Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

DIY-paper crane mobile

I’ve had a thing for mobiles for some time now. You don’t have to have a baby to have a mobile and some of the simple paper ones are just darling. Most of the designs out there you can make yourself with materials you have around the house. An origami mobile is a really easy way to add dimension to any room and the possibilities are endless.

This crane is uber simple to make. All you’ll need is paper of your choice of any color. I chose white because I like the monochromatic look and fits into any room. There are a lot of paper crane tutorials out there, but I found a really nicely illustrated version that was created by Allison over at Unruly Things. The step-by-step instructions are easy to follow and were created in my favorite color, mustard! Need to see it being done in a video. Go here! Looking for other origami animals? Try HereHere, & Here.

Once you have all your cranes made, string them like beads on either fishing line or thread. Space the cranes evenly and tie a knot under each crane to keep them from sliding up and down the string. I decided to create multiple strands of cranes at varying length and organize them in a line. You could always organize them as a cluster. I used a dowel rode to hold all my strands, but you could use anything!

Here are some images for inspiration:

1Puka Puka Mobiles 2Projekt Mr. Moustache 3Royal Buffet Etsy Shop
4Modern Baby CO.

Would love to see your mobiles you’ve created. Send em my way!

#altsummit: from twitter

I’m a little upset that I wasn’t able to go to the Altitude Design Summit in Salt Lake City. I was able to take away highlights from this 4-day conference by following fans on twitter. Everyone was tweeting take away points from the speakers. Below is my visual interpretation of the days events. Enjoy! (click image to enlarge)

The Altitude Design Summit was a place where design and lifestyle bloggers come together to share their ideas. Many of the blogs I follow were guest speakers this year, which made everything that much better. ( Swiss Miss, Design Sponge, Nie Nie Dialogues, Oh Joy!, Design Milk, Pinterest, & Modern Kiddo) I could kick myself for not being there.

Jump on the band wagon next year so you don’t miss out on information about marketing, funding your site, blogging etiquette, blogging ethics and sooooo much more.  Find out a little more information!

Did anyone get lucky and get to attend? Would love to hear your stories and whether or not you felt it was worth the money and time investment.

friday finds & favorites // 1

Each Friday I’ve done a post to thank all the blog ladies who I’ve connected with during the week and this week the post title has evolved a bit. I felt a title that described what the post was about was more appropriate. (go figure!) I really enjoy this post because I get to recap on “what I’ve learned” during the week and then share with my readers, so enjoy!

Blog love this week:
The Flowerchild Dwelling, shares her favorite things on tuesday, a video here and there, music on mondays, and plenty of giveaways!
Bangles & Burlap for NEST, Nest and I partnered up recently to give you the most up to date news on loan recipients and beautifully handmade product.
Busy Bee Lauren, a documentation of the crazy/silly life of a blogger/wife.
Selective Potential, a blogger who lives in Michigan, love little adventures, married, and loves personal style.
Nei Nei Dialogues, a woman who adores her family and shares her struggles of having 80% of her body burned in a plane crash. Totally inspiring!
Andrew + Carissa, married young, travel the world on photography adventures and hope to adopt a little girl from Africa.

Sources of inspiration:
1. Poketo, a company with a little bit of everything from clothing to stationery and it’s all limited edition product from a variety of artists. Check it out!
2. I’m buying textile from Sara Lee Parker’s Etsy shop. Screen printed! Get yours here.
3. Modcloth is the go to clothing and accessory company who takes design ques from a vintage life. Buy a beautiful dress !
4. A resource for all beautifully crafted packaging designs at Lovely Packaging. Get inspired here!
5. A group of designers, directors, artist who are creating some amazing digital work. See their portfolio. Brand New School.
6. For all you web designers out there. A great resources for tips and trips at

This week’s playlist is all about the French Ladies.

