Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

INDIE blogger conference wrap up

I had the bestest of time over the last week attending the INDIE blogger e-conference. Tieka of Selective Potential and Elizabeth of Delightfully Tacky did an AMAZING job putting this thing today. The information was 100% useful and the girls are such a charm to learn from. Learning things from experienced bloggers who can give you the inside scoop is beyond beneficial.

I was hesitant to sign up for the conference in the first place mainly because I had never done anything like that. I am new to the blogger world and didn’t know how beneficial the courses would be to me. THANK GOLLY I did sign up because almost everything over the past week was useful information. Below I designed a little summary of what I learned from the e-conference. I learned a lot more than is listed below, but these are the main takeaways.

I almost forgot to mention my favorite part of the conference, the cherry on top. Throughout the week, the girls did little BONUS courses, videos, live chats, sneak peeks and personal stories. This is honestly what made the conference. Not only did you get to know the gals on a deeper level, the bonus material gave tips/insight into how the blogger world can expand into your day to day life. My personal favorite was the live chat sessions with the girls. You asked them a question and Wa-La, you got an answer. Here’s a little video of Elizabeth and her Brave!

As a little sign off I found some really great interviews with the girls on the net.

1. Interview with Elizabeth on ( GO TO INTERVIEW)
2. Interview with Tieka on (GO TO INTERVIEW)

friday finds & favorites

This friday I’m mixing things up a bit. As you can tell from my sidebar, I’ve made the Buy Handmade Pledge. They idea of buying handmade is really important to me, so I try to support other artisans when I can. If you know me, I’m a real big bag lady. I’d take a new bag over a pair of heals any day. I’m also absolutely in love with printmaking, so you’ll see a lot of love for my friends over at Brainstorm Print & Design.

I chose to post 3 of my favorite videos of artists creating things with their hands and producing quality product. If you are a follower of A Design Mafia, you may remember some of these videos, but I felt like a re-post on a new blog with new readers was alright. Plus, they are videos that are beautifully put together.

Are you inspired yet?
I’ve got a lot of great links to share with everyone today. Hope you can sit down with a cup of joe and check ’em out.

1. Fringe, Union Square- Are you into collaborative workspaces as much as I am? I’m still trying to figure out a way to make this idea part of my career. Fringe is a 4,400 sq ft. creative business incubator and co-working space in Somerville, Ma.

2. Photojojo– Photo gifts and gear for photographers. Camera lens bracelets, iPhone lenses, F-Stop watch, and other novelties.

3. Spoonflower– OMG! Custom printed fabric. Design your own pattern and have Spoonflower print it for you on natural fabrics. The custom fabrics are a little pricey, but completely one of a kind. They even have a weekly fabric design contest!

4. Lucy Rose– I was introduced to Lucy Rose when I stumbled upon a ‘links for your weekend’ type post over at Sometimes Sweet. She has an amazing soft voice!

5. Blythe Doll Wallpapers– You can download your favorite doll wallpaper to your desktop. Thanks!

I also have the winner of this weeks giveaway. It fits perfectly with the hand-made theme of this post since this chicken was 100% hand sewn by NEST’S loan recipients in Guatemala. The winner of this little chicken will be getting an email soon so I can gather the right shipping address.

How do you plan to spend your weekend? I can’t wait for mine, but I’ll tell you all about it later! So excited for saturday!

what the boy wore.

I’ve got a pretty simple dude living with me and he’s got a style that hasn’t really evolved much since I’ve met him. Yes he used to were Abercrombie and Fitch and lots of American Eagle, but hey…he was 16. Now his style is pretty much brand-less, but much more “HIM”. He wears jeans every day with some kind of shirt and some kind of fancy pair of brightly colored sneakers or desert boots. SIMPLE.  Here’s what he wore to work this morning. Isn’t he cute?

These pictures literally took us less than 5 minutes to take on our way to work this morning. Maybe we’ll try to do this more often.

