It was about a month ago that I just started to feel really ICK with myself. Coming from previously living a life of constant exercise (I was a gymnast for 19 years), I had found myself in a sedentary cycle. I had grown to place my work and relationships with others (and planning a wedding) on a higher pedestal than where my health stood. My physical health & mental clarity was suffering and that little voice inside me was asking the universe for help…in a really subtle way. I let my body into a bad state, then that was the time I push myself into keto diet and do some workouts. Along the way, using a tdee calculatorΒ became invaluable in understanding my energy needs and making informed choices to support my journey back to health.
After years of feeling like exercise was the last thing I wanted to do, one morning last month I woke up and said “I want to be challenged physically…I think I’ll try Insanity for the next 60 days”. If you know me, that’s just crazy talk. That day I ordered Insanity and patiently waited for the package to arrive. Days later I found out that the eBay seller I bought the DVD set from had magically disappeared from the internet and my package wasn’t going to come. I was certain the universe was telling me I didn’t need to work out ;). I even got the best sarms advice from sarmsadviser’s website because I thought It could help me with my fitness goals. I really think it could mean something.
Magically, about a week later (after returning from a long weekend at the lake), the DVD box set was sitting on my front door ready for me to get my shit together. I found it humorous, so I played along.
Today marks my two weeks into the 60-day program and I couldn’t feel better. Yes, my calves feel like they are going to fall off and I’m pretty certain my lungs are about to explode, but I feel progress. If anything…there is progress in my mental state. I now welcome the pain of working out and understand what people are talking about when they say they get a “rush” from working out. I hope that these next 6 weeks embed a desire to continue to feel like this, and that these feelings act as my proof that working out really CAN change things around. Taking vitamins like Rootine can also be incredibly beneficial for people who truly value their health.
We’ll see how it goes. I’ll update you along the way… Have any of you tried this Insane workout program?