I leave you with a question. Who would be interested in a little spotlight on my blog? I’m looking into featuring some other bloggers/designers to share the love. I’ve got some really great features currently in the pipeline. Want to be a part of this?

mini open faced sandwiches

Last night I stepped outside of my little food box and tried something “new”. I felt like someone on the Food Network as I whipped up these delicious open faced chicken sandwiches. My boyfriend is a champion eater of sorts and he said it was the best thing he’s eaten in St. Louis so far. Either he was being super sweet or my sandwiches were kick ass.

This dinner is super simple to make and we were eating and watching Mad Men within 30 minutes. I imagine these would be perfect for get-togethers.

What You’ll Need:
1 Loaf of French or sourdough bread
1 package of readymade pulled BBQ chicken (we used Curly’s)
1/2 white onion
1 “stalk” of green onion
1 clove garlic
Cherry tomatoes
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Shredded mozzarella cheese
parmesan cheese, grated (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Start by slicing your loaf of bread into 1/2 in thick slices. Place slices of bread onto baking sheet and heat heat both sides until slices are slightly tough/crunchy. Remove from oven.

To make onion/garlic spread start by cutting up half an onion and 1 “stalk” of green onions into small fine pieces. Next, cut up 1 clove garlic into fine piece. I then used a mini food processor to crush the onion, green onion and garlic. I then added a little bit of olive oil to make a thin paste to spread on each slice of bread.

Use the spread and coat each slice of bread with a thin coating of your onion/garlic sauce. Heat BBQ chicken by following the directions on the packaging. Spoon enough BBQ Chicken mixture onto each slice of bread on top of the onion/garlic mixture.

Top with cheese and cherry tomatoes and return to oven to melt the cheese. Serve warm!

That’s it! You can always experiment and tweak the recipe to include your favorite things. The boy and I decided that this recipe had the perfect combination of flavors without getting too complicated.

Oh, Don’t forget to stop by Nest and read a note from Rebecca! Get Involved.

you can build a nest

Nest in India from Nest on Vimeo.

Ohhh geez, where do I start. I hope you’ve read the above letter from Rebecca, the Founder of Nest and a dedicated woman. Two weeks after graduating from college (back in 2006)  she founded Nest, and has since been improving the lives of women in developing countries. These woman receive interest-free loans or even the occasional emergency personal loan in which they use to master their craft and make beautiful product. The Nest story is truly inspiring and there are several ways you can build your own nest and get involved.

Let’s build a nest together!
Here are 10 simple ways you can make a difference. Some big, some itty bitty.

1. Follow Nest to get daily updates on Twitter, Facebook and Vimeo.
2. Read the Blog! There are some really great stories being shared.
3. Join the mailing list to get special offers and the inside scoop on Nest events!
4. Shop Nest product either by Loan Recipient or by Artist Helping Artist.
5. Attend any of the upcoming social events. ( India Night & Rugby in San Francisco)
6. Join the local Nest chapter in your city and strengthen your community!
7. Give the gift of a tax-deductible donation.
8. Become a Nest Summer Fellow or a Nest Intern. ( OMG this is crazy amazing!)
9. Throw a Nest party to raise funds.
1o. Help the nest team and volunteer your graphic and web design skills.

New years call for new ways of giving back. Above a super way to support a great cause and stay connected to the handmade movement. (have you taken the handmade pledge?)

If you like what you see, you are in luck. Nest is going to become a regular sighting here on The Veda House blog. Rebecca and I will be working together to provide you with information right from the source.

Check back soon for our first Nest giveaway! So excited to be able to connect my lovely readers to something so awesome. If you start building your own nest, PLEASE let me know. I’d love to be able to report back to Rebecca with handfuls of excited followers.

let's be pen pals!

It’s now a month into 2011 and I’m just now marking something off my list of things to improve on, writing more handwritten letters to far away friends. I know it takes more time to write and takes more time to send a simple message, but it’s totally worth it. Have you ever received a letter in the mail from a friend you haven’t seen for ages, it’s like magic. Back in grade school my best friend and I would write each other a handwritten letter each day and then bundle them up to send on Fridays. Even though we saw each other on a regular basis, having something coming to you in the mail made Fridays so special. We would decorate the envelopes with bight colors and include funny pictures/illustrations. Oh…the memories.

