Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

5.8.11 on a monday


Another week has flown by and we are another week closer to my online shop opening up. Yipee!  I’ve been a busy bee over here, but I’m having fun and enjoying myself. See that pic above?? I have lots more photos from that field that I’ll be posting later in the week, so stay tuned!

1^ St. Louis had a Goodwill Outlet store open up on Thursday and I was hoping for it to be the greatest invention on earth. It was an “epic fail”.
2^ The Kentucky Derby was yesterday and this is the first year that I haven’t followed the horse stats the week leading up the race. I didn’t make any bets and I kind of feel like I missed out on something. Who doesn’t love those trumpets??
3^ Seems like all my personal projects have been put on hold and my focus has shifted towards market203. I must remember to get back to those once the crazy settles.
4^ I bought a onesie with a bulldog graphic on it. It was great. I hope he likes it!
5^ I’ve received more chai in the mail, so I’ve avoided the dreaded empty barrel syndrome that happens all the time. (I’m getting smarter 😉

Happy Sunday on a Monday!

*Have you jumped on the Google Friend Connect bandwagon? This is one of my favorite ways to find new bloggers to follow, so check it out!


4 comments on “5.8.11 on a monday

  1. I love all of your pictures so much, you look so lovely in each of them! I know what it’s like to devote all of your personal time to a new project…definitely takes time to learn how to prioritize everything and get everything done with equal motivation. 🙂

  2. Very cute! I love that umbrella raincoat your wearing! Don’t you hate when the new goodwill ends up being awful! It can really be the worst! Can’t wait to see market203 in full swing! 🙂

  3. Love the background in your picture! Such a pretty setting 🙂

    We have a goodwill outlet store here, if they are all the same…they are all pretty fail! Just big bins with stuff thrown in, right??? We go once every few months because they always have a lot of VHS’ and kids books but it is my least favorite thrift store to go to!

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