Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

Veda News: So What's Missing?

Thanks to all my lovely readers who answered the Veda House reader survey, I’ve gathered a lot of really great feedback. I’ve learned that most of my readers found my blog via another blog (yeah for community!). I’ve learned that most of you shop by 3-4 times a week…which is shocking and completely flattering! I’ve also been validated that my two favorite features (Freelance Journey and Studio Hours) are also your favorite features on my blog.

I also asked for some constructive feedback and wanted to know what you guys thought was missing or that could me incorporated more. It was almost a 3-way tie between showing more of my personal projects, sharing more into my design process, and peppering in more personal posts. I couldn’t agree with you guys more. In the future, I’ll strive to share more unfinished work as well as finished client work. I also hope to provide insights into how projects move along (process) and be more conscious about sharing “personal” aspects.

Another great piece of feedback was to share more “How To” posts and to have some Q&A sessions. I LOVE these suggestions and am planning on how to implement those aspects right now!

Thanks so much for participating in the mini survey and CONGRATS to Anna Taylor, who was the giveaway winner!


* all icons are from The Noun Project

Thoughts on Turning 27

Birthdays…each year they come an go, and each year they feel different from the last. Usually the day of my birthday I don’t do a lot of thinking and just enjoy the moment with the people I love most. The day itself doesn’t feel like a new start, but more of a recognition that I’m still ticking. It’s the days that follow the buzz that get my mind spinning.

2012 (literally have of my 26th year) pretty much sucked big time with the exception of one huge life event…getting engaged. The year was TOUGH both professional and on a personal level. My day job was really starting to wear on me, our daily life was feeling pretty stale, and worst of all some close friends came and went. The second half of my 26th year was spent restarting…coming back to life…regaining my sanity. It’s been a lot of work, but all the transitions I’ve been able to make have been life-changing.

I have a feeling my 27th year is going to be all about “letting go”. Letting go of expectations. Letting go of control and certainty. Letting go of how things were and being perfectly ok with how things are shaping up. I’m finding out that letting go is the toughest and most rewarding thing you can do.

Did any of you have a quarter-life crisis in your mid-late 20’s? Any advice?

**Don’t forget to take the reader survey in yesterday’s post. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and you could win a set of beautiful hand-printed cards.

Reader Survey & Giveaway (Ends Friday July 5th)

Hi guys! Thanks for stopping by often to see what I’ve been up to. I really enjoy sharing things with you and chit chatting about design. I really have grown to love the blog world and I think I’d be a little lost without blogging as part of my daily routine.

As this blog goes through some design updates this summer, I’d  like to make sure I’m sharing content that you’ll love (and that I love). My freelance business is finally growing and so is this blog, so what would you like to see here in this space? Anything missing? Want more of something? Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Please take the super quick (4 questions) survey HERE.
Once you’re done, leave a comment below letting me know you’ve completed it.
Your comment enters you in to this little giveaway provided by one of my awesome clients, Always Something (blog and shop coming this summer!)

* Set of hand-printed cards were made in Toronto Canada – Snap + Tumble Letterpress Goods

Planning a Wedding

Sorry for all the crickets around here this past week. I kind of picked up and left without warning. As I mentioned a week or so ago, I’ll be getting married in Florida next May. Wahoo! The boy and I (along with my mom & pops) just got back from a week-long scouting trip to scoup out the location and get a little more hands on planning done. It’s pretty tricky planning a wedding from afar, so I was very pleased to be able to almost completely nail down our cake deign, venue planning, hair stylist, DJ, furniture & decor rentals, rental home found, and our entire menu picked out. WHEW!! Feels super refreshing to have a big chunk of that done and now. And creating an unforgettable wedding atmosphere often begins with the drinks service. A DIY wedding bar offers charm and personalisation, but managing one can be challenging. That’s why professional help, such as from Bare Events UK, can make all the difference, ensuring smooth service and a truly memorable experience for everyone. If you’re looking for wedding photographers Cleveland, contact Allison Hopkins Photography. Additionally, the corporate planners often seek Scottsdale event venues for their unparalleled amenities and scenic views.

We’ll be getting married on the Beach at Alys Beach, Florida. It’s a quant little beach community that feels like it’s been plucked out of the Mediterranean. We’ll be renting out a beach house for the entire week and holding are reception in the cutest coffee bar that has the best outdoor patio. And for those looking to connect in unique ways, offers a fun and easy platform to meet like-minded individuals.

I’m pretty giddy and look forward to sharing more DIY projects with you as I go. You can see the first DIY project here.

