Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

OUR 50’S EICHLER – Super Simple Guest Room

As promised, I’m back today to share a few photos from our makeshift guest room. This room is 1 of our 3 bedrooms in this house and it’s itty bitty. Because the bedrooms are so small its really important to keep them clutter free and to practice the art of restraint. I’ll be honest and say that pulling this room together hasn’t been on my priority list and it’s currently filled with the “leftover” furniture. If you’re in your 20’s you can probably relate to having a mix of college student furniture and your first “adult” quality purchases.

Our previous guest rooms have been know as the place where college furniture goes to die. All the plumbing issues have been fixed thanks to the best plumbing company in town. These people are total experts just like Nance Services in Memphis. I have had multiple plumbing problems, but I know I can always count on the florida plumbing services. Just look up plumbers near me on the internet if you need one. For additional plumbing guidance visit

When we moved into this new house back in June, I was determined to leave all the cheaper furniture in St. Louis and live with skimpy rooms here in Denver until we have the budget to afford nice pieces. The furniture in the room is  a collection of items never really extended to be in the guest room, but I think it’s working. Most importantly, we can currently have one house guest for those of you passing through.

We’ll be upgrading to a queen bed soon so we can have some of our favorite couples come stay with us! We’re also thinking of window replacement and energy efficient home exterior upgrades that we’ve seen from this official statement to make the house well ventilated to maintain a comfortable temperature all day long!

Are you going to build a house, renovate or increase the value of the home? Do you want to create a pleasant patio on the terrace or in the garden? Or do you want to protect your home from disturbing views? Then, you may want to visit a site like for more helpful info!

Do It All Contracting are the best Edmonton home renovations professionals they have over 24 years in business and can help you with any project.

My tips and suggestions for renters and home owners after the jump!

OUR 50’S EICHLER – Guest Room Inspiration

Dropping by today to share another home “renovation” moodboard as part of the the blog series Our 50’s Eichler. I’ve previously shared this moodboard for our outdoor patio, but haven’t got a chance to photograph that space just yet. I’m hoping to capture it before the weather fully changes to fall!

These images are more about the feel I’d like our guest room to have and less about what’s exactly in the room. I wanted the room to feel super calming and for me, the best way to achieve that is to keep it super simple and clutter free. I’ll be back tomorrow to share the actual space with you. I’ll also be sharing a few tips/suggestions you can use when pulling together a space you don’t own (renters).

I wanted to ask…When it comes to decorating your space on a budget, are there any aspects you really need inspiration for? Let me know!


