Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

greek style picnic

One of our favorite things to do is pack up the pup, a pile of blankets, a good book and some good food and head to “our” picnic spot. It’s a really great spot in the middle of a really large park. My favorite part about it is that it is shaded by the prettiest willow tree that sites on the edge of a little pond. I think the pup approves.

On this particular picnic we stopped at a local Greek restaurant and picked up some salads and gyros to munch on. The weather was perfect, the sun was out, and it was the best way we could think of to celebrate Mother’s day when our mother happen to be hundreds of miles away.

*please note my pups cheeks in that last photo. HAHA

5.8.11 on a monday


Another week has flown by and we are another week closer to my online shop opening up. Yipee!  I’ve been a busy bee over here, but I’m having fun and enjoying myself. See that pic above?? I have lots more photos from that field that I’ll be posting later in the week, so stay tuned!

1^ St. Louis had a Goodwill Outlet store open up on Thursday and I was hoping for it to be the greatest invention on earth. It was an “epic fail”.
2^ The Kentucky Derby was yesterday and this is the first year that I haven’t followed the horse stats the week leading up the race. I didn’t make any bets and I kind of feel like I missed out on something. Who doesn’t love those trumpets??
3^ Seems like all my personal projects have been put on hold and my focus has shifted towards market203. I must remember to get back to those once the crazy settles.
4^ I bought a onesie with a bulldog graphic on it. It was great. I hope he likes it!
5^ I’ve received more chai in the mail, so I’ve avoided the dreaded empty barrel syndrome that happens all the time. (I’m getting smarter 😉

Happy Sunday on a Monday!

*Have you jumped on the Google Friend Connect bandwagon? This is one of my favorite ways to find new bloggers to follow, so check it out!


a note to you, mother…

Today is YOUR day and even though both your children are hundreds of miles away today, we are thinking of you and all your greatness. I laid in bed last night, while my mind jumped from one memory to the next. What a ride!

Do you remember sitting in the garage at the old house while we watched the thunderstorms roll in? As the storm got worse you would always say, “stay away from the windows!!!”. My brother and I just laughed and continued peering out the windows. To this day I am a storm chaser in my spare time and watch the radar like a hawk.

Do you remember driving home one night and hitting the deer on the country road? That darn deer jumped completely over the car, but left a nice size dent as a reminder. You were terrified and concerned about the van, while we were worried about the deer’s health. Poor deer!

Do you remember sitting at the dinner table and making chain saw sounds with our mouths? Why did we do that? It was the best, and on several occasions I think you peed your pants from laughing so hard.

Do you remember receiving that sewing machine for your birthday? It must of been something you wanted SOOO bad because you sobbed and sobbed.  I think you were happy. I’ll never buy you another sewing machine. hehe

Do you remember fighting with me every morning before grade school about my wardrobe? I like to pretend that never happened and I also like to pretend I’m not stubborn.

These are just a few of the many memories that tend to creep back up around this time of year. Having a collection of memories to recall is one of the best gifts. Thank you mom for implanting these memories into our brains! Enjoy your day and if you get a few hours one day, do you want to go storm chasing with me?


First I must say that I was blown away with comments from readers on yesterday’s announcement post. It makes me even more excited to start a new adventure when I know my readers are just as excited. Thank you guys for making this moment a little more special!

This past week kind of blew by and I think it was because I have been BUSY. As you can see from yesterday’s post, I now have a big time consuming project on my hands. This project makes my mind run at one gazzillion miles per hour….what if I did this??  Or this?? I’m loving all the passion I am feeling for this adventure and look forward to the upcoming weeks as things get a bit more defined.

1^ Made my first shop product purchase and I can’t wait to share it with you once it arrives at my doorstep.
2^ Thursday was spent creating science experiments with dry ice and fire at a photo shoot for a private school here in St. Louis.
3^ The more I watch My So Called Life, the more I realize it’s similarities to a train wreck.
4^ At work on Friday, the Ad team took a half day off and spent the entire afternoon at a restaurant’s outdoor patio. We’ve been working on a massive project since before Christmas and it has finally ended.
5^ I really need to get caught up on laundry and other homely things.
6^ I think the rain is finally leaving the mid-west. It’s been raining straight through the past two weeks, but the forecast is predicting a week of sun.

