Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

is that a chess cake?

With all the blizzardy things going on outside, I’ve been in the mood to bake some yummy treats. This recipe happens to be one of the boy’s families favorites that I’ve fallen in love with over the years.

This is a recipe that I was introduced to when I started dating the boy almost 9 years ago. His mother and grandmother make this cake for him on his birthday and he loves it. He’s not a sweets eater, so if you find him chowing down on something sweet, you know it’s totally worth it. This simple cake recipe is very similar to the St. Louis, Gooey Butter Cake with some slight changes and a totally different back story. I’ve been told it’s a southern “thing”. Enjoy!  (read the family story above on the recipe card)

What You’ll Need:
1 package golden butter cake mix (I used Pillsbury)
4 eggs
1 stick butter
8 oz. cream cheese
1 lbs. powder sugar

First, mix together cake mix, 1 egg & 1 stick of butter. Once mixed, press into 9×13 in baking pan to create a “crust”.

Second, mix together 3 eggs, 8 oz cream cheese, powder sugar. Pour mixture onto the first layer and spread evenly across the bottom of the pan.

Bake @ 350 degrees for 45 minutes

Do you have any family recipes that are worth sharing? I think the online blogging community should make a cook book. What do you think?

making decisions: the quilt pattern

I’m moving right along on this whole quilting adventure. I’m applying the “cassie” method, which means a lot of analyzing, list making, pondering about this and that, and then finally making a solid decision.

I wanted this first quilt of mine to be very me if I was going to put a lot of time into it. I knew that if I bought a pattern off the internet I couldn’t get the customization that I wanted, although I knew I’d making it a bit harder on myself. My solution was to search the internet for the quilts that I liked and find the commonality between all of them. The obvious commonality was that they were all made out of triangles, the patterns were repeating and usually in a radial pattern. Next I started to sketch out what I thought would be a doable pattern and wha-la…I’ve got a pattern.

Now I don’t know what to do next. Haha. I’m assuming I need to figure out all the measurements. (I’m really dreading this part) I’ll be watching some tutorial videos to help me out. I’m starting to think I’m crazy for starting this, but now I’m in it for the long haul.

This past weekend the boy and I went to JoAnn Fabrics to pick up some of the essential quilting supplies that all the pros say you absolutely need. I was shocked at the prices of simple triangle rulers and the rotary cutters. Good thing a lot of the supplies are one-time purchases!

If you’re reading this and saying, “wow, why doesn’t she know she’ll need this?” then please speak up and share the knowledge. I feel like a dummy anyway…why not add to it. I will thank you later on. hehe. Check back later to see if I’ve survived the measuring process. It’s a little iffy at this point.

P.S- I really wish I had Rachel Denbow of Smile & Wave to come over here and do this with me. She’s a god at this stuff. Go check her out!

If you’re interested in seeing how this project got started see–>I’m inspired!Fabric Selection.

very first vedahouse giveaway!!!

I’m excited to be giving away my very first super cool item. Brainstorm Print & Design has been working with me over the past month to introduce their silkscreening/design services to my readers. If you missed last week’s Q&A chit-chat with the duo, you can read it HERE.

How to play:
This giveaway is super simple. All you have to do is leave a little note for Briana & Jason in my comments section. It’d be great if you could follow both thevedahouse & wearebrainstorm on Twitter. (you’ll get brownie points)

What you could win:
Atmosphere, Third Edition
5-color silk-screen print
Dimensions:  18″ w X 24″ H
$30 value

If you haven’t already, please stop by the print shop and see all the lovelies this group has for sale. I’ve got a few in my loft that I just love. Definitely unique conversational pieces. SHOP HERE.

i've been saving my pennies

It’s time to pick a new camera and it’s time to spend this money I’ve been saving since college graduation. I’m on a mission to find the perfect digital SLR for my needs. I need your help finding the right camera. PLEASE leave a comment, answering the 4 questions at the end of the post.

The Backstory:
I tend to be one of those people who play around on one piece of electronic and then feel the need to move on after a couple years. I’m a big camera gal and over the past 10 years, I’ve gone through 3 cameras…all of them were great. I’m itchy to get my hands on a new digital SLR.

My current camera, Panasonic Lumix LX3 is perfect for easy, no-fuss shooting. The benefit and downfall of this camera is that it has one fixed wide angle lens that ISN’T interchangeable. The camera has great built in settings that allow you to achieve most things. This camera has been perfect for a busy amateur photographer who needs to shoot great quality photos without messing with manual functions. Now that I’m spending a lot of time blogging and shooting, I would like to be able to have more say in what I’m doing. This means I need interchangeable lens and manual settings.