On a side note, pen pals are so much fun. It’s just as much fun sending them as it is receiving them. Anyone interested in being pen pals?

send snail mail to:
Miss Pyle
1119 Mississippi Ave #203
St. Louis, MO 63104

Have you guys noticed that I now have blogger badges you can use on your website. Help promote! Click Here to get your badge.

inside our st. louis loft

This is one of those post that I’ve been trying to get done for some time now, but felt our place needed a bit of early spring cleaning before I give you a sneak peek. I plan on sharing our main living area and bedroom, but I’m holding off on our working studio for another time. (I’ve got an idea with that)

Here’s a little background to how we acquired out lovely loft with a beautiful and useful carpeting thanks to the joners dublin services.
About two years ago we found out were would be moving to St. Louis because I got a job at an advertising agency in town. We needed to find a place fast and drove the 7+ hours two weekends in a row searching at every possible loft space. The thing was that most of the spaces were not going to be available until months later or they came with a hefty price tag. We were on a budget and didn’t want to have my entire paycheck going towards rent. Any how, two weekends later we have a loft that is too expensive, but we love every part of it, including the beautiful neighborhood. (except that it doesn’t have an outdoor space/balcony. Oh and it has a beautiful carpet from carpet to go Seattle.

Since we are renting the space I have been limited on what I can do. I can’t alter the structure in any way and ripping up the ugly carpet really isn’t an option. Well Carpet Cleaning Adelaide can definitely improve looks and health of carpet. ( I know there is concrete under there that is gorgeous!!!) I’ve been slowing piecing the place together with hand made furniture, thrifted pieces and a lot of artwork/trinkets. Everything is a work in progress as it slowly shifts from college furniture to “grown-up” furniture, but the process has been fun.

Some of my favorite things about our space is that we have SUPER high ceilings that are covered from wall to wall in wood. We have Timber sash windows that are surrounded entirely in brick, exposed duct work and massive wooden beams that stand vertically to support the place. This type of windows will add value to your property as they’re going to combine performance and character.

They tend to be a far better alternative to uPVC windows also . uPVC windows can depreciate the worth of a property if they’re fitted on anything aside from a replacement build with a up to date design. While uPVC windows might sound a less costly option, they will cost you dearly by minimizing the potential asking price of your home, as purchasers will look to scale back the worth to catch up on having to exchange the windows with more traditional timber windows.

Timber windows and doors are far better for the environment as compared to other materials used; especially if they’re sourced through sustainable sources. they’re more attractive, they’re going to last for for much longer if taken care of properly and can create a more pleasant atmospheric living condition, also as increasing the worth of your property.

These days the foremost popular timber sash windows are built as vertical sliding box sash windows, combining traditional designs with the newest technology. If completed with a stained wood finish, the timber window perfectly suits and retains the character of the amount home.

They’re fitted by professional companies like Lomax & Wood – Timber Sash Experts which have a highly skilled and competent workforce, the experts will use the newest manufacturing procedures ensuring a chic , polished finish with classic lines. There are many good firms who provides Shelter services and having many lot experiences in this domain. The timber sash windows are going to be designed to possess extra seals to make sure smoother movement when opening/closing and can protect against harsh weather .

My favorite pieces of furniture include my mid-century style gray couch, white storage cabinet (where I keep all my magazine, photo albums and records), my Saarinen dining table, mustard glass lamp, and all my artwork. Some new pieces include my hand-made end table made up of a letterpress tray and some table legs found on ebay. ( x-mas gift from my dad) I could go on and on about the pieces I have since I only collect things that come with a story. It’s my way of making sure my place doesn’t get too cluttered.

I hope you enjoyed seeing a little of what we call home. Click the thumbnails below if you’d like to see more. I plan on showing my working space sometime in the near future, so look for that.

