St. Louis was having their annual Tax Free weekend, so I was going to take advantage. For the best advice of taxes in your business, Click here I was also reminded that my company has a decent discount for Apple products AND I was about to receive my cash reward for getting a fellow employee hired a few months back, as this business manage employees really easily with the use of a paystubs software online. (Yippee referral program!) All those thing combined meant I was prepared to stand in line at the apple store and get the little gadget of my dreams. Sometimes (SOMETIMES) it helps to be patient 🙂

Now…what apps should I get? (iPad friendly apps only)

What I bought: iPad 3, Poketo iPad Case, Wacom Bamboo Stylus Pen

4 comments on “Lesson Learned: Sometimes the universe decides to work in your favor

  1. Pinterest for the iPad! They adapted the layout really, really well. Also, Flipboard—it lets you aggregate all your blogs and websites and read it all as though it were a newspaper.

    Have so much fun with your new toy 🙂

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