Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

Lesson Learned: Research before you leap

I got some comments on my last post that got me thinking about my current “full-time” freelance goals. Last winter, when I decided I was going to start making the transition towards full time freelancing I was hit with on overwhelming feeling of flat out FEAR. The main questions that kept popping up in my head weren’t about how I going was to keep consistent work, but more about the nitty gritty details (process, contracts, taxes, resources, etc). Calculate UK Sales Tax to stay on top of one of those key details. I realized that my heart was already set on making this freelance thing work, but my mind needed a little catching up to do.

I decided that instead of working a gazillion weekends on freelance projects, that I would spent a big chunck of my “free” time to start researching everything I could about the freelance business. I started to ask around to those I knew had already made the leap (which was insanely helpful) and start to work through the fine details. Yes, I’m still taking on freelance jobs that inspire me, but a lot of my time has been turned toward researching how to streamline my design process so that others understand me, create formal contract and process documents that I can send to potential clients, gather online resources that can help me along the way, and of course…keep networking.

I’ve found this system to be working so far. Every day I spend about an hour working on making my dream come true. My hopes that are when I am fully ready to make the full time freelance leap, that both my heart and mind will come together and have a party. We shall see 🙂

“Getting comfortable with discomfort is one of the first steps to not letting fear be a factor in making your decisions. Playing big means stepping beyond your normal and what you usually do. It means putting yourself out there in new and exciting ways. It means spending a LOT of time in the land of discomfort.” – Tiffany Moore (Paper N Stitch Blog)



Veda News: Fish Floppin' + Decision Makin'

Have you ever been floundering so much that at the end of it all, you just feel like pouting in the corner and giving up? That was me last week. I had reached a point where I had so many thing on my “I want to-do this” list, but just didn’t have enough hours in the day/week/month to achieve them. It’s completely overwhelming/crushing to be 100% inspired to achieve something and to have less than 0% of the energy to put into it.

For me, my days are spent at the advertising agency usually clocking in about 45-50 hours on an average week. With this schedule I am left with only a few hours each night to work on my “I really want to-do this” list and let me tell you…nights are not the time of day I feel most inspired. I usually come home cranky with a sour taste in my mouth feeling like all I want to do is sit my batootie on the couch and watch Mad Men. So when am I supposed to knock things off my list?? Who flippin’ knows.

So in the midst of my mini breakdown that happened the other night I decided I needed to get focused again. I’m one of those people that loves so many things (blogging, photography, cinema, knitting, thrifting, etc ) all at the same time that it’s hard for me to dedicate A LOT of time to any one thing. I’m working on changing that around a bit. Starting now…

This blog is going to become a little more focused on subject matter. You’ll see the same design/photography posts, just less of them. I plan on regaining my Saturdays & Sundays as “ME” days with no blog posts. I’m also going to be throwing in some more personal posts. I look forward to sharing with you my journey into becoming a full-time freelancer and gaining some reader insights along the way (this whole process is really scary you guys!). I also look forward to sharing more of my personal photography that has been evolving over the last couple months. Lastly, I’m going to start to share more of my design process and projects when I can. 

Does that sound like a plan?? I feel like this little transition in my online space will help things move more smoothly in my freetime in the evenings as well as my freetime on the weekends.

Is anyone else feeling like their blog’s identity is getting a little fussy or that they just don’t have enough time in the day to do what you WANT to do? I’d love to hear your thoughts 🙂

Photo by Savannah Martiniere