*Item not shown: Lacoste Navy blue jacket, Vintage.

love day

This year, our love day wasn’t really planned out and we just did whatever we felt like doing. The boy and I both had to work, so we spent the majority of the day apart. I woke up early with the intention of making this really great morning treat, monkey bread. The morning was rushed and the bread never had time to cook all the way through. Fail

As soon as I arrived at the ad agency, I got a call saying, “someone loves you again,” and I knew the mister had sent flowers. He’s really good at making me feel special. I spent the day admiring my tulips, taking pictures, and soaking in their fragrance. It’s moments like these that make me appreciate services like flower delivery lesmurdie, which always ensures a fresh, beautiful surprise.

One really great thing I did at work was participate in the Proclaim Your Love/Love of My Life project. All you do is go to the website, print out the mini poster, hang it where you see if, proclaim your love for someone, and then post your picture back to the website. Since the boy and I were both at work, I felt it was appropriate to hang the poster in my office and snap a pic. Watch the video- the story is just adorable.

Since we didn’t have a bunch planned for our Valentines Day evening and that we couldn’t decide on where we wanted to go to dinner, we decided we’d both pick up food the restaurant of our choice and then take it home. We ended up watching 3 episodes of Lie to Me and cuddled on the couch for the rest of the evening. I also got a little crafty and made the boy a hand-made card.

The boy and I pretty much have a Valentines Day every day and we are lucky enough to have job/lifestyles were we get to see each other every morning and evening. We’ve been together for almost 9 years but I’m always curious to see what the future will bring…young love!

How did you spend your Valentines Day?

friends of veda: Oh, Mishka

Hey guys. Today’s a good day. It’s supposed to be another warm one here in St. Louis. I’m also excited that I have a fabulous blog feature to share with you today. I love featuring other bloggers because I learn a little bit from every one of them. Oh, Mishka was one of the first blogs I found and it has made my daily reads list because the content is as real as it can get.

Michelle blogs about life as a student living in Wyoming with her boyfriend, Jordan. She’s a fashionista at heart but loves to write about day to day going. Stop by and check out her site, I know you’ll fall in love like I did.

TVH: How did you get started in blogging and how has your adventure evolved over the last 2+ years.

OM: When I first started blogging, I was working for a local clothing design company and started my blog as an outlet for my fashion and design obsessions. At first, I only posted photos of others’ work and never talked about my personal life. Eventually, I started working details of my personal life into my blog and got such a great response from readers that I made that my primary focus.

TVH: I love how personal your blog is and how you blog about your life in general. The variety makes for a great read. How did you decide on the specific content you wanted to share? Have you tailored your blog over the years?

OM: As I mentioned, I definitely didn’t start my blog to be about my life. However, now that I do blog almost entirely about my life, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. A great bonus about it is that I’m constantly motivated to become better, at cooking, styling my outfits, photography, or tailoring my design interests, so that I’m always giving my readers something new to read about. My blog really drives me to improve myself which, in turn, improves my blog.

And since I did start my blog initially to be a fashion/design blog, I like to talk about those things still. Now my interests have drifted from large fashion houses to small business and independent clothing designers, as well as vintage sellers. Similarly, I like finding DIY design projects to do instead of focusing on large home renovations or unrealistic kitchen styles. My 7 Things I Love Saturday feature is predominately about Etsy shops I love or art pieces by up-and-coming artists.

TVH: I‘ve been following your 25 Things to Do Before I’m 25 and I LOVE the idea. We are the same age, both 24 and I love the idea of setting 25 very specific/achievable goals to accomplish this year. What made you think of doing this and how’s the process going?

OM: My 25 Things list is one of my favorite things I’ve ever done. Like you said, having very specific goals that are somewhat achievable (some more easily than others) is really nice. Essentially, I’m spending my entire 24th year working towards something. It’s great to feel so productive, plus, by my birthday, I’ll have this whole list of things that I’ve accomplished. I got the idea from a blogger I adore, Sarah Von, who writes Yes and Yes. She’s been doing lists like this for the past couple of years and I just thought it was a great idea. As far as tacking the actual list, it’s going great! I’ve only been able to cross a few things off my list so far, but that’s mainly because a lot of them require quite a bit of preparation work, or are a huge process to do. For example, one of my goals is to run a half marathon, so I spend quite a bit of time every week working out and getting in good running shape so I can really begin training. Some of my smaller goals are pretty easy; the struggle with those is just making time in my day to do them!

