Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

Recent Work: An old project resurfaces – Market 203

Hi guys! I thought I’d drop in and share an older project with you. This was a personal project of mine that allowed me to experiment with my passion for all things old and vintage and create  a space where I could share that love. Although this project, Market203, is currently off the market, it was still an adventure I loved dearly…and might pick up again later down the road.

Market203 was  an online market where I sold industrial vintage items on Etsy and BigCartel. I would go out on my weekends and scour old beat up warehouses, flea markets, estate sales, auctions, garage sales…and even a dumpster here and there. I would bring that found item home, fix it up if need be, style it in a scene and then list the item online.

I’d say this is where my passion for photo styling kind of came about. I had always enjoyed “styling” things together, but never had I captured the scene through my camera. A new passion was born.

If you’d like to see more of this project, you can browse my portfolio.

(view Market203 in Portfolio)