If you see anything you’d like to chat about let me know. I could chat all day about interior spaces!

belgian waffles & peaches

We woke up this morning with full intention to head to the grocery and pick up the essentials since we’re out of EVERYTHING! We were slow moving and once we sat down on the couch, I knew the grocery wasn’t going to happen. Unfortunately my plan was to pick up some pancake/waffle mix, one of those things that you add water and shake up. Since that didn’t happen I got adventurous and decided I was going to make waffle mix from scratch and searched the lovely internet for a Belgian waffle recipe. Found on and off I went.

It wasn’t too difficult but those shake and pour things are genius. Oh well, next time! One of my favorite parts of this whole shebang was getting to use my new waffle iron that I got for Christmas. It performed well and we were eating waffles and peaches.

What you’ll need:
1 1/4 c. sifted cake flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 c. sugar
pinch of salt
4 egg yolks
1 1/2 c. milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 c. melted butter
4 egg whites

Preheat a waffle iron.

Whip the first three ingredients and place in refrigerator to chill.

Sift together the flour, baking powder, 1/4 c. sugar, and salt onto a piece of waxed paper.

Beat the egg yolks lightly and add the milk, vanilla and melted butter. Drop in the dry ingredients and stir just enough to combine.

In a separate, clean bowl, beat the egg whites until they are stiff but not dry and fold them into the batter gently.

Bake in a seasoned waffle iron at medium heat until the steam stops escaping.

Dust the baked waffles with confectioner’s sugar and top with whipped cream. Sliced strawberries or peaches may be served on top.

There you go. It was pretty simple and the waffles definitely had a home made “from scratch” taste. What kind of tasty treats have you made recently?

saturday's shenanigans

Today was one of those days that when it’s over you wish you could have a day like that everyday. The boy and I spent the day out in St. Louis’ Central West End neighborhood hoping from one shop to the next, which is easy to do in this area.

We started the day at a few thrift stores and unfortunately came up empty handed. You’ll have those kind of days when you’re searching for hidden treasures. We then hoped to Left Bank books to snatch up Hunger Games. I received an overwhelming amount of people suggesting I read the book, so I’ll give it a try. We spent some time in the children’s book section which always takes us back 20 years or so. We then perused the periodical section and I discovered some healthy eating tips from the Food Network magazine and saw Ryan Gosling on the cover of GQ. (I’ve loved him ever since he was in The Notebook)

Our stomachs were growling like angry lions so we walked across the street to devour some lovely pizza at Pi. I’ve eaten there so many times, but the cornmeal pizza crust never gets old. I remember playing a I dare you game where we called NYC pizza once and asked them if they were the Real Piza. that was hilarious. You can also check this dare plus more I dare you by following this link. (brought leftovers home!!!) Before heading home I drug the boy next door to Rothschield’s, a pretty snazzy antique store with overpriced goodies.  I left behind a really great card catalogue unit that I would of died to have. Definitely NOT worth the $600 price tag.

We spent the evening on the couch again, drinking chocolate chai, reading my new book and watching some more of Mad Men. Life is good my friends. Life is good! How did you spend your saturdays?

I’ve been busy tidying up our little loft and look forward to showing you some sneak peeks come monday. Fingers crossed and don’t forget to check back!

a night at the brewery

St. Louis has quite a few breweries that are all worth checking out. Friday night the boy and I decided to spend the evening at Square One Brewery/restaurant. He ordered a massive taco salad and I just had dessert, a massive stout brownie.

It was a cold night and didn’t really feel like getting back out once I got home from work, but it was worth it. We just enjoyed each other’s company and talked about our plans for the near future. Lots of stuff going on these days!

Once we got home we plopped ourselves on our little gray couch; he fell asleep and I transported myself to Stars Hollow. ( If you watch Gilmore Girls you know what I’m talking about ) I sang along to the intro sequence song 4 times, which means I watched 4, 1-hour episodes. Can we say “amazing”?

I’ve got a 3-day weekend ahead of me and I couldn’t be more excited. Today is going to be a busy day full of adventures. Can’t wait to share them with you as they happen. Have an amazing weekend my dear friends! Oh, I’m getting new glasses today. Pretty excited!