Nikon vs Canon:
I’m not sold on either brand at the moment. I think the final decision will be based on how great of a camera I can get for the least amount of money. Lets say the budget is $1000.  I do however feel that buying a camera body and then buying a separate lens will be the best way to get the best setup. Not saying that kit lens aren’t good, I just know there are better out there.

What I want to know:
1. What is your setup? Camera/lens?
2. What do you use your camera for? (blogging, fashion, weddings, etc)
3. How well does the camera/lens perform in low light situations?
4. Would you recommend this camera to an amateur photographer? (I’ve been doing photography for some time, but haven’t used manual settings for years now)

I’ll be putting together a summary of everyone’s comments so I can share with other people who are camera shopping. Thanks for your time, guys. I really appreciate it.

40 degrees & sunny

Today’s one of those days where you look out your window and even though its still cold outside, it is so sunny that it appears spring has sprung overnight. They boy and I knew we had to take advantage of the sun and slight increase in temperature, so we took the puppy to the park. We bundled up and as we were putting our gear on, the pup could tell we were about to go have some fun, and he was included. So off we went…

We have a really great neighborhood park 2 blocks from our loft, so this is our go to location to get some energy out of Porter (the pup). He drug us all the way there and once we were there he sprinted back and forth like a mad man. He was so happy.

After awhile, another family and their chocolate lab joined up to let the puppies play. Because there was still some snow on the ground and mud everywhere else, we came home with an extremely muddy dog. He definitely was going to get a bath. He was a trooper and spent the afternoon running around the apartment drying himself off.

The rest of the day is going to be a lazy one for us. I’m sitting here blogging and watching Cash & Cari on HGTV. She’s great and I can’t get enough of her. I want her job. This evening I plan on picking up some essential quilting supplies and some ingredients for a cake. I’m making a cake because I want to eat it, simple as that. Check back tomorrow the recipe for greatness. (especially if you have a sweet tooth)

Thank you to all my readers who stopped by this week. This coming week I will be having my first giveaway, so please come by. Have a lovely weekend!

this week's picks for friday finds & favorites

This week has been an extremely busy week at the agency and with blog features in the evenings. I didn’t have as much time as I usually do to go blog hopping, but I did stumble upon some really great new daily reads to add to my newsfeed.

Don’t forget about my weekly “gettin sh*t done” playlist below!

Tunes for your Friday:

So, I’ve had The National CD (High Violet) playing in my car now for over 3 months. I listen to it ever time I start the engine and it seems to be the only thing to keep me calm during my drive to and from work. If you haven’t listened to the album before, check out what you’ve been missing.

Also, stop by the lovely ladies blogs from the list below. I’m sure you’ll fall in love just as I did. Each one brings something different to the table and each keep me wanting more.

This Week’s Blog Love:
Harper’s Happenings – A momma blogger/twitter lover. Daughter = the cutest thing!
The Daybook–  A down-to earth fashionista who has the cutest adventures as a newlywed.
June Vintage– Find her at playdates with her kid, at thrift stores and behind her camera.
Daydream Lily– Cute creative blog and great Etsy Shop full of hand-made accessories.
Grown Up Rachel– A woman looks back on to what she thought life would be like.
The Clothes Horse– Daily photoshoots and the cutest stop motion animations.

Looking for some inspiration?
1. Print your blog in book form! Wouldn’t it be nice to have a printed form of all the work you’ve done on your blog. Now you can. Create your book here!
2. You & Me The Royal We-  A product line created by 3 Brooklyn studio mates. These guys can write children’s books, illustrate, paint, animate, collage things together, and create stunning jewelry. Go to site!
3. Trendey Stories- This website posts stories about home decor. You’ll find little stories that are personal, creative and from a Scandinavian perspective. Join the discussions here!
4. Kelly Murray Ar & Design- A San Diago girl who is always drawing and creating. She is a head designer at a clothing company and her blog is filled with her personal illustrations.   See Kelly now.
5. Love of My Life- A great initiative to get people to share their love stories. Its a worldwide collection of love proclamations. Read the story here. If you know Jen from Jen Loves Kev…you’ll absolutely love this. (support her husband’s genius project)

I hope all of you have plans for a relaxing weekend. I’ve had a busy week and plan to do very little. I think I might start my quilt and make a cake. See last week’s Friday Finds & Favorites.

If you are interested in being featured on the site, please let me know. I love to introduce great bloggers to my readers!

my fabric came in!!!

So I’ve had a hard time committing to the fabrics I was going to use on my quilt. I found sooo many great patterns on a variety of sites. I decided to streamline the whole shipping process and bought all fabric from one online shop, Sew Mama Sew. It took about 3 days to get here and the shipping was next to nothing. I was able to choose from their huge SALE selection and walked away with 8ish yards of fabric for about $25 dollars! What a steal.

