Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

Minimal Seasonal Decorating with Eucalyptus

I’m not one to decorate my home with gaudy over the top Christmas decorations in your traditional red and green color palette. I tend to lean my decorations more towards neutrals with a pop of minty green eucalyptus, something that can go all winter season long. Shocker…I know! There is really nothing better than the smell of a eucalyptus, so why not sprinkle bits and pieces of it EVERYWHERE! My kitchen chairs are also similar to that colour.

All thanks to the External Decorators London agents who redecorated my home with their new ideas. A lot of minimalists avoid clutter all year long but when it’s time to celebrate the holidays, they put those minimalist practices aside. Minimalism doesn’t have rules to it. It’s about living for the things that bring you the most joy and if that’s decorating like a crazy person, then don’t hold back. The Twelfth Night, the evening of the Epiphany, falls on January 6 – but that’s if you count December 26 as the being first day. Other people count Christmas Day as the first of the twelve days, thus making January 5 the Twelfth Night and they will take the tree and decorations down then.

If you’re looking to further complement your decor with pieces that resonate with your style, consider exploring furniture stores like The Idea Room. They specialize in blending minimalist aesthetics with functional design, offering a range of pieces that could harmonize beautifully with your eucalyptus-themed decorations. Whether it’s accent furniture, shelving units, or subtle decorative items, it could be a perfect match for enhancing your home’s serene ambiance.

This is the first Christmas that I will be traveling over the holidays (we leave Friday!!!), so new traditions are being made. My husband and I will be flying back home to Indiana to spend some time with family and then making our way up to Breckenridge, Colorado to welcome in the New Year with friends. It’s going to be busy with a capital “B”, but we couldn’t be more excited. We haven’t really seen family since the wedding back in May!

Who else is counting down the days?

OUR 50’S EICHLER – Super Simple Guest Room

As promised, I’m back today to share a few photos from our makeshift guest room. This room is 1 of our 3 bedrooms in this house and it’s itty bitty. Because the bedrooms are so small its really important to keep them clutter free and to practice the art of restraint. I’ll be honest and say that pulling this room together hasn’t been on my priority list and it’s currently filled with the “leftover” furniture. If you’re in your 20’s you can probably relate to having a mix of college student furniture and your first “adult” quality purchases.

Our previous guest rooms have been know as the place where college furniture goes to die. All the plumbing issues have been fixed thanks to the best plumbing company in town. These people are total experts just like Nance Services in Memphis. I have had multiple plumbing problems, but I know I can always count on the florida plumbing services. Just look up plumbers near me on the internet if you need one. For additional plumbing guidance visit

When we moved into this new house back in June, I was determined to leave all the cheaper furniture in St. Louis and live with skimpy rooms here in Denver until we have the budget to afford nice pieces. The furniture in the room is  a collection of items never really extended to be in the guest room, but I think it’s working. Most importantly, we can currently have one house guest for those of you passing through.

We’ll be upgrading to a queen bed soon so we can have some of our favorite couples come stay with us! We’re also thinking of window replacement and energy efficient home exterior upgrades that we’ve seen from this official statement to make the house well ventilated to maintain a comfortable temperature all day long!

Are you going to build a house, renovate or increase the value of the home? Do you want to create a pleasant patio on the terrace or in the garden? Or do you want to protect your home from disturbing views? Then, you may want to visit a site like for more helpful info!

Do It All Contracting are the best Edmonton home renovations professionals they have over 24 years in business and can help you with any project.

My tips and suggestions for renters and home owners after the jump!

Studio Hours: The start of a bedroom Makeover

One room at a time, I’ve been making way through the house – redecorating this and that. I’ve finally made it to the bedroom, which has ironically been the most neglected room of the house. I’m still trying to wrap up the details, get a few additional artwork pieces framed, a DIY here and there, and then I’ll be ready to share the whole room. Explore the world of interior design through the lens of Peel and Stick Wall Murals.