TVH: As an antsy new blogger myself, I struggle with wondering whether or not my blog is being received well in the blog community. And although I started my blog as a simple online documentation of the things I do, I always love the confirmation that all my time is worth it with the addition of a new follower. One day I hope to turn my blog into a mini business of sorts. Do you have any advice for new bloggers? Anything you’ve learned along the way? In your opinion how do you get on someone’s “Daily Reads” list?

OM: My biggest advice for new bloggers is to keep blogging! So many people hit a wall around month 3 of blogging where they question their blog content or struggle to find the motivation or inspiration to write new posts. And it’s really easy to get discouraged when your blog doesn’t immediately take off, like most people expect when they start a blog. Instead, treat it like anything else in life. You have to work hard, you have to push through the hard times, and always ask for help if you need it. The blogging community is overwhelmingly wonderful about helping new bloggers out, so if you have questions about blogging, just send an email to someone whose blog you admire and see if they have any advice.

One important lesson I’ve learned along the way is that it’s impossible to please everyone. If you try to write a blog that will make everyone happy, you’re shortchanging yourself and your real readers. Instead, write strong, quality content. Maybe not everyone in the world will enjoy it, but the people who do like it are going to REALLY like it.

As far as getting on someone’s Daily Reads list, the best way to do it is by making friends. My Daily Reads page is mostly populated by blogging friends of mine. I love them and I love reading their blogs daily to see what’s going on in their lives. I also have a lot of people on my Daily Reads who I admire in some way, whether it’s their fashion sense or what they’re doing with their life, so I read their blog to inspire myself to become as wonderful as they are.

TVH: I’m a religious list maker and spaz out a bit if things aren’t organized. Have you established a blogging schedule? How to you find the time to blog with a busy student schedule?

OM: It’s definitely been an adjustment going back to school and keeping up with my blog! I’m sure a few people have noticed that I’m awful at responding to emails in a timely manner lately. 🙂
Honestly, I don’t have a blogging schedule. I try to post every day, but if I miss a day every now and then, I don’t worry about it. I know some bloggers who write all of their posts on the weekends and have them scheduled throughout the week, but I’m just not that organized. I wish I was though!

TVH: Your Etsy shop is pretty darn cute. LOVE the hair accessories. What made you decide you wanted an Esty shop?

OM: I have a hard time spending money on things that I could make on my own, which is why I started making the felt owl coffee cozies in my shop. Then I found some hair accessories that I love and decided to make those too. A lot of people really loved them, so I opened my shop. Unfortunately, I’ve had to cut back on some obligations so I can work as hard as I need to in school, and my Etsy shop was one of those things. I’m having a closing sale in my shop right now and it will end this weekend, when I’ll close my shop until I’m done with school in May.

TVH: Photography Question- What does your camera set up look like? I’ve noticed you make visual edits/apply effects to your photos, would you like to share your secret?

OM: I use a Konica Minolta, which used to be my mom’s husband’s. I love it, but Konica was bought by Sony, so they aren’t made anymore. I’ve heard that the Sony Alpha is pretty comparable, but if I were going to upgrade, I’d probably get a Nikon. As far as photo edits, I use GIMP because Photoshop is too pricey for me! I mostly play with curves when I’m editing. I’ve also downloaded a few curves settings that I found online that I like.

TVH: I always like to ask this question…What is a day in the life of Michelle like? (you’d be surprised by some of the answers I get on this)

OM: Oooh…I like this question! It kind of depends on the day, because on Tuesdays and Thursdays I’m in class all day and don’t really have a chance to do anything else. Every other day though, I hit the snooze button once or twice in the morning, then get up and make coffee. Then I do some blogging, read emails, and catch up on stuff online. Then I spend pretty much the rest of the day studying and doing homework.

