Brand Design Photography & Styling Clarity Consulting

Veda News: What I've been up to

If you’ve been following The Veda House these past couple weeks, you would know that I’ve taken the scary leap of quitting my day job and starting to work for myself. Last Friday was my last day at the Agency and boy oh boy, the day did not go as I had envisioned. I envisioned being able to walk away at the end of the day full of excitement and giddy emotions, but in reality I was overcome with these really sad feelings. I felt like I was letting go of a lot of really good people that I’ve built relationships with. My team there was definitely like my family away from home and I was taken back by the realization that I wouldn’t seem them everyday anymore. For whatever reason, I hadn’t even thought about that aspect of leaving. Aside from feeling a little bummed about losing that close connections with my “work family”, I was also feeling completely free to explore and build my OWN brand.

Over this past week I’ve received a few tweets, emails and blog comments from my readers asking what I’ve been up to and so I thought I’d share. I decided to start this new adventure with a clean slate, so I’ve been deep cleaning my entire loft building to make it feel workable. I’ve also been attending Kathleen’s E-Course about personal branding and I’ve been completely blown away by it. I’ll be writing a complete review on it in a few weeks, but I highly recommend it! I’ve been exploring food styling and photography. I’ve challenged myself to bake/cook two recipes this week, style them, and photograph them. Let me tell you…I love every aspect of it (which is a sign I need to spend more time exploring it). Lastly, I’ve done a little pampering like get my hair colored and meet up with a dear friend for a brownie date.

All in all, my first week away has been going just as planned….to not have a concrete plan and allow myself to explore. Yes, I’m maintaining my existing freelance jobs, blogging, keeping up to date on emails and exploring a new blog design for The Veda House, but the majority of my day is spent getting inspired. Cheers to that right?

Question: What would you like to see on The Veda House in the future?

*Photo above by Max Farago (more here)

Veda News: Tomorrow, I Leave The Agency

Tomorrow is the day, guys. Tomorrow, February 15th is my last day at my full-time day job with the advertising agency and the start of a new and exciting adventure. To say I’m excited, terrified, and extremely relieved would all be understatements. I have a new sense of freedom to explore and bring my brand fully to life…finally!

It all started 3.5 years ago when I graduate with a graphic design degree from a large university. The summer following graduation, I traveled through Europe for 2 weeks with my boyfriend and his mother 🙂 Upon returning, I immediately started working as a digital art director at the advertising agency, slowing moving my way up through the ranks and learning a lot along the way. I learned a lot about designing within restrictions (ultimately making me a better designer), how working with a strong team can be your biggest asset, and how politics of business can quickly overshadow the excitement of the industry. I learned a lot about myself as a designer, about what I liked about the corporate world, but more importantly…what I didn’t like. By learning what I didn’t like, I was able to gain some insight into how I would ideally shape my future.

During my 3.5 years as a digital art director, I worked A LOT on my “time off” (nights/weekends). I took on exciting freelance projects that I sought out to expand my personal portfolio. I briefly opened a vintage home goods shop on Etsy to give me something to tinker with. I did a deep dive into photography and taught myself the ins and outs of shooting manual with my DSLR, and most importantly…I started The Veda House blog.

Over time, I feel in love with my blog and sharing design inspiration to the online world. I posted ALL the time and really looked forward to spending my down time in front of the computer. My little blog (that is still pretty little), grew very very slowly over the next couple years. I met a ton of creative people (a lot who are freelancers and designers) and ultimately feel in love with the idea of blogging/freelance design as a profession. I started working towards making that happen by blogging my heart out to grow readership and by building a network that could support a personal business when the time would come.

About a year ago, I was committed to making this leap into the freelance world but “LIFE” kept getting in the way. Work was insanely busy, I got engaged to my boyfriend of 10 years, plans of moving across country were brewing, and honestly…I was terrified of losing the stability of my 9-5. Fast forward to last November/December and you’d find me bawling my eyes out, stressed to the max and my fiancé pleading me daily to quit my day job and pursue what I’ve always wanted to do. Thank goodness I’ve always had his support.

I spent this last holiday vacation really lost, completely sick of everything design and in the middle of a full blown out breakdown burnout session. It’s taken me until now to pull myself out of it, but I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. With a crazy amount of support, encouragement, and excitement from others, I’m finally making the leap. I’m going to start building my dream baby and I couldn’t be more giddy than I am write now…counting down the hours until Friday at 5:00PM!

My plan is to not really have a plan  for the first month and spend that time getting inspired again. I’ll be attacking my mile-long list of DIYs that have been piling up and I’ll be focusing on rebranding The Veda House. Come March, I’ll be 100% open to take on all new clients. I’ll be focusing my brand on designing and photography styling for small businesses and other home made brands. EEEE! So excited.

Stay tuned and I’ll be sure to keep you up to date with a new feature on the blog where i share glimpses into my day to day life in my home studio.

• Doesn’t this post by Savannah of MaieDae sound really really familiar?
• And because this had me crying with laughter…screaming goats (you’re welcome!)
• Inspring little interview with Bri Emery of Design Love Fest about making the freelance leap.