Is anyone else planning a wedding? Connect with singles who share your passions and interests, creating meaningful bonds that could last a lifetime. Has anyone been to Alys Beach? oh….and congrats to my online buddy Amy Moore for getting engaged while I was away.

*All photos by Veda House

A peek at spring

The midwest is struggling to switch on over to Spring (full-time) this year and it’s really bumming me out. We get one nice somewhat warm day and it’s followed by 4 cool rainy days. I feel that the funky-ness of the weather has impacted the trees here in St. Louis. They were blooming for AT MOST a week. Their beauty was cut short, but I made an effort to get outside during the nice days and soak it all in…and snap a few photos.

*All photos taken by Veda House

Veda News: Being Brave & Bold & Terrified

This past Christmas I gifted my Fiancé with something he’s wanted for years…my blessing to ride a motorcycle. In the midst of doing all my research before I finally said yes, I rode on the back of a friend’s motorcycle and fell in love with the energy and the free spirited community in my city. I wanted to be a part of it now, just as much as the boy did.

I gifted the boy (and myself) with a weekend long riders course that we both thankfully passed this past weekend (both written test and driving test). The whole experience was extremely terrifying and much more mentally exhausting than I ever imagined. Riding on the back of a bike is a piece of cake compared to being the one responsible for making the thing move. I honestly didn’t know what I was getting myself into, and at points during the weekend I felt my limits being pushed. But we kept going. Both exhausted. Both terrified. Both over-excited…

We walked away from the experience with a gained sense of appreciation for those that DO ride. We’ve gained some valuable skills that will hopefully help keep us in safe hands. We’ve walked away with a spring in our steps and with a huge sense of accomplishment. We totally did it! We did it together. We were bold, brave, and terrified.

I’d like to think that with this experience under my belt I’ll feel more confident putting myself in more terrifying and challenging experiences. I want those experiences. I need them to grow as a professional and individual.

My favorite motorcycle instagram feed

*By summer we’ll be cruising on a bike of our own, with wind in our hair and a death grip on the clutch 😉

March in Review

How’s everyone doing today? Hopefully pretty well 🙂  I’m a little behind on sharing my March in review, but I’m keeping myself accountable for achieving the things I set out to achieve this past January (5 New Year’s resolutions). Here’s my little update.

1. Let it Be – I’ve been adapting to a new work from home schedule which has given me many opportunities to practice “going with the flow”. Somedays there is structure…and others, not so much. That’s kind of the beauty of it.

2. Be More Present – I’m constantly challenging myself to dedicate parts of my day to “me”. Recently that has meant sitting out of the front porch at 3:00 in the afternoon, a mid-day bath, an impromptu walk with the dog, or an unexpected afternoon sweet treat run with a friend. I’m just trying to soak it all in and find a balance.

3. Be Adventurous – ok…so I now know how to ride a motorcycle. I’ve got an entire post dedicated to that, so I’ll save that craziness for later.

4. Follow My Heart & Feed My Soul – Recently my heart has been NEEDING a change of seasons to awaken itself. When the sun shines, I go outside (immediately) and just close my else. Following my heart has continued to leave more in the moment and enjoy the simple things, like thunderstorms in the evenings. I’ve also launched myself full-time into gardening. I’ve been spending quite a lot of time at the community garden and prepping for my summer garden. Feels good to get out in the community and to GROW something.

5. Be More Conscious – This month I’ve spent a lot of time getting organized with my freelance processes and my daily expenses. Just being aware of your records and your processes makes you a more successful person. It also gives you a little more piece of mind.

Did you guys make New Year’s Resolutions. Have you found any road blocks along the way?

Read my January in Review, February in Review

Podcast: Being More Present with your Business

One of my goals for this year is to be more present and I’m learning that it’s not only important to be present in your personal life, but also with your business. Melbourne weekly eastern is awesome site which will keep you updated with any kind of business news. As I venture off into the world of small business owner, I’m finding it difficult to keep on task. I’ve got so many options/ways I could spend my time I find it hard to just choose one at a time and focus on that. This podcast by the lovely Grace Bonney was yet another good reminder that you can’t and shouldn’t do everything at once. Make sure you get in touch with an expert like Andy Defrancesco to make the right decisions.