As you can see in the above pictures, my kitty Lucy totally approves of the fabric choices and has already left her furry furries all over them. (Thanks Lucy!) If you are interested in see my original quilting plans CLICK HERE. (things have evolved a bit)

You can see all the fabrics I bought above. I already had all my solids which include a cream, minty green, rust & mustard colors. I wanted patterns that didn’t necessary match but something that went well together. Click above image to shop for fabrics!

So as you can see I have beginner type sewing equipment. Please don’t laugh at my itty bitty machine. If you are sewing straight lines (pillows, hems, etc) it’s really easy to use & extremely portable. If I fall in love with sewing, I’ll upgrade to the “real” thing.  I’m not sure what kind of extra supplies will be helpful to have around once I get started, but I’m sure I’ll find out along the way. If you have tips, please share!

Books I’m looking into:
1. Book One 2. Book Two 3. Book Three 4. Book Four

I’m looking into getting a couple Mossgreen Childrens Books to help me with the basics of quilting since this is my first attempt. The books above are books that I’ve found on Amazon, but I’ll probably go to a book store to get my hands on something. Have any of you read any great guilting/sewing books or tutorials? Please let me know if you have.

I’m starting to think about patterns and I have a lot of things drawn up. I’ll share with you guys later once I get a little more organized.

friends of veda: let's go green w/ Eva!

Since I started this blog journey little over a month ago I’ve had a very loyal Switzerland-based follower. She’s great and is determined to share her environmentally conscious lifestyle on her blog. ( she blogs about other things too! ) I had a chance to talk with her about how she decided to start her blog, her choice to take a strong stand with environmental/social issues, and her plans for the future. I thought it might be nice to share some tips on how to start your year off right and maybe make less of an impact on the environment this time around. She’s provided a great list of tips for living a greener life at the end of this post.

Don’t forget to hop over to her little corner of the internet, check out what she’s been up to. She was kind enough to share my blogging adventures with her readers as well. Go to!

VEDA: You’ve found a really great Niche to blog in. I think environmental blogging is definitely going to be a new trend. How did you get started blogging and do you have any big goals for your blog?

FLC: I wouldn’t say my blog is just an environmental blog; I write about all of my interests! I’d thought about starting a blog off-and-on for a few years. Finally I decided I had time and nothing to lose so I started designing my website and, after a couple of months, the next thing I knew I was writing post after post and people were visiting and commenting. I’m so glad I decided to start a blog. The blogging community is full of nice and wonderful people and I feel as though my blog has been embraced with open arms. I hope to continue writing about the things I love and I hope that, with time, many others will find my blog a place to learn and take action as well as a place to share their thoughts.

VEDA: You frequently post about current events and I was wondering what are your daily resources that you visit for inspiration. Are there certain websites that you read everyday to pull information?

FLC: Oh, gosh… I’d have to show you my entire RSS feed to show you where I get all of my information and it’s quite full! I always link to the original story where I found the information, but most of the current events I write about are from the news or emails I receive from different organizations. As for websites,,, and are a few I check daily and the ones with stories I’ve featured the most from on Four Leaf Clover thus far.

This is a really great video posted about a little while back.

VEDA: I’ve noticed that people can be intimidated by unsettling current events. How do you get people to interact with your blog in a way that commenting extends the conversation?

FLC: I try to write all of my blog entries as though to a friend or how I would in my journal. I’ve been an animal rights activist and vegetarian (now a vegan for over a year) since my sophomore year of high school, I was the environmental club leader in high school and part of my town’s environmental committee, I attended a Sierra Student Coalition camp, a couple summers ago I had an internship with PETA UK and I wrote for my school’s newspaper where I sometimes was able to write about these type of issues. My life in the past few years has all added up to the way I write about difficult issues going on in the world.

VEDA: You’re using SocialVibe to raise money for the whales & dolphins who are threaten by whaling. Have you found success using this too? I find this cause very exciting. Would you like to share any information about what you’re trying to do?

FLC: Through SocialVibe I’ve been able to get some of my friends involved and aware of the plight whales and dolphins face today. I fully believe that a single person can change the world so every one person who knows that much more about an issue is important. The cause I currently support is the Whaleman Foundation’s whose mission is to end all commercial and scientific whaling and stop dolphin slaughter. Many people found out about this cause because of the show Whale Wars as well as the Oscar winning film The Cove. So far the Whaleman Foundation on SocialVibe has raised over $50,000. SocialVibe, as a whole, has already raised over $700,000 for over forty non-profit organizations so they’re definitely making a difference and are a huge help to many causes. All you have to do is make an account and do a few activities once in a while to help raise money for a cause you care about and it’s all free!

VEDA: I know you are committed to bringing attention to the social/environmental issues we face today. Are you doing anything outside of the blog world to help? Do you have a career in the environmental department?