Once my boyfriend gets home from work, we make dinner and watch Jeopardy! together. Literally, we watch Jeopardy! every night. We get super competitive with each other about it too! Then I either spend the rest of the night doing more school and/or blogging stuff, or, if I’m pretty caught up, I hang out with my boyfriend and do absolutely nothing at all (and it’s glorious!).

TVH: Lastly, do you have any fun things planned for Oh, Mishka in 2011? Anything to keep our eyes out for?

OM: My big plan is to do a lot more outfit posts. I’m big on making an effort to look nice every day, which has earned me some odd looks from the other students on campus who seem to live in their sweatpants. I really feel like I’ve come into my personal style lately and want to do more posts that reflect that. Mostly, I’m excited to show off some cute vintage pieces I’ve purchases lately!

It was such a pleasure getting to know Michelle just a little bit. I hope you’ve enjoyed a little peek into Oh, Mishka!

NEST giveaway: Animals from Guatamala

It’s super simple to win this cute little chicken made by a NEST artisan. All you have to do is: Leave a comment below with a little note to the woman in Guatemala telling them who you’d be giving the chicken to. ON FRIDAY, I’ll announce the winner.

I’ve had some fun over the last month or so getting to know Rebecca, the founder of Nest. If you missed the introduction to NEST, you can read it HERE. Nest is a non-profit organization that offers loans to woman in developing countries so they can practice their craft with the needed finances. Having the finances to run their business means that these woman are better able to support their families. Further changes occurred in the 1977 housing and community development act, which raised ceilings on single-family loan amounts for savings and loan association lending, federal agency purchases, fha insurance, and security for federal home loan bank advances. Well you can check these FAQ About your mortgage. Nest provides the loans and the loan recipients pay back in hand-made product that is then sold in the US markets. It’s a win-win scenario for all parties involved and this means that we get great gifts like the hand-sewn chicken above! The letter below gives you a little insight into NEST involvement in Guatemala. In an effort to find excellent big game for their hunting, many people, particularly hunters although photographers as well, use deer feeders to draw their targets right within striking distance. In the meantime, ranch owners also use the same tactic to attract more deer into their vicinities. For these purposes, learning how to build a deer feeder can truly be a very worthwhile experience. When it comes to high quality wildlife feeders, Boss Buck Feeders are one of the best gravity deer feeders. With highly rated  Boss Buck Feeders Review, this model is certainly one of the best feeders from Boss Buck. It’s main focus is to help you receive optimum feeding results with little to no effort on your part. Check out this brand and product today, as it can be a smart investment and life-long product. With its patent hopper design, this all-in gravity feeder offers you a user-friendly, maintenance free, and durable product that is guaranteed to give deer an optimum feed experience.To learn exactly how to get the job done, follow these simple and basic instructions on how to build deer feeders. In making deer feeders, fences can contribute to the overall effectiveness of these stations. Because deer are very much wary of all the predators near them, it is best to install some fences around these structures. By doing this, the deer will feel much safer and they will stay longer within the fence. You can have a better guide on bubdesk. When making fences, it is important to remember that the feeder must be stationed directly inside the fence, and can hold in between 20 to 50 deer all at the same time. There are various aspects of feeding deer that need to be addressed before setting out a feeder. First and foremost. Deer are beautiful creatures and look to be friendly, cuddly and approachable. This is very far from the fact of the matter. Deer can become aggressive, although rarely, for many reasons and I advise to keep your distance and do not approach them for any reason. If you find a wounded deer, or any wild or domestic animal, call your local wildlife control organization and do not approach the animal. Any wounded animal is potentially very dangerous.

