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Studio Hours: Plants I can’t kill

Man oh man. Winter is really killing my creative juices these days, so sorry for the random quiet days around here. In between the -20 degree temperature and the random 50 degree teaser day, I’ve been dreaming about what spring has in store….like getting married! Wahoo!

Until then, I’ve been hoarding house plants for air purification like a crazy person to make it feel a bit more like spring/summer in here. I’m not really a green thumb, but I can keep the more hardy plants alive. These usually include different cactus varieties for your indoor garden, philodendrons, rubber trees, jade trees, and a few air plants. There are the occasion cut stem flowers as well as little herb plants thrown into the mix every once and awhile. (those usually die). If you have any questions about the plants in the photos, leave a comment and I’ll message you 🙂 And if you want to upgrade your garden, then you might want to reach out to professionals from sites like to get some ideas on how you can elevate your garden space. If you’re planning to add custom decks, you may first consult companies like ipe hardwood decking Georgia if you need more ideas on how you can upgrade your deck. In addition, outdoor lighting St Charles services can also help further enhance your outdoor living area.

+ What are you guys doing to keep sane during this crazy winter? +

40 comments on “Studio Hours: Plants I can’t kill

  1. Hi, I absolutely adore your blog and I’m into all these plants. But I have a question: is it true that you shouldn’t put rubber trees into your bedroom?


    1. Hi Diana! Thanks for your kind words about my blog. Your question about rubber trees (in the bedroom) had me googling the internet for an answer. I’ve never heard about that fact, so I can’t say for you. I also wasn’t able to find anything online that advises against it.

  2. I’ve been reading like crazy to keep the winter doldrums at bay. A college dorm is not a very inviting environment for plants (as much as I would LOVE to have some!!), but it’s always nice to curl up with some tea (or let’s be real, some wine) and read while it snows!!

    Love your use of cactuses / succulents. Two of my absolute favorites…reminds me of warmer climes 🙂

  3. Wow, this is such an appropriate post! I have the worst black thumb and just managed to kill off an ivy plant, which I thought would be impossible since outdoors they practically grow in the dark… So now I’ve basically switched entirely to succulents. Not such a bad thing, but still. If you have any good resources for caring for plants, I’d love some suggestions!

    1. Diana, I don’t have any magic solution and usually use the trial and error method to find out which plants can survive. Haha. So far, it mostly succulents. You should try the Jade tree…it asks like the succulents and looks really neat.

  4. A plant that can survive 2 weeks or more without water … I think it was just made for me !
    And the funny thing is that my mom is a gardener, she knows everything about plants, latin names, and how to treasure them. I guess I didn’t inherited of her green thumb. But I do love a house filled with greens and cactus are the perfect solution !

    1. Haha. I’m the same way. My mom has been a greenhouse florist for as long as I can remember. I have the desire to grow things like her, but might be cursed with a not-so-green thumb!

  5. I was very successful with one plant that wasn’t from the cactus family. It grew beautifully, was long and nice. I was so proud. Then my kid (about 2-3 years old at the time) pushed it and half of the plant broke, then died. Well, the plant is still alive and well (4+ years now), but was never the same. =/
    I love cactus, but since we got the cats, I haven’t had any.

    And I absolutely understand what you mean about the weather. It’s been crazy!

  6. I have been coveting some house plants lately! I am just curious about where to find them, seeing as it is winter and all – the greenhouse at Home Depot is nearly empty, as it should be. Where are you purchasing your beautiful, hard-to-kill plants?

    P.S. I love your photos!

    1. Hi Jennifer. Thanks for stopping by. Most of the plants I have have come from greenhouses and I get them during the warmer months. I’ve gotten a few of the succulent/cactus varieties from Home Depot, and some other from a local nursery (indoors right now). I’d suggest looking around for those specialty shops during the winter or stocking up when the weather gets warmer 😉

  7. I love this post! I do not have a green thumb either. Have you tried air plants? I just did a post today on air plants I bought during my trip in Oregon’s Wine Country. You just soak them in water for 20 minutes every other week. Simple! Your post is giving me ideas of how to “plant” my air plants!

  8. really love these pictures. they feel so warm and airy – a stark contrast to the cold weather you are having! I live in Berlin and it is surprisingly warm for this time of year, but seeing everyone post about snow actually makes me long for it – even if most people have been complaining about it. good luck with your plants. i definitely agree with you that it should help bring some measure of summer to your doorstep. 🙂

  9. Thank you for your post…beautiful pics!
    I really love the white ceramic pot in the last picture, where can I find it?

    Thank you very much

    1. Oh noooo. I love cacti because I don’t think I ever water it. I know when it doesn’t look as “full” it’t time to water. haha

  10. We will be away for aprox. 4 wks over the winter I have a holly bonsai and a few cacti how often do I have to have someone water them. Thanks

    1. Hi Diane! I would probably just have someone water them once while you’re gone. They can go a long time in-between watering and its probably best to underwater than overwater. Hope that helps!

  11. Pingback: going green
  12. Hey, from the state of SOUTH CAROLINA. I just happened to stumble Upon your page and love it. As a matter of fact, a girlfriend of mine gave me a bunchof succulents yesterday. I get a lot of my plants from my girlfriends and it saves me a lot of money, because I’m on a very tight budget. And with extra cuttings I have I share. Thanks so much for the idea’s. I just love your page.

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