Happy Sunday. Now get off the computer and go relax 😉

*Have you jumped on the Google Friend Connect bandwagon? This is one of my favorite ways to find new bloggers to follow, so check it out!


snippets of greatness

I haven’t posted any instagram photos on this blog since the day I started it and because I absolutely love instagram, I think I will post a few more. Just little snippets of my life, captured by my dear friend, my iPhone. What would we do with em??

row 1
1. kitty laying on the new quilt 2. Spring flowers at the agency 3. feetsies
row 2
1. houses in our neighborhood 2. Porter James in the car 3. new antique apron
row 3
1. Porter James on his walk 2. wall decoration 3. desk gnome
row 4
1. chocolate chai tea 2. simply apple juice 3. a storm is brewing

creative blogger award

I was honored to be tagged by another Kristine to receive the Creative Blogger Award. (Ipek also tagged me to receive the One Lovely Blog Award – combined response) I think this is a perfect way to make others aware of all the creativity out there. Here’s how it works: list 10 facts about yourself and then tag 10 other bloggers. Because there are so many of these kind of things going around the blog world I choose to be very specific about what facts to share. I choose to only share little facts about my creative side, since that’s what’s being awarded.

10 Things: My Creative Side

1. As a kid, I was always crafting something or another. I remember lots of beaded projects and doodling.
2. One summer when I was in elementary school, I took a summer drawing class taught by Mark Kistler! Draw, Draw, Draw! (you know…the guy from Imagination Station)
3. I’m much better at communicating things with pictures than I am with words.
4. Through high school I was really big into scrap booking. I documented everything with pictures, stencils, stickers, and lots of bright colored pieces of paper.
5. I started getting into photography my freshmen year of high school. I took a black & white film class and fell in love.
6. Even with an art school background, I am not a very good drawer. I’m much better with the little details and typography. I can draw a mean stick figure.
7. I’m very passionate about color and how color plays a role in our moods. I guess all those hours studying color theory in college made an impact.
8. I took printmaking classes all through college. I would love to someday have my own printing setup in my house!
9. I keep my computer desktop spick and span. I can’t be creative when my “home base” looks like a tornado just ran through.
10. Although my digital design sense if very clean, modern, and all about “white space”, my home interior design sense is warm, cozy, with a touch of history.

Now I’m supposed to tag 10 people.
I know people have busy schedules, so if you can’t get to writing a post like this, I won’t be hurt. If you do…I’d love to see them!
Previously Owned
Olive Green Anna
Smile and Wave
La Catrina
Sea Blanket
Elise Blaha
I go by Katie
Pugly Pixel

I hope you all have a chance to stop by these gals blogs. They’ve all been on my daily reads list and I am always in awe with what these gals can pull together. They definitely deserve the Creative Blogger Award.

*label courtesy of pugly pixel


This past week I was all off balance. I took Monday and Tuesday off work for some much needed R&R. When I returned to work on Wednesday I had zero time to adjust and lots of stuff to mark off my to-do list. It took me all week to get back into the routine of my daily schedule. I think I need this weekend to recover from my 3-day week. haha.  Next week we will be back to the norm.

1^ This has been the week of thunder storms. It’s been storming since last weekend with the worst storm hitting last night. The St. Louis airport was hit by a tornado, shattering 50% of the buildings windows. The airport will be closed for some time.
2^ This coming week is my best friend’s birthday. (the 29th) I miss her, but hope her recent move to Seattle is going well.
3^ I’ve been watching Sex in The City reruns on TV all weekend. Love it!
4^ I’ve finally purchased the quilt from Urban Outfitters that I’ve been drooling over for months.
5^ My boyfriend’s sister is attending a 20 hour dance marathon to raise money for her sorority. She’s new to the sorority and would love to be one of the top raisers. She just started raising money , so if you’d like to help her out you can donate here.
6^ The puppy got his teeth professionally cleaned on Wednesday and even though it was scary and expensive, I feel like a good dog owner. I think he’s happy too!

Happy Sunday and hope everyone is having a Happy Easter with their families!