January in Review

Hi lovely readers. January is finally over!! January for me was all about JUST getting through it. I’ve spent a lot of time wrapping up lose ends and preparing myself for what February & March will have to offer me. I’ve got some BIG news to share (next week), so until then, I thought I’d update you on how my 5 New Year’s resolutions have panned out this month. I’m determined to keep myself on track and see my resolutions through, so here is this month’s recap.

1. Let it Be – Welcoming change has been AWESOME. I’ve never in my life felt so open to new possibilities. Change usually makes me really uncomfortable, but now…it feels liberating. I’ll fill you in next week on the biggest change of all.

2. Be More Present – With all the changes, I’ve been challenged to see the positivity in the tougher times. There have been a lot of hiccups along the way, and with most of them, I’ve been able to go with the flow. The boy and I have worked really hard at helping each other recognize the small but really lovely things.  Ice cream overindulging, TV series marathons, date nights, outings with friends, and unexpected 70 degree days in January were amongst the mix.

3. Be Adventurous – It’s been REALLY cold here in St. Louis this month, so the adventuring have been limited to dog walks around the neighborhood. Remember that motorcycle I mentioned?? The boy and I are gifting each other helmets for the upcoming V-day. (I know that’s technically a Feb achievement, but it was planned in January 😉

4. Follow My Heart & Feed My Soul – I’ve been doing just that…Listening to my heart, even though my heart has a crazy “I don’t care about anything” kind of attitude. I kind of like it. I’ve also taken on the challenge of teaching myself to cook. This month I’ve learned how to properly make a steak, make frocaccia bread, make 2 massive pound cakes, roast onions and potatoes, and learned to love green peppers…which is good for a non veggie eating gal.

5. Be More Conscious – This month was all about saving money. Instead of buying a new car, I bought a used one (visit sites like to find more details). Compared to the month of December, January was a very responsible month. This month I’ve been really good at using a credit card for gas and food related expenses to build my credit score (for future home buying purposes). Working out starts in February 😉

*Above photo taken by Nathan Williams of Kinfolk

Lesson Learned: How to Get Out of Your Funk

Holy smokes guys!! Thank you, thank you for all of your feedback to my “Burnout at Age 26” post last Wednesday. It’s incredible to see that so many other creatives are in the exact same place as I am and have the exact same obstacles. It’s kind of refreshing to hear that I’m not alone in this and that so many people are willing to share their stories. Turns out that age 26 is just a demon, haha.

Thanks to my lovely readers, I’ve compiled a list of things to do/try if you ever get in a creative funk or if you’re headed for burnout. I’ve also listed some really important things to remember when you’re down and out. This post makes me feel like Baz Luhrmann (the guy that sung the “Sunscreen” song). So add, “wear sunscreen” to the list of things to remember.

Things to try:
1. Try letting go….see what clarity presents itself afterwards
2. Go back to school, take a class, take an e-course
3. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and just go with the flow
4. Say “NO” if you’re feeling overwhelmed (I wrote a post last year about cutting your current schedule in half)
5. Network, network, network…never stop networking
6. You know those things you do while you’re procrastinating…do those!
7. Take a sabbatical or any length of time
8. Travel
9. Utilize creative recruiting agencies
10. Plan for short term, and for long term (I use TeuxDeux  to make lists)
11. Incorporate more mediums into the things you explore
12. “Plan, Save, Make the leap, and Give yourself a year”
14. Read The Four Hour Work Week
15. Volunteer your time

Things to remember:
1. As humans, we’re naturally always searching for happiness
2. Try your hardest to be self-aware and honest with yourself at all times
3. When you fail, you’ll most likely learn something about yourself
4. Treasure your free time and don’t forget to soak it all in
5. You are NOT alone!
6. Inspiration comes and goes, waxes and wanes, ebb & flow (don’t get too attached)
7. Carve out a few hours here and there to do something you’re insanely passionate about
8. Everything WILL work itself out
9. Please be patient
10. Always trust your gut first

Veda News: Burnout at age 26

So I’m finally admitting it. I’ve reach full blown out BURNOUT at age 26. I have no idea how I even let myself get this way, but it’s official. Over the past year, I’ve been feeling the weight of working in the advertising world. I’ve been feeling pulled in a new direction, but glued to the security of my day job with lovely benefits. The constant pulling in opposite directions has lead to a clean rip, right through the middle of my core. I’ve been searching for ways to cope, turning to video games such as ยูฟ่าเบท สุดยอดเว็บพนันออนไลน์ as a temporary escape.

I was warned about this thing called “burnout” from so many people but always told myself that it wouldn’t happen to me. I was told that if you stretch yourself too thin, that you’d eventually grow to hate what you’re doing. Since I’m a stubborn person, I tested that theory for far too long.

