Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

Lesson Learned: Manifesting the type of work you want

Happy Thursday lovely people of the internet. Hehe. This post is a LONG time coming. I start writing, then stop, then start again, never really typing what I really want to say. So, I’ll start with a short overview just in case I start rambling. The gist of this conversation is that I believe in some higher power out there in the universe and that that power is more than willing to lend you a hand if you’re kind enough to ask. It’s like the whole lottery ticket saying …you can only win the lottery if you first buy your ticket!

With that said, how does this concept apply to freelancing or running your own business? After reading an insightful Jeff Lerner review, for me, this idea of manifesting what I want or need is a relatively new thing. Β Yes I’ve always wanted things or wished I had won the lottery, but I wasn’t really setting myself up for success or the kinds of results I wanted to see. So, for me…telling the universe and those people around me the kind of clients I hope to snag or the dreams I hope to come true has been the best tool so far. By putting my creative energy out there, I’m only attracting more creative energy. If you put focus and attention to those things most desired or most needed, the universe is going to hear you. I promise you that.

The second piece to this whole manifesting thing is expectations and perceptions. You have to be open to the results flooding in…and they might not come to you in the form you expected. You may say things like, “I just really want a vacation.” The universe hears you, but sends you on a work trip to California instead. If that’s not something you really wanted, you need to be super clear when you manifest your desires.

The last piece of the puzzle (and quite possibly the hardest to understand) is that all of this takes practice and a crazy amount of patience. I love when spirit junkie, Gabrielle Bernstein says, ” It’s on the truck”. She means that if you keep at it, keep manifesting, keep actively putting your desires out there…yours is coming…it’s on the truck.

If you’re interested in listening to more of Gabrielle (my personal spirit hero these days), you can follow along with what she’s been up to here.


Two things I’m currently manifesting:

1. Clarity: I’m feeling like I need clarity when it comes to what direction to take my business. In the past, I was almost solely a graphic designer, but these days I feel most comfortable as a photo stylist/photographer. Does that mean a shift is in order? I think I just need to listen to the signs on this one and it’s looking more and more like a styling business everyday.

2. Working with Makers & Shakers: I want to work with and collaborate with handmade businesses run by creative individuals who want to shake the ground a bit. Scout & Catalogue, Hackwith Design House, Jujumade, Young Frank Jewlery, Stitch & Hammer…I’m talking to you guys πŸ˜‰ Can you see a trend here? Leather and jewelry anyone?

I’m dying to hear your thoughts on the topic and if you’ve every dabbled in manifesting. If so, have you found any go to techniques?


17 comments on “Lesson Learned: Manifesting the type of work you want

  1. This post has come at a perfect time for me! I’m in the middle of a career change and it’s so scary! I have a vision of what I want to accomplish but just making it happen is what’s killing my spirit. Before, I wouldn’t make any major steps in the direction I wanted to go in because I’d say that “I don’t want to half-ass” it. I keep going back in forth with progress because I stew in my negative thoughts and never look at the silver lining. Ugh, it’s so depressing! However, day by day I’m getting better and I’m believing in myself more and more… also, finding the motivation and finally making those steps toward my ultimate goals! I can see and feel it now! Thanks for this!


    1. Thanks for stopping by today. I hope the post has got you thinking and more importantly believing in yourself. Good luck with your change in career!

  2. I’ve been coming across so many blog posts lately on freelancing. It’s like the world is telling me it’s time to get my shit together. Thank you for your thoughts on how to get the business you want. This post is definitely getting saved for future reference.

  3. i love the idea of manifestation but admit i have a hard time practicing it. i know from past life experiences that good things happen when you’re actively working toward moving forward (not looking into the past, or sitting in inaction) and willing to accept that you deserve the things you want β€” which for some reason is super hard to admit sometimes. i love your thought about putting creative energy out into the world – it’s so true that we get what we give!

  4. Mmmmm. Love this, Cassie – I’m so glad you shared! I’m reading a book right now called The Desire Map by Danielle Laporte (who I admire so much), and it’s all about figuring out your core desired feelings, and how you can use those desires to live a life your really love – and more importantly, to really accept that we’re worthy of our desires – that is so key. It’s amazing the shift that happens when we change our thinking, and when we walk through our days with intention. Cool stuff happens!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Kelly Ann. I can tell you’ve got a little creative spark in you right now, so you must be following your heart. Keep going girl. Love it!

  5. I understand this topic well, both as a graphic designer and as a human! I have lots and lots of stories of how I ‘magically manifested’ things in my life just by putting my intention out there very strongly, and then letting it go for the Universe to work on. My career is basically a product of focusing intently on what I wanted to bring into my life next and ‘magically’ being in the right place at the right time, and I found my significant other the same way too! It never ceases to amaze me.

    1. This is so great to hear. Just further proves that this tactic works and is really changing people’s lives. Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. ahhh thank you for this post! you and your work is SUCH AN INSPIRATION to me, and I’m so profoundly happy to read that you’re expanding your vision and moving in the direction of your dreams. πŸ™‚ If you ever want to collaborate with me or with welkin, please reach out! (I’m just throwing that out there in response to your go-getting manifestation message) πŸ™‚ girl, you are living the dream, and teaching the rest of us how to do it. xx

  7. Funny, I went to a Creative Morning Conference this morning in Amsterdam. The speaker, Cath Laporte, spent 8 very successful years working in advertising and suddenly decided to quite everything and is now volunteering for a coffee / restaurant place called “Trust”. The concept is to come as you are and pay as you feel. Everything is based on trust, and encourages people to trust themselves, trust other people. She was saying that as scary and crazy it was to quite her very well payed job to start doing something full time that didn’t bring her any money, she felt right about it. And that she wanted to listen to this gut feeling, that she was ignoring for such a long time. She was explaining that to be able to live a happy live, you need to be able to trust the fact that there is always a plan for you, something good waiting. A kind of a non religious faith.
    I thought the whole speak was very inspiring and what you’re saying now definitely inspires me too. I guess, than, the perfect mix would be to combine both things. Have faith in yourself and in your future but say things and do things that will help everything happen and go you way. And then be patient, maybe … ?

    1. Hi there. Do you know if that creative morning talk was recorded? I’d love to watch the speech because I feel she’s speaking my language!

  8. I am really glad that you know what you want and are trying to make sure that happens. It’s great to have a clear idea of what we want or need. Great post!

  9. I totally agree with this. Put out in the universe what you want to get back. I sometimes refer to it as that little bit of hippie magic that makes things happen but that just makes it seem not real. There’s a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson I absolutely love, it goes like this:
    “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”

    I also remember some of our teachers in school telling us that if we really loved doing something and it was truly ours to keep doing it. Just make sure you keep at it. Eventually someone will notice. Now of course there’s a little more that goes into it but isn’t it so true?!

    Also, I had to add that I love Scout & Catalogue. She’s actually a local designer and I have one of her beautifully designed clutches πŸ™‚

    As always, can’t wait to see where your cretaivity takes you next!

  10. I truly believe in the practice of manifesting. I don’t know why or how it works, but I do know that if you are putting your energy out there towards a specific goal, you are more likely to take actions and attitudes that help you reach that goal. I’m a firm believer in the “you get what you give” mantra, especially as it applies to the positive rather than the negative. I’m still trying to sort out exactly what direction I want to take business-wise, but I know once I’m at the appropriate time in my journey it will become clear. Then it’s up to me to follow through. πŸ™‚ Good luck!!

  11. This is an amazing post! I’m really learning to deal with things that are being thrown my way which isn’t always as easy as I expected it to be. Thanks Cassie!

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