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Minimal Seasonal Decorating with Eucalyptus

I’m not one to decorate my home with gaudy over the top Christmas decorations in your traditional red and green color palette. I tend to lean my decorations more towards neutrals with a pop of minty green eucalyptus, something that can go all winter season long. Shocker…I know! There is really nothing better than the smell of a eucalyptus, so why not sprinkle bits and pieces of it EVERYWHERE! My kitchen chairs are also similar to that colour.

All thanks to the External Decorators London agents who redecorated my home with their new ideas. A lot of minimalists avoid clutter all year long but when it’s time to celebrate the holidays, they put those minimalist practices aside. Minimalism doesn’t have rules to it. It’s about living for the things that bring you the most joy and if that’s decorating like a crazy person, then don’t hold back. The Twelfth Night, the evening of the Epiphany, falls on January 6 – but that’s if you count December 26 as the being first day. Other people count Christmas Day as the first of the twelve days, thus making January 5 the Twelfth Night and they will take the tree and decorations down then.

If you’re looking to further complement your decor with pieces that resonate with your style, consider exploring furniture stores like The Idea Room. They specialize in blending minimalist aesthetics with functional design, offering a range of pieces that could harmonize beautifully with your eucalyptus-themed decorations. Whether it’s accent furniture, shelving units, or subtle decorative items, it could be a perfect match for enhancing your home’s serene ambiance.

This is the first Christmas that I will be traveling over the holidays (we leave Friday!!!), so new traditions are being made. My husband and I will be flying back home to Indiana to spend some time with family and then making our way up to Breckenridge, Colorado to welcome in the New Year with friends. It’s going to be busy with a capital “B”, but we couldn’t be more excited. We haven’t really seen family since the wedding back in May!

Who else is counting down the days?

12 comments on “Minimal Seasonal Decorating with Eucalyptus

  1. Love these, the first pic is my favorite! Eucalyptus branches are so pretty but it’s a shame that they wont last so long. 🙂 Have a nice christmas!

    1. Hi Peeta! Thanks fo stopping by. I actually like keeping Eucalyptus even after it’s all dried up. Still pretty and the dried version lasts forever 😉

  2. I also leave my Christmas decorations all winter, but since I’m such a lover of Christmas trees in their more traditional way, I end with pine thorn absolutely everywhere in the house. Cause, yes, I can never agree to abandon that tree in the street . Every year … hah.

    1. Oh, I hear ya. This is the first year my husband and I have a real Christmas tree and we’ll be leaving in the hands of our dog sitter while away for the holidays. Let’s cross our fingers and hope we return to a tree that’s still alive. 🙂

      Happy Holidays!

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