*Have you jumped on the Google Friend Connect bandwagon? This is one of my favorite ways to find new bloggers to follow, so check it out!


cherokee street / antique row

First off, I must mention how thankful I am for those readers who were part of the discussion on yesterday’s post> I really appreciate all the insights. I feel like I have a wealth of people to tap into in this blogging community, so why not take advantage of it. Thank you!

On another note, this past weekend was spent on Cherokee Street, St. Louis’ largest strip of antique shops, 6 blocks to be exact. This “down and dirty” part of town is filled with character and people are starting to notice it’s charm and potential.

Walking up and down the streets you’ll discover all the little shops filled with treasures, some antiques and some just filled with old trash. haha. I’m actually surprised this was the first time I’ve been to this Antique Row and feel kind of blind/oblivious for just now discovering it.  I loved it. I loved the variety of shops that line the streets and no two stores are the same. Out of all the shops I found a few keepers that I’ll be visiting on a regular basis. (and it’s close to my loft! Bonus!)

Tomorrow, I’ll show you some sneak peeks inside the shops. I was like a kid in a candy store and I love how the shop owners feel the same way. I walked into one shop and said to the owner, “It’s like heaven in here!”. She responded with saying, “OMG it is. I love being in here!”. I may have found my new weekend tradition, so look out people!

* That mint dress apron shown in yesterday’s post was a real gem. $15 for hanger and apron. Love it!

yoga visualization

Yoga teachers: please stop giving potentially harmful dietary advice to your students.

I write this as a yoga teacher, and as a yoga student. I write this as a dietitian and nutritionist who sees the women and girls in clinic at the back end of yet another gruelling 10-day juice fast, or another winter freezing through raw foods; their thyroid, adrenals, and/ or reproductive health just a bit more depleted.

Their relationship with food and their body having slid yet another few degrees backwards into disordered and potentially dangerous territory.

​Their self-confidence and self-trust bruised and just a bit weaker. Some of these people are yoga teachers themselves.

I write this with deep concern and remorse for any past student to whom I may have passed on potentially harmful nutrition advice before I learnt more about diet culture. I’m sorry. I didn’t know that diet culture, and the body hatred and dysfunction around food it creates, was such an insidious and widespread problem.

I didn’t know that “clean eating” was just another code word for dieting. “Dieting” is any way of eating you are emotionally attached to. For instance, do you feel anxious and off-kilter when you go out with friends and can’t find something that’s 100% “clean?” You’re on a diet, baby!

I have been on both the giving and receiving end of bad nutritional advice from yoga teachers. I don’t remember a specific incident of telling a student, “wanna lose weight? do this cleanse!”, but I do remember recommending a particular book containing what I thought were healthy recipes – a book which also happened to contain extremely dangerous dietary advice along the lines of “eat just one meal a day for optimum health”. Not a great blanket recommendation nor goal to aspire to.

I know that posting this is going to piss some people off. But if I can prevent just one more confused, health-conscious woman (and increasingly, man) from being more deeply sucked into diet culture, then it’s worth it.

Diet for End-Stage Renal Disease (Dialysis): Care Instructions

You need to change your diet when you are on dialysis for end-stage renal disease (kidney failure). You will need more protein than you did before you started dialysis. You may need to limit salt and fluids. You also may need to limit minerals such as potassium and phosphorus. A diet for end-stage renal disease takes planning. A dietitian who specializes in kidney disease can help you plan meals that meet your needs.

Your nutrition needs depend on the type of dialysis you get. Talk with your doctor or dietitian to make sure your diet is right for your condition. Do not change your diet without talking to your doctor or dietitian, get the best renal diet app.

Follow-up care is a key part of your treatment and safety. Be sure to make and go to all appointments, and call your doctor or nurse call line if you are having problems. It’s also a good idea to know your test results and keep a list of the medicines you take. However, when medical professionals overlook critical details, the consequences can be serious. Bakersfield medical malpractice lawyers combine legal expertise and compassion to guide victims through the challenges of medical negligence claims. Staying proactive in your healthcare can make a significant difference in overall well-being.

How can you care for yourself at home?

Each person’s dialysis diet may be a little different. Work with your doctor or dietitian to create a food plan that guides your daily food choices. Here are some tips that may help you follow your plan.