If you would have talked to me about a year ago, I would have told you that doing full time freelance that brought me free PayPal money instantly anytime I needed it was what I wanted to do. I would have told you that I wanted to design blogs, websites and do branding for brands that I love. Unfortunately as time went on, my clear direction of what I wanted to do “when I grow up” blurred into a fury of confusion. I’ve become sooooo sick of sitting in front of the computer that my soul is craving to work with my hands. I’m sooooo sick of no-so-friendly clients that all I want to do is work on hassle-free personal projects. I’m soooooo sick of the politics of working at a large company, that all I want to do is barricade myself into a little corner (people-free). I know all of this sounds very dramatic, but all of it is painstakingly true. At the young age of 26….I’m throwing my hands up and saying “fuck it”.

So, thanks for listening to my rant. haha. I’m now going to go and figure out what to do about it all. Have you ever reached the point of burnout? What did you do to get past it??

Changes. Some Scary. All Welcomed.

I’m going to be honest and say that I was glad to see 2012 go. The year wasn’t all that kind and I can’t seem to think of any other year that included so many physical and emotional ups and downs. I’m exhausted from the whole thing and really glad 2013 has decided to show up. I’ve been waiting for it for what seems like months now. Unfortunately I’m getting a really slow start to the year as mother nature has decided to kick my immune system’s ass AGAIN and curse me with the flu.

But here I am, thinking about how I want to set myself up for success and I’ve been gathering quite a bit of inspiration from other bloggers who have been kind enough to share their new year’s resolutions. One blogger, Kathleen (from Braid Creative) talked about defining one word to describe the year past, and another new word to describe the upcoming year. I thought this would be a good exercise to get my juices flowing. I’ve decided my word for 2012 was LOST, and my word for 2013 is GROW (originally CHANGE). I used the word GROW to help me define what 2013 looks like to me.

1. Let it Be – I’m going to welcome change with open arms and learn to let go more

2. Be More Present – I’m going to work hard at seeing positivity everyday, enjoy the small things in life, and really be thankful for what I already possess.

3. Be Adventurous – I’m going to uproot and restart, take more road trips, have more picnics, take more walks, and yes…buy a motorcycle this spring.

4. Follow My Heart & Feed My Soul – I’m going to start living my dream job, a house with 2 floors, a studio, a Garden Ready For The Kids and learn to cook.

5. Be More Conscious – I’m going to consciously make healthier decisions with food and exercise, build my credit and save my money

We’ll see how it all goes. I’ve keep things more general this year to allow for the year to shape itself. Im up for big changes so I didn’t want my goals to be too concrete. Let’s cheers to a new year, but first I must thank all of you for being such loyal readers of this blog. I hope 2013 brings a little more focus, resulting in even better content to share with all of you. Cheers!

Some of my favorite resolution post from some of my favorite bloggers:
Oh Joy talks about things to improve on & things to keep doing in 2013
Che & Fidel speaks about good intentions for 2013
Jeremy & Kathleen sums up her goals for 2013 in just a few words
Andria Lindquist talk about starting the year off slow
Design For Mankind talks about doing good each day
Miss Modish speaks about want to learn how to FEEL & BE

Veda News: I'm going to take a nap

You know those times when your world seems to be imploded from the inside out. Yup…that seems to be happening right now and I’ve been hear enough before to know that this is my queue to take a step back and break. I’ve decided to take my very first “Summer Blogging Vacation” (a two week blogging free ordeal) and see how it goes. I’m needing some ME time, some time away from the computer to soak up the St. Louis heat, and just a little bit of time to refuel/ get re-inspired. This is my first time is my years of blogging that this choice feels 100% OK with me, so I know I must be making the right decision.

See you guys in two weeks with a clearer mind and more inspiration.

Things to look forward too on my blog.
1. More of my own photography
2. Some music mixtapes
3. My recent freelance projects
4. inspiration, baby!!!


Veda News: Fish Floppin' + Decision Makin'

Have you ever been floundering so much that at the end of it all, you just feel like pouting in the corner and giving up? That was me last week. I had reached a point where I had so many thing on my “I want to-do this” list, but just didn’t have enough hours in the day/week/month to achieve them. It’s completely overwhelming/crushing to be 100% inspired to achieve something and to have less than 0% of the energy to put into it.

For me, my days are spent at the advertising agency usually clocking in about 45-50 hours on an average week. With this schedule I am left with only a few hours each night to work on my “I really want to-do this” list and let me tell you…nights are not the time of day I feel most inspired. I usually come home cranky with a sour taste in my mouth feeling like all I want to do is sit my batootie on the couch and watch Mad Men. So when am I supposed to knock things off my list?? Who flippin’ knows.

So in the midst of my mini breakdown that happened the other night I decided I needed to get focused again. I’m one of those people that loves so many things (blogging, photography, cinema, knitting, thrifting, etc ) all at the same time that it’s hard for me to dedicate A LOT of time to any one thing. I’m working on changing that around a bit. Starting now…

This blog is going to become a little more focused on subject matter. You’ll see the same design/photography posts, just less of them. I plan on regaining my Saturdays & Sundays as “ME” days with no blog posts. I’m also going to be throwing in some more personal posts. I look forward to sharing with you my journey into becoming a full-time freelancer and gaining some reader insights along the way (this whole process is really scary you guys!). I also look forward to sharing more of my personal photography that has been evolving over the last couