Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

Simple Groves Insiders's Tips / Week 5

Today’s week 5 of Kirsten Grove’s lovely insider’s tips.I hope you’ve been able to pick up some tips along the way. I know I have!  All these images in today’s post have been sitting in my Pinterest for some time now and I just love them. I love the mood of each room and I think the styling is so carefree that it’s working perfectly.

If you missed the first week of tip/suggestions, go check it out, and don’t forget to stop over at Simply Grove to see my latest color palettes!

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Maria Rita Photography

Maria Rita, a Portuguese photographer based out of London has a real talent for capturing individuals. Her focus is put on fashion, portraits, beauty and retouching. I’ve been eyeing her work for awhile now and always leave her portfolio inspired!

Stop by her Portfolio and see her work for yourself!

Friday Finds & Favorites // 64

[vimeo 38011752 w=750&h=420]

1. This reminds me that I need to get grocery stuff to make brushetta!

2. And some goodies to make these lovely ice cream sandwiches by elephantine blog.

3. I absolutely love this typeface by Piotr Buczkowski.

4. Love the styling of this clothing brand. So fun and has lots of personality.

5. I think I’d like one of everything from this online shop called Monosquare, especially all the textiles!

6. Great post by Moorea Seal about being open and brave in the online world.

7. So happy for Erin and her new little online adventure called minikind. Such a great extension of her design blog called Design For Mankind. 🙂

8. A really fun photoshoot by Kaitlyn Ferris called “Weightless“.

9. Some really amazing iPhone photos by Jennifer of I Art U.

10. I’ve been really enjoying the blog by Shop Terrain called Bulletin. It’s filled with lots of great inspiration.

Happy Weekend!

Abandon Normal Devices Ad Campaign

I came across this ad campaign and felt I needed to post about it since it made me do a double take. All great makes you look twice right? The Abandon Normal Devices Film Festival campaign was designed/concepted by Marcus McCabe. The project included brand identity (my favorite) along with posters, festival guides, website, and teasers. I thought it was a very clever project with lots of personality.

See more of Marcus’ Portfolio HERE.

The Dominican Republic: Part 3

This trip to the Dominican Republic will always be held near and dear to my heart. Half way through the trip, my boyfriend/best friend of 10 years got down on one knee in my favorite place on earth, the sandy beach. I’ll never forget how shock I was and I’m continuing to soak in all the little details, one week later.

You could say it’s been a really long time coming and we couldn’t be any more excited!

branding backwards / 03

The branding for Fruita Blanch by Atipus is hands down one of my favorite identities, ever. I’m not sure if it’s their handmade type or the modern + vintage combo that won me over more, but the fact of the matter is that it’s done extremely well, as a whole. While the typography is clean cut and simple, the designers had a fun time matching everything with beautiful photographs of fruit. I dig it. PLUS, you can even download the font they used, for free! Simply click here to get it. What a score, huh??

As usual, make sure you stop over at my blog today to see Cassie’s Branding Backwards post this week! I’ve been having such a fun time working on these posts for all of you. Can’t wait to keep it going!

atipus / fruita blanch / lit / glass / pattern / bottles / palm trees / fruit / alphabet / blogged by breanna rose

The Dominican Republic: Part 2

Here are some more photos from our lovely stay in The Dominican Republic. Remember that you can see more moments via my Instagram feed. Tomorrow I’m going to share with my favorite part of the entire trip 🙂

The Dominican Republic: Part 1

The boy and I took a spur of the moment trip to the Dominican Republic trip this past week for 5 days of sunshine. We had desperately been needing something to get out of our funk we’d been in, and a trip sounded like the best solution. With the help of my dear friend Julie from Roving I, the boy and I were able to find a location, book the trip without any stress, and be laying on a beach in less than a month’s time. I couldn’t thank her enough.

We stayed in an area called Bavaro, which is right outside of Punta Cana. We were beyond pleased with the resort we stayed at and were more than happy to just lay around (by pool or beach) for a few days. I’ve learned from this trip that spur of the moment events can be pretty darn fun sometimes. haha

More photos to come and a special announcement too!


We'll be back!

That’s right! This girly is finally taking a vacation!!! I’ve been dreaming of laying on a beach for years now, so the boy and I decided to book a spontaneous trip to the Dominican Republic. I couldn’t be more excited for warm sun, sandy beaches, and oodles of pina coladas!

I won’t be blogging over the next week (which I’ve never taken this much time away from this precious baby of mine), but I needed to disconnect…or at least mostly. I’m hoping to be able to share lots of photos with you when I return, but until then you can follow me on twitter and see the photos I post to my Instagram account.

See you all in a week! I’ll miss you guys!


*UPDATE: So I haven’t even left yet and I just found out wi-fi is going to cost me big bucks. We’ll see if I can steal some access from somewhere and tweet/instagram my heart out. If not, I’ll have lots to share when I get back 🙂

Lesson Learned: List Making Saves Lives

Ok, lets talk about how Cassie is a crazy person, shall we? Some of the people closest to me would say I’m a chronic/compulsive list maker and it’s something I don’t deny. Lists have saved my sanity on too many occasions to count, which has created a profound love affair for them. I even have lists for my lists, which I know is crazy talk…but here me out.

I’ve got a system for doing things, most of them are really strange. Usually it starts with a hand-written list contained in one of my many list making notebooks. I then divide that list based on priority, this is me basically re-writting the list I just made, but in a more organized fashion. From here, I usually start attacking the tasks at hand, crossing things off as I go. Once I get to a point where about half the items are crossed off, I create a new list with those remaining items. This new list is much shorter and feels super manageable. Such a great feeling! It’s all a mental game anyway…right?

I also keep my list digitally in the FREE online program called TeuxDeux. I use TeuxDeux as my most concrete list of the day. I don’t delete things from it, or rewrite it, or even mess with it all that much. It serves as my final check list for my hand-written lists.  At the end of the day I bring up my list and mark all the things accomplished off and the unaccomplished get digitally pushed to the next day. The nice thing about TeuxDuex is that you can also have long term lists, for those pesky jobs that never seem to get done.

Ok, now that you all know I’m a crazy person with obsessive behavior, lets get back to marking things off our lists. In all honesty, without lists (big or small) I’d be an unorganized mess with frequent panic attack sessions. Keeping list is MY way of keeping my sanity to a normal level. What’s your way??

image by: Scott Peterman