When looking to enhance your home it’s important to work out if the upgrade may be a smart choice or one that would be gone without. When it involves fence installation the results convince be a positive improvement as a fence can act as many things. There are many various sorts of fences one can prefer to install including tall fences or short fences. A taller fence may be a darling thanks to enclose your yard in order that your personal land is more private and blocked off. they’re great to possess if you’ll be having a barbeque or a pool party and need to stay things more secluded. These taller fences work great to stop your pet from deed as they’re very durable. Shorter fences also act as a tool to surround your property and are commonly designed so beautifully that an individual who may travel by cannot stop to glance at the pleasantness your fence displays. A brush fence add is used to protect the wood and plant. Brushwood, broom-brush оr thatch аrе a fеw оf thе names fоr a plant thаt іѕ used іn іtѕ raw fоrm fоr thе construction оf roofing аnd fencing. At flat roof repairs toronto you will get the best roof repair service, do visit once.  Brushwood hаѕ bееn used fоr centuries аrоund thе world primarily fоr roofing hоwеvеr building techniques hаvе evolved іntо using mоrе readily available materials ѕuсh uѕ clay tiles аnd steel sheeting. Looking for the the best roofing company? Some best roofing services like Roofing Centennial CO | Centennial Roofing Plus use high-quality materials such as HardiPlank and vinyl siding that’s durable and resilient through the elements which are the most cost-effective option for your budget. Brushwood іѕ nоw a sort аftеr building material fоr fencing wіth it’s unique warm appearance аnd longevity thrоugh design. Brushwood hаѕ bесоmе a building material reserved fоr prestige environments tо set a feel аnd standard аbоvе аnу оthеr. AquaLib  can provide more better guide for fence installation.

Tіmеѕ hаvе changed аnd brushwood hаѕ nоw bесоmе a sort аftеr material, popular duе tо іtѕ natural look аnd qualities. Brushwood fencing іѕ used tо absorb noise frоm roads оr industrial areas, thе finish оf thе material саn transform a backyard frоm a steel fence enclosure іntо a tropical feel oasis.

A fence, especially when it’s put up by professional fence builders, adds on to the initial great thing about your home by an addition that creates your home unique to other homes. No matter what sort of fence you select to put in all of them provide a way of security which will cause you to feel safer in your home. The existence of a fence makes it less likely for an intruder to interrupt in to your home. If you’re looking to enhance your entire property, then installing a fence is that the right choice for you. The results of putting in a fence won’t only benefit your lifestyle but the worth of your home also.

Here are a few quotes from the ladies in Guatemala. Be sure to click the image to redirect you to an entire list of loan recipients.

(if you like the chicken stuffed animal above, be sure to check out the NEST store this friday when they launch some more animals. You can currently buy a turtle and an elephant. )

finally, a warm day!

I woke up this morning with a mile long list of things I needed to get done. Most of the things on my list were domestic things like laundry & vacuuming, but other things included blogging, camera shopping and enjoying the amazing weather we are currently getting in St. Louis.

We spent the afternoon driving around with the windows down, jazz music playing in the background a warm sun all around. It was pretty great. The boy said it felt like he was on vacation. We stopped an ate tacos again. I think we’re making taco eating a new Sunday tradition. We also took the pup out on a nice long walk around the neighborhood. Porter James (the pup) turned one year old on Saturday, so it was nice to get him out and about.

I look forward to what this warmer week has to bring. I’m starting to get cabin fever and I’m ready for things to start turning green again. I hope everyone start their weeks with an amazing Valentine Day with their loved ones and enjoy the weather. I have a special GIVEAWAY lined up for tomorrow and I’m really excited about it, so check back in the AM.

How do you plan to spend your Valentines Day?

a little site redesign

Summary of my weekend: HTML hell! I’ve been trying to update some really simple things on my blog this weekend and I’ve realized that WordPress is probably not the best platform for blogging. Yes you can customize the hell out of it if you are an HTMl wizard, but if you are not…then get ready for some painful days trying to code simple elements. Anywho…I’ve updated my daily reads section of the blog. I used to have my daily reads in my sidebar, but I thought they would be better in the top navigation bar.