FLC: Since moving to Switzerland, I’ve not been able to get involved in any organizations like I did in the US and UK so my activism is strictly internet-based. Signing letters and petitions is often times a daily action for me. I had been posting actions that people could get involved in on my Facebook, but I decided to take it a giant step forward with my blog. This way I can reach friends and many, many others which is what I’ve always wanted to do. This year I hope to go on a volunteer program for environment and animal conservation. Following that, I’d like to attend university and study these topics. Finding a school here in Europe with a course in English that I’d like to take is harder than taking action, ha!

Unwanted and once-loved tee shirts are redesigned and sold at Click image to shop now!

Eva’s done a really great job of gathering some helpful tips for us to reference when making simple lifestyle changes. These tips can be used by anyone whether you have your own home, rent, live with someone else, etc. Living in an ecological and efficient place is not only better for the environment, but it can make home feel fresh and more home-like than ever before.

1 6-month eco challenge2 drink coasters on Etsy, 3 house plants for cleaner air4 bike rims in The Veda House loft5 homemade composting6 Martha Stewart etched glass jars, 7 Treehugger tips, 8 CFL light bulbs9 eco-friendly cleaning solutions, 10Sierra Club blog

If you have anything to add, please leave a little note below. If you like what you see at Eva’s blog, share the love with a note to Eva in the comment section!

friends of veda: chit chat with Brainstorm Print & Design

Over the past couple years I’ve bumped into the designers/illustrators/print makers at Brainstorm Print & Design. I’ve been following their work as they’ve grown their business and even own a few of their prints. ( SHOP prints here! ) The couple in business and in life live/work in Philly, PA and have a wide variety of clients. You may have seen them on these blogs: NotCot, Design Milk, OMG Posters, IndieFixx, Okay Great, Posters and Prints Blog, and many more. Let’s get to know them a little bit more with an old fashioned Q&A. See below!

TVH: When did you guys decide you wanted to go into business together and start what is today Brainstorm Print and Design? How has the company evolved over the years?

BPD: We met in 2007 in college, through a printmaking class, mutual friends, and a few parties. Within the first month of our relationship we were already collaborating on work. It was a major magnetic force between us. I think we knew from the get go that this was something that would become who we were not only as individual artists, but as a couple. We have evolved mainly in location, but also in our attitudes towards each other. We’ve gotten to know each others rhythms having lived together right from the beginning. We still work in similar ways from early on, collaborating on everything, and helping each other out with every step. We’ve just gotten better at it!

TVH: What are you favorite kinds of projects to take on? Do you favor one printing technique or style of another?

BPD: Our favorite types of projects (besides our own personal work) are the ones with interesting clients who can give us creative freedom from designing at the start to producing a screen printed piece at the end. We are big fans of tangible artwork and being able to hold in your hand a final product. It’s really important to us and it makes it all worthwhile at the end. We always use screen printing because it is super versatile and kinder to the environment than most other printmaking methods.

TVH: I’ve noticed the both of you have moved into a new work/ live loft? How has that been? Has it made going to work any easier?

BPD: YES. Considering that we moved 4 times in the last 15 months. Out of college we were living with parents for a bit. Then with roommates and working in cold, dingy basements to get the business off the ground. We are proud to say we have earned our own space doing what we love. There’s really no restrictions on what we can and can’t do in our warehouse. And that really goes both ways with the interesting neighbors we have. But above all else living in a warehouse space like this is really worth it for the creative community, city opportunities, and price. Seriously people, move to Philly.

TVH: What does a typical day look like in the life of “Briana and Jason”?

BPD: A day in the life of us consists of many different things. Being partners both in business and in life makes for a wide range of plans. On any given day we could be signing and stamping our own posters, mixing inks, emailing wholesale or consignment clients, making a new licensing deal, discussing contract projects, coming up with new ideas for prints, drawing, going on Facebook and twitter, napping, pulling prints, cleaning screens, cooking food, perusing the internets, going to Lowes to fix or improve something in the loft, working on craft show displays, rearranging the studio (again), organizing the desks, watching movies, going out for a beer with friends in the middle of the day, uploading photos, doing laundry, picking up film separations. Never all in one day, but any combination of them can happen. Bottom line is there is ALWAYS something to do. It’s never boring.

TVH: Lastly, are there any upcoming Brainstorm Print & Design events coming up that my readers should know about? Anything excited planned for 2011?

BPD:2011 is going to be huge for us. We are hoping to add craft shows to our list that we haven’t done yet, mostly because of location. We plan on flying and traveling farther around the country (definitely west coast) to sell prints everywhere. We are working on getting plenty of new and exciting sets of prints out this year, as well as working with some of our fantastic repeat contract clients. Also, having lived in Philly for about 8 months now, we are starting to get into doing more gallery shows. So we’ll see if that lifestyle sticks!