  • Do not go for many hours without eating.If you do not feel very hungry, try to eat 4 or 5 small meals instead of 1 or 2 big meals. If you have a hard time eating enough, talk to your doctor or dietitian about ways you can add calories to your diet.
  • Get the right amount of protein.
    • Ask your doctor or dietitian how much protein you need each day. You will probably need more protein while you are on dialysis than you did before you started dialysis.
    • Choose high-quality protein sources, such as lean meat, poultry, fish, or eggs.
    • If you are a vegetarian, your diet may require extra planning with your dietitian to make sure you’re getting enough protein and nutrients.
  • Limit salt.
    • Look at food labels to see how much sodium is in each serving. Make sure that you look at the serving size. If you eat more than the serving size, you will get more sodium than what is listed on the label.
    • Do not add salt to your food.
    • Buy foods that are labelled “no salt added,” “sodium-free,” or “low sodium.” Foods labelled “reduced sodium” and “lightly salted” may still have too much sodium.
    • Limit processed foods, fast food, and restaurant foods. And avoid salted snacks, like pretzels and chips.
    • Try lemon, herbs, and spices to flavour your meals.
  • Know how much fluid you can drink each day.Every day fill a pitcher with that amount of water. If you drink another fluid (such as coffee) that day, pour an equal amount out of the pitcher. And remember to count foods that are liquid at room temperature as fluids. These include ice, gelatin, ice pops, and ice cream.
  • Limit potassium.
    • Choose low-potassium fruits and vegetables. These include things like grapes, pineapple, lettuce, green beans, and cucumber.
    • Choose low-potassium foods such as pasta, noodles, rice, tortillas, and bagels. And avoid high-potassium foods, including things like milk, bananas, oranges, spinach, tomatoes, and broccoli.
    • Do not use a salt substitute or lite salt unless your doctor says it is okay. They can be high in potassium.
  • Limit phosphorus.
    • Follow your food plan to know how much milk and milk products you can have.
    • Avoid nuts, peanut butter, seeds, lentils, beans, organ meats, and sardines.
    • Avoid cola drinks and bran breads or bran cereals.
    • Take phosphate binders as directed, if prescribed by your doctor.

Always check with your doctor if you have questions about your diet. Do not take any natural health products without talking to your doctor first. And check with your doctor about whether it is safe for you to drink alcohol.

4.17.10 (on a Monday)

I’m back to blogging. I took a 3 day break away from blog/twitter land and it felt really good. It was the first time since starting this blog back in January that I had taken a day “off”. I had waves of guilt that I was leaving my baby unattended, but at the end of the day…it was exactly what I needed. I’m back into the swing of things today and thought I would post my Sunday portrait on Monday since I took the time to take the pictures. My family was in town this weekend and we spent the entire weekend in and out of antique stores! I’ll post pics from our adventure this week.

1^ I’ve decided that I will be taking two e-courses in the upcoming weeks. I’m really excited about them and they are an amazing deal for the amount of information provided. 1. Style Your Space by Rachel Denbow & 2. Dream Job by Elsie & Emma.
2^ I’ve been doing a lot of “market research” when it comes to vintage shops. I stumbled upon these gems: Peppermint Vintage & Little Bee Vintage
3^ My freelance projects have official wrapped up. This little worker bee is taking a much needed break. If you haven’t read THIS yet, do so now….
4^ I’ve joined in on is Stephanie’s 1,300 Things to be Thankful for adventure. Check out what it’s all about!
5^ I’m dying to get some plants in my loft to make things a little more “springy”. I feel bad that any plant I buy dies within weeks. (I blame it on our industrial air vents in our loft)
6^ The weather is stilling trying to make up it’s mind. If I ever have to hear the words “chance of snow showers” one more time this spring, I might barf.
7^ The puppy is getting his teeth professionally cleaned this coming Wednesday. I find this completely necessary and completely terrifying.

I just realized there are a lot of links in this post. O’well. Lots of neat-o things going on in the interwebs!

Happy Sunday/Monday!

*Have you jumped on the Google Friend Connect bandwagon? This is one of my favorite ways to find new bloggers to follow, so check it out!