I’ve also been playing with the sidebar design on my site to make sure it contains all the essentials. If you visit my blog on a regular basis, please scroll down to “FOLLOW” my blog with the newly added Google Friend Connect widget. It’s taken me some time to figure out if I wanted to add the widget, so let’s give it a try.

I’d love your feedback on the new items in the sidebar. Do you find it easy to navigate? Are there things you think should be there, but are missing? General thoughts/comments welcome.

Thanks for stopping by!

wouldn't it be great if…

Recently I’ve think I’ve transformed into bit of a dreamer. I find myself standing in the shower saying things to myself like, “wouldn’t it be great if…” or “someday I hope to do …” As a kid and growing up over the past years, I wouldn’t of considered myself a dreamer. I’m more of the plan everything to the T and stick with the plan kind of gal. I’m liking this new side of me, so I’ll roll with it until it decides to evolve into something more, or less.

With that long drawn out explaination, I introduce you to a new themed post on my blog I’d like to call “Wouldn’t It Be Great If/To…” I like the idea of dreaming up great things and then working to make those dreams a reality, so here I go.

Wouldn’t It Be Great…to have this kind of Valentines Day

I’m not usually one to get all giddy over Valentines Day, but this year I’m feeling it. Since this love day happens to fall on a Monday, I envision this Valentines Day being filled with little surprises throughout the day instead of our regular day full of adventures. We’ll both be at work doing our own thing, so I look forward to seeing how all the little surprises end up happening. ( I’ve got some nice little goodies planned! )

*Images were pulled from Pinterest without proper sourcing attached. If you know the true source for the image, let me know please!

What would you like your Valentines Day to look like?

friday finds & favorites

Picture of Tieka of Selective Potential was taken from her Harbor Front Place post. Picture of Elizabeth from Delightfully Tacky was taken from her Nature is a Haunted House post.

I’m all giddy this week due to the INDIE e-conference that was set up by Tieka of Selective Potential and Elizabeth of Delightfully Tacky. This is my first official blogger related event that I’ve been a part of and I’m so grateful that these two gals decided to spread some blogger knowledge with the newbies, like me. This year, the girls were unable to attend the IFB Conference (AKA Independent Fashion Bloggers) in New York (In conjunction with Fashion Week) so they thought it would be a good idea to share what they’ve learned from the previous years of attending as well as years of blogging experience. I’ve also been listening in on all the panel discussions at the IFB Conference via live feed and following the chit chat on Twitter,(#ifbcon). The combination of the two has been like bread and peanut butter.

As someone who has only had a blog for little over a month and a half, I feel like I am learning so much right from the get go. I’m learning the do’s and don’t even before I have the chance to make the mistakes. I know some things I’ll just learn along the way, but it sure is nice to cut through some of the BS right from the beginning.

My favorite take away from today came from Elizabeth of Delightfully Tacky. Thanks Elizabeth for the seemingly obvious, not so obvious advice.

I hope to do a little recap at the end of the week session, but I was so excited I needed to share a little bit with you. If you haven’t signed up, it’s not too late and you can always jump back and forth through the content you may have missed. It’s perfect for people like me who have a non-blogging job during the day. If you are attending, I’d love to chit chat with you about the experience and what you are learning.

I leave you with some links for your weekend.

Are you inspired yet?

1. This cute bunny tutorial that reminds me of Skunkboy Creatures
2. This amazing love story, First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage.
3. This video that I’ve had on replay since last Sunday. Bon Iver For Emma a capella.

4. Sewing machine applique project. I’ve bought all the supplies to do this, now I just need the motivation to start.
5. The perfect birthday party idea. Cereal buffet!
6. Download some great vintage inspired valentines. Brought to you by Veer!
7. For all the hopeful romantics like myself. An engagement story with Melissa from Without Melissa blog.

This weekend is our golden retriever puppy’s first birthday, so I hope to finally announce Porter James to the blog world with some great b-day pics and adventures. Check back…he’s a cutie!
