Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

In Their Home // Annaleena Karlsson

Welcome to a new feature post here on The Veda House called “In Their Home”.  As a blogger I am constantly on the hunt for things that inspire me and interior spaces is on the list of top 5 inspiring things to look at. On most days I stumbled across a really great interior space and most likely there is a creative soul residing within. I know there are blogs out that that mainly post about creatives in their workspaces (and I LOVE those), but I’m more interested in where those creatives get away from their work.

I’m going to post one of these features once a week and hopefully their spaces will inspire your nest. If you know of any home that I MUST SEE, please let me know.

*Warning…I’m a lover of danish modern and scandinavian design aesthetics, so you’ll most likely see a lot of homes in this style. I’m also a big fan of rustic detailing, classic furniture names, minimalism, and a little bit of whimsy along the way (odd combination right?) 


This first home belongs to Annaleena Karlsson, a blogger, interiors photographer, DIY crafter, and home owner. Her blog is place where she frequently showcases her own work as well as spaces that are inspiring to her.  Her home is all about the small details. Nothing is overlooked.

* all photos in this post were taken from Annaleena’s blog and were photographed by her. Click any image to be redirected to her blog!

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