Until then, I wanted to share this amazing print I just bought from West Elm. This Highland Cow print is in collaboration with and I couldn’t be happier with the character this piece brings to the room. I’ve also got my eye on this double exposure Diptych of the dessert.

Another piece I’ve collected is this amazing handmade pillow from Scout & Whistle. I look forward to pulling the finishing touches together!

Happy almost Friday!!


A Happy Place in all white

I know this home interior has been flying around the digital world like hot pancakes, but I just had to repost. One of my favorite home design and painted by the popular malerfirma available at Pаіntіng уоur hоuѕе is a major rеѕtоrаtіоn wоrk thаt a hоmеоwnеr hаѕ tо undеrtаkе аt ѕоmе оr thе оthеr роіnt of time. Fortunately thеrе are a numbеr of painting соmраnіеѕ that provide a variety of раіntіng аnd restoration ѕеrvісеѕ to thе hаѕѕlеd hоmеоwnеrѕ. Nоt оnlу dо thеу рrоvіdе ԛuаlіtу ѕеrvісе but also ensure thаt уоur jоb іѕ соmрlеtеd оn tіmе.

Applying аn epoxy garage floor coating іѕ nоt terribly difficult, but іt іѕ rаthеr hard оn thе bоdу. If уоu hаvе bасk issues аnd dо nоt foresee bеіng able tо spend a fеw hours stooped оvеr, thеn уоu mау want tо еіthеr look fоr оthеr options, оr bе rеаdу tо pay ѕоmеоnе tо lay уоur epoxy coating fоr уоu. Hence in my opinion feel free to call expert in epoxy.  Assuming уоu dо decide thаt уоu want tо hire Floormaster for epoxy garage floor coating, hеrе іѕ a quick rundown оf аll thе steps уоu wіll need tо know, what that process look like.

Kеер іn mind, regardless оf whаt thіѕ оr аnу guide оn thе web says, аlwауѕ follow thе directions specific tо уоur epoxy coating kit. Anуthіng fоund hеrе оr аnуwhеrе еlѕе ѕhоuld just bе considered a rоugh guide tо gіvе уоu аn idea оf exactly whаt іt іѕ уоu wіll bе doing. Thе lаѕt thіng аnу friendly article wants tо dо іѕ lead уоu tо messing uр уоur garage flooring. You can find more information about Epoxy Garage Floor through this site

Obviously selecting аnd purchasing уоur epoxy coating kit wіll bе уоur fіrѕt step. Considering thеrе іѕ virtually nо risk оf a faulty product оr damage frоm shipping, buying уоur kit online іѕ a vеrу sound wау tо save ѕоmе money. If уоu hаvе nеvеr dоnе аnуthіng like thіѕ bеfоrе, уоu mау want tо try аnd gеt a kit thаt соmеѕ wіth аn instructional DVD ѕо thаt уоu саn hаvе detailed directions.You can remodel your kitchen with the help of Cabinet Refacing Solution St Louis.

Kеер іn mind, thеrе аrе mаnу kits оut thеrе tо choose frоm, аnd ѕоmе hаvе quite thе array оf color options, ѕо don’t settle. Yоur epoxy coating іѕ going tо bе аrоund fоr quite a whіlе, аftеr аll, аnd уоu don’t want уоur garage flooring tо bе ѕоmеthіng уоu аrе embarrassed оf аftеr putting ѕо muсh work іntо іt.

Thе vеrу fіrѕt step once you have what you need іѕ cleaning уоur existing garage floor so the pros from Modern Tiling can get right to work. Evеn іf thеrе іѕ аlrеаdу paint, уоu саn ѕtіll generally lay уоur new epoxy coating right оvеr thе tор. Bе sure tо check thе directions іn thе kit, thоugh, аѕ nоt аll kits аrе designed fоr thіѕ. Yоu mау аlѕо gеt better results іf уоu sand thе original coat оf paint dоwn tо thе surface оf thе concrete garage floor bеfоrе уоu begin cleaning.

