Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

garage sale weekend

This past Saturday, the boy and I went to a small town across the “big river” to experience their town-wide garage sale event. I was ecstatic to check out what was there because garage sales have the potential to be jackpots for the kinds of product in my shop (market203). I’m still in the phase of stocking my store for the launch and gathering items from a small farming town sounded like a winner idea.

Off we went. We drove through East St. Louis to get there (thanks GPS for risking our lives) and once we were there I had high hopes. There were over 100 homes that were participating and you would think with that amount of garage sales you’d find something. Nope. Most homes were filled with discarded piles of baby clothes or stuff that wasn’t even fit for Goodwill.

Oh well… I’m learning to live with the fact that this adventure of collecting items for my shop is going to be challenging. The hunt is just that…a hunt. You’ll have very successful days and others not so successful. I’m just glad the rain stayed away and the boy and I were able to enjoy our weekend out and about.


11 comments on “garage sale weekend

  1. I can’t remember where you are, but if your close enough, you should try to make it our to the worlds longest yard sale this summer:

    I’m planning to go with a friend who went last year, she found amazing milk crate with bottles, lots of old jars, vintage fabric. Of course there’s plenty of junk too, but thats part of yard selling.

  2. Hi there Cassie, it’s been a while i’ve read your blog, to be honest.
    I hope you can gather a lot of stuff for your shop 🙂 I’ll defenitly check it out when it opens ^^ Garage sales are not much of a treasury around here either… I mosly find the most adorable things on fleamarktes, in the stands of old men selling old metal and wood. They often have the best old medicin bottles, vases, pottery, photoframes etc ! x

  3. This has generally been my experience with garage sales/thrift stores…the only store near us is a Walmart, which means we end up sifting through discarded Walmart crap! Sorry it wasn’t successful but you’re right, a great learning experience!

  4. So true, definitely half the fun in finding antiques/collections/treasures is that it is a hunt. Some days your lucky and some days, not so much, but it’s all the more accomplishing and rewarding when you are.

    I look forward to your shop opening and seeing all the treasures you’ve discovered. Happy hunting!

  5. Yay Millstadt! You just need to hit a couple of farm estate sales around there and you’ll find all kinds of amazing treasures for your shop. (And stop driving through East St. Louis to get there. There are other ways to go!)

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