Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

Uppercase Journal

I’ve been a big fan of Uppercase magazine for some time now and impatiently wait for the next issue to be released. The latest issue was released last week and after spending some time with it, I’ve been able to pull out some of my favorite spreads. Page layout is among some of my favorite aspects of graphic design and each issue has tons of inspiration to pull from. Enjoy.

Click through to flip through the digital version of this magazine.

I’m a Design Contributor on Design For Mankind!

I’ve got lots of exciting design collaborations going on right now and one of them happens to be with Erin of Design for Mankind. I just love her blog and stop by on a daily basis for a good dose of inspiration. I’ll be posting over on her blog every other Friday, sharing some of my favorite design trends. You can check glenoriegrowers for some latest trends.

* This means my Saturday featured called “Trending Graphics” will only appear every other Saturday. We can’t have too many trends going on now can we? 🙂

Please stop by and check it out. You’ll also be able to access the latest trend by click on Design For Mankind in my sidebar. Enjoy!

(original image)

friday finds & favorites // 39

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1. Marjon’s Photography is just stunning. Love all the energy in the photos.

2. Completely in love with ALL of these pillows. ALL of them!

3. The illustration work of Marise Maas is just amazing. Stop by The Design Files to read the interview with the artist.

4. Oh no Berlinhas some great Graphic T-Shirts with a fun personality.

5. Mark Allen Miller has become one of my favorite illustrators. His portfolio is stunning.

6. The illustrations by Faye Moorhouse are a little bit odd, but a lot a bit awesome.

7. Who doesn’t need a large bright red balloon print to hang on their walls?

8. Please stop by Anna’s vintage shop. You won’t be disappointed!

9. Are you a designer that uses Lorem Ipsum on a daily basis? Well now you can you Cupcake Ipsum….you’re welcome 😉

10. The current issue of Collect Magazine is pretty amazing!

Happy Weekend!

Line Klein's Interiors

Danish photographer Line Klein (view online portfolio) started out as a portrait and food photographer. Today she spends the majority of there time snapping photos of interior spaces and still life. Line’s work has been popping up in my life here and there, but I never knew she had a blog until just recently. Go explore her little space of the internet.

recreate it / 01

Hi guys! I’m excited to announce a new design collaboration happening here every Wednesday with Bre of MOXEE. The two of us have really “hit it off” in the terms of designer-to-designer relationships, and we felt like it would be fun to share some design insights with you. We could go on and on about what typefaces we drool over or what design websites keep us glued for hours, but that would only bore you over time. Instead, every Wednesday we are going to share 2 Recreate It posts (one here on my blog and one over on her blog) that will hopefully help you translate those pretty magazines spreads you see into something more tangible. Hey! You may even get some new blog post layout ideas from it. Hope you enjoy this new feature as much as the both of us. Cheers!

kinfolk / photo / grotesque mt / linux libertine / aw conqueror / breanna rose


Score + Solder // Terrariums & Planters

These beautiful pieces are made to order by Matthew Cleland of Score + Solder. Stunning pieces of art, each terrarium and planter  are made by hand (a skill he acquired by passed down generation * even more magical) Not only are the lead-free structures hand made and individually crafted, the glass is custom made too!

Check out the SHOP!

* Plants sold seperately

In Their Home // Le Dans La

La Dans La is a magical blog full of childhood whimsy and scenes from every day happenings. Written by a stylist and mama, La Dans La is daily showcase of all things stylish. The rooms are organized and put together with simplistic details. Even this family’s wardrobe sends jealously running through my bones. Love everything about this blog and have spent way too many hours flipping through the archives, slowly watching the children grow up.

Stop by her blog to learn/see more or visit her shop.

Previous Features:
1 //  Annaleena Karlsson (Oct 3)
2 //  Old Brand New (Oct 10)
3 // Weekday Carnival (Oct 17)

B&W walk + 12 by 2012

Danni from Hello, Friend has put together 12 by 2012, which encourages everyone to get those final items marked off your 2011 To Do lists. I’d determined and hope this digital list will keep me motivated. Click on the image above to stop by Danni’s blog and submit your own 12 by 2012 lists!

1 // Organize blog content and post structure. Make blogging more streamlined
2 // Full Etsy shop update before the shopping holiday
3 // Finish putting together office area and do an office tour on the blog
4 // Start taking on freelance blog designs (email me if you are interested)
5 // Finish 3 more books from my “to read” list
6 // Start a new Thanksgiving tradition with the boy
7 // Send out Christmas cards to family (I really going to do this!!)
8 // Go to yoga class more consistently
9 // Get my portfolio up to date
10 // Try 5 NEW recipes (I’m attempting to broaden my horizons)
11 // Have real evergreens in my home this holiday season!
12 // Reconnect with pen pals 🙂


* photos by : the veda house

Trending Graphics // It's all in the circle!


Today’s Trend // Circle Logos
Is it just me or is there an enormous amount of circular logos out there right now. I’m also noticing that a lot of these circle logos are black & white and bunch of them have a stamped texture. I like this trend, but the more and more I see it, the less excited I get.

I am a big fan of symmetry and typically circular logos show some form of symmetry in their design. Most are typographic in nature as well, which is always a winner in my books.

Are you a liking the circle craze? 

1  / 2  / 3  / 4  / 5  / 6  /  7  /  8  /  9 /  10  /  11

Previous Trends:
1 //  Back to Basic with Black & White (Oct 8)
2 //  Collected Collage (Oct 15)

friday finds & favorites // 38

[vimeo 26504393 w=750&h=420]


[vimeo 30066069 w=750&h=420]


1. Did you stop by the Babble Blog Awards to see the top rated blogs across multiple categories. Lots of good reads!

2. Really great graphic design/artist portfolio with a unique style.

3. Stop by TrendLand to keep up to date with the latest trends in fashion, design and culture!

4. Invisible Film poem.A different way of viewing a storyline.

5. I loving the graphic prints by Little Studio. The bright colors are glorious!

6. The illustrations by Faye Moorhouse are a little bit odd, but a lot a bit awesome.

7. A really great post about blogging with lots of photos. Great observation. “On Being Wordless”

8. This Tumblr caters to my need to organize things neatly. Not sure this is a good thing

9. A new favorite – digital version of Bodie & Fou Fall/Winter Catalogue

10. This Pennyweight Pin Board (via Pinterest) is really great for showing how to photography found objects in nature.

Happy Weekend!