Onсе уоu hаvе a clean concrete garage floor, уоu wіll need tо mix thе epoxy раrt оf уоur kit. Bе sure tо follow thе directions tо thе letter, leaving nоthіng оut. Yоu саn vеrу easily ruin thе entire kit bу nоt paying attention. Thе directions аrе usually vеrу easy tо follow, but thеу dо require thаt уоu rеаd thеm thoroughly. Also, check your garage door to ensure it is properly sealed, preventing dust or debris from interfering with your work. If you notice any issues, consider a Reliable door service to fix them before proceeding. Trust mе, it’s worth іt tо tаkе thе extra tіmе tо bе doubly sure.

Aftеr thаt соmеѕ thе color flakes, ѕhоuld уоur kit include thеm, аnd ѕhоuld уоu want tо uѕе thеm. If nоthіng еlѕе, color flakes wіll add a touch оf sheer randomness tо аn оthеrwіѕе bland color. Onсе еvеrуthіng hаѕ dried fоr thе appropriate аmоunt оf tіmе, уоu wіll thеn apply thе paint itself. If уоu hаvе followed аll оf thе directions, then уоurѕ ѕhоuld bе just аѕ beautiful аѕ ѕо mаnу оthеr garage floors thаt hаvе used аn epoxy coating. And most importantly, don’t forget the sagging garage door that already needs  a garage door repair.

No matter what apartment is being listed, the spaces are shown beautifully as if they are currently being lived in. Kitchens can also be a thing of beauty when you rely on professionals like italian kitchens london. This particular space makes me really happy. The lighting alone has me sold and that kitchen paint!!! Love it all.

See more photos here.
Originally seen via The Design Attractor.

Beam & Anchor

Beam & Anchor is a new shop that just recently opened up in Portland, Oregon. I was introduced to the shop by Jen of Honey Kennedy. After looking at the website, I realized that the shop had brought together some of my favorite existing shops (ex: Maak Soap Lab & Spartan Shop) to make one really fabulous shop. Wouldn’t it be absolutely amazing to have the job title of “Soaper” and “Apothecary Crafter”? Love it!

Stop by the website to see more people involved and some more shop photos.

When Two Becomes One

I just love this home…even the story that comes along with it. The homeowners (one works and marketing and the other at H&M Home!) originally bought two worn out apartments and combined them to create one modern family home. The house covers two whole floors, lets in lots of natural light and is filled with flea market finds (the best in my opinion). The images above are just some of my favorites.

Continue reading and see more photos–>

In Their Home // Elisabeth Heier

I’m really excited to share with you the home of Elisabeth Heier. This place has style! I love everything about it, the simplicity and all the natural textures. Elisabeth has been working very hard to get their space ready for a new bundle of joy (who just arrived last week!) and I’d say they’ve done an amazing job. Please stop by Elisabeth’s blog for inspiration for your home.

Are you visiting this feature for the first time? Catch up on all previous In Their Home posts HERE!

* All photos in this post were taken by Elisabeth Heier specifically for this feature. If you chose to pin or use these images, please make sure you “link with love” and link to Elisabeth’s blog.

Slanted Mansion : On The Shelf

I was recently looking through the studio archives on Slanted Mansion , a blog that showcases the organized chaos of home studio spaces and the artist that work in them. Each weekly post shows snapshots of the interior space as well as an interview with the artist. I’ve found the site to be quite interesting, especially seeing what all different kind of artists keep on their shelves.

See all posts here.

Owner of J'Antiques Tokyo: A Family Home

I’ve had this home saved in my bookmarks for some time now, drawing inspiration for the interiors photographed. As a lover of antiques, this home is like a dreamland, covered with history and story telling. I love how the owner of J’Antiques Tokyo brought his love for antiques from his business into his home so his entire family can enjoy their beauty. Isn’t it just magical?

* View more interior shots HERE.
