Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

Recent Work: An old project resurfaces – Market 203

Hi guys! I thought I’d drop in and share an older project with you. This was a personal project of mine that allowed me to experiment with my passion for all things old and vintage and create  a space where I could share that love. Although this project, Market203, is currently off the market, it was still an adventure I loved dearly…and might pick up again later down the road.

Market203 was  an online market where I sold industrial vintage items on Etsy and BigCartel. I would go out on my weekends and scour old beat up warehouses, flea markets, estate sales, auctions, garage sales…and even a dumpster here and there. I would bring that found item home, fix it up if need be, style it in a scene and then list the item online.

I’d say this is where my passion for photo styling kind of came about. I had always enjoyed “styling” things together, but never had I captured the scene through my camera. A new passion was born.

If you’d like to see more of this project, you can browse my portfolio.

(view Market203 in Portfolio)

7 comments on “Recent Work: An old project resurfaces – Market 203

  1. Wow! That’s so cool that you used to do that, and it totally makes sense that that’s where your fondness of photo styling came from! I’ve started becoming really fascinated with styling! It’s so fun to see how similar yet different everyone styles their photos!

    1. I’m pretty fascinated by the whole styling thing too. It’s something I’ve always done, but never knew I was doing kind of thing. Looking forward to seeing how my new client projects further drive this fascination and practice 🙂

  2. I live in an industrial loft, so I love the idea of incorporating industrial items to the home, mixing it with comfortable pieces. Your styling is great!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Guyen. I used to live in an industrial loft as well and the key is to find the perfect balance between comfy and industrial!

  3. I found your blog from being a huge fan of and the guests posts you used to do. I wanted to find a post you did awhile back when you did the branding backwards column and linked back to your blog as a way to see Breanna’s brand picks, but don’t know if there’s a way to search! Are those posts under a category?

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