Podcast Takeaways:
– Try running your business with the spirit of the girl who is just starting out. It infuses a lot of the excitement back into your everyday.
– Good reminder: Being productive today ensure a better and more successful tomorrow
– You know that feeling you frequently get that is saying ” go go go” move faster”, it’s most likely your body telling you to slow down. (another good reminder)
– Always be curious
– Good Exercise: think of three things that are currently weighing heavy on your mind. Act as if you are holding these three things in your hands…Now drop two of them and put 100% attention and focus towards the one you’re still holding. Once completed, feel free to pick up one of those you dropped if you’re still interested.
– Schedule your workday and stick to it! (ex: start and finish your day with 20 min personal time & work day ends at 6:00pm NO MATTER WHAT)

I was really inspired by this podcast and thought it extremely applicable to me right now. Take a listen and see what little nuggets of gold you pull out from it.
More Podcast reviews here: Embrace Failure, Chat with Pinterest Founder,  Learning to Balance with Joy and Naomi, Becoming Your Brand

February in Review

Hi lovely readers. February has flown by, the first half was dragging along and these last two weeks were gone in a blink of an eye.  I’m keeping myself accountable for achieving the things I set out to achieve (5 New Year’s resolutions), so here’s my little update. Did you guys set New Year’s resolutions this year? Have you stuck to them?

1. Let it Be – Welcoming change has continued to really AWESOME. I’d say that quitting my day job to pursue my dreams has been the most welcomed change. So far my days are open to however I’d like to shape them and I’m still trying to figure out my daily balance, but man…change is good.

2. Be More Present – I’ve been really challenging myself to see this “month off” as a really huge gift and to soak it all of my personal discoveries. From talking with many creatives, I’ve got an opportunity given to me that many other creatives would love to have. I don’t take anything for granted. I’ve also been enjoying my morning chai without the distractions of checking my email. That’s been really nice.

3. Be Adventurous – I’m still kind of slacking in the adventuring aspect of my goals and I’m blaming it on the gloomy cold weather. If you consider getting your car stuck in the snow an adventure…then I’ve done that.

4. Follow My Heart & Feed My Soul – I’ve completely handed my future over to the decisions of my heart and letting the decisions of my head follow afterwards. Seems to be a better solution than always listening to my head first. (problems of an over thinker) I’ve continued cooking and this month I’ve learned how to bake some really tasty chocolate bundt cakes and have grown to love eating tomatoes as a snack (another milestone for a non veggie eating chick). Also, the boy and I have our motorcycle lessons scheduled and our helmets/gear bought. Wahoo!

5. Be More Conscious – I’ve been spending a lot of time watching The Food Hospital on TV and am going to start researching eliminating headache triggering foodssuch as chocolate, whole milk, and preservatives. Also, since I’ve left my job, I’ve been trying really hard to be super money conscious until I get my feet on the ground again.

Read my January in Review

Veda News: Get to Know Me

Today I’m going to do something a little different than what you usually read here on The Veda House. Over the past week, I’ve been super invested in an e-course developed by Kathleen of Kathleen & Jeremy / Braid Creative. This e-course has challenged me to really sit down and make some decisions about my personal brand and how to bring my personal brand to life in my profession. I’m going to do a full reviewing the course next week, but in the meantime, I wanted to share with you a discovery I’ve uncovered while taking the course.

I was tasked to pretend I was hosting a dinner party and I was able to invite 6 people/personalities. Each attendee was supposed to represent an aspect of myself. I was challenged to define their names, expertise, core values, personality traits,pieces of advice, and even their favorite topics of conversation.

After two days of contemplating my guest list, this is what I came up with…

Guest 1: The Maker
She’s a weekend warehouse picker who makes furniture, hand prints fabrics and makes natural home fragrances on her stovetop.

Guest 2: The Detailed-oriented Designer
She’s an extremely organized graphic designer who designs with attention to fine details and has a minimalistic aesthetic.

Guest 3: The Bohemian Gardener
She’s a “figure-it-out-as-you-go” gardener who successfully grows succulents, wears sundresses, regularly visits the farmer’s market, keeps bouquets of flowers in her house, makes dreamcatchers, has a small plot of land at the city garden, and has a crystal collection.

Guest 4: The Quiet Observer
She’s a sit back and soak it all type of chick who is always wanting to learn new things.

Guest 5: The Visual Storytelling Stylist
She’s an obsessive documentor and curious curator who strives to freeze every beautiful moment with her camera lens, constantly creating romantic vignettes to drool over.

Guest 6: The Storm Chaser
She’s an adventure seeking gal who prefers to be out in nature or surrounded by water…who also rides a motorcycle.

I’m curious. Who would you like to learn more about?

Sound interesting? Wanna participate in this exercise (developed by Braid Creative) among many more, please stop by Kathleen’s blog and sign up for her next course.
