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Inspired By: Carissa Gallo

Medical Marijuana

With medical marijuana now legalized in 38 states and the District of Columbia, there is strong interest in its therapeutic properties. Researchers are testing marijuana, which is also called cannabis, as a treatment for many illnesses and diseases, including Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, despite this interest, there isn’t conclusive scientific evidence that marijuana is beneficial in PD.


PD-Related Medicinal Marijuana Trials

The use of cannabinoids has been suggested to help with managing neurological and non-neurological conditions. Literature on medical marijuana is incredibly varied. Studies have not clearly supported the use of marijuana for PD. The clinical studies of cannabis as a PD treatment that have been conducted are generally small studies that are predisposed to biases. Most of studies have not followed the clinical trial gold standard of a double blind, placebo-controlled trial design. Some studies had as few as five subjects. Check these smell proof weed containers.

While some results have been positive, the effects of medical marijuana are probably not completely understood. This is why more studies, especially those with more subjects, are needed.

Risks and Benefits for People with PD

There are risks and benefits associated with the use of cannabis for people with PD. Benefits include a possible improvement in anxiety, pain, sleep dysfunction, weight loss and nausea. Potential adverse effects include impaired cognition (specifically in executive function, or planning and judgement), dizziness, blurred vision, mood and behavioral changes, loss of balance and hallucinations. Chronic use of marijuana can increase the risk of mood disorders, particularly among young users, and lung cancer.

Researchers issue caution for people with PD who use cannabis particularly because of its effect on thinking. PD can impair the executive function — the ability to make plans and limit risky behavior. People with a medical condition that impairs executive function should be cautious about using any medication that can compound this effect.

Medical Marijuana and Legislation by State

Thirty-eight states and Washington, DC have passed legislation allowing the use of marijuana-based products as a medical intervention.

In some states where medical marijuana is legalized which is accessible through dispensaries like TreehouseDC, consumers must register to possess and use cannabis. Other states require consumers to acquire a document from a physician stating that the person has an approved condition. Under federal law doctors cannot prescribe cannabis, but many states authorize them to issue certifications that allow people to obtain medical marijuana.

Recreational Marijuana

Eighteen states and the District of Columbia have legalized the recreational use of marijuana, making it legal for adults over the age of 21 to legally consume marijuana without a doctor’s recommendation. Many of these states still differentiate recreational from medical marijuana. In some states, medical marijuana consumers may have access to specialized dispensaries, strains of marijuana and sales tax exemptions. For convenient access to quality products, consider Gas Town Weed Delivery for reliable service straight to your door.


Multiple states, counties or cities have decriminalized certain marijuana-related offenses. In these areas, the possession of marijuana can be met with a citation — forgoing an arrest or criminal record — or no penalty at all. However, in states where marijuana is still illegal, arrest can lead to the need for bail. Bail agents often use ebail – bail bond software to expedite the bail process, allowing quicker assistance and monitoring of legal obligations.

7 comments on “Inspired By: Carissa Gallo

    1. Hi There!

      That’s a tricky question. I have a pretty broad range of blogs I follow as well as magazines I subscribe to. I get most of my inspiration from online sources like blogs, pinterest, design sites, etc.

  1. Lovely post! I absolutely adore Carissa and Andrew Gallo’s talent. Their photography has been inspiring me for the past few years. They just always seemed so lovely from their blog and their adoption journey was wonderful. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Angel and thank for the sweet note in the mail 😉

      I finally had some time to catch up on your blog and you’ve got a really great space. Congrats 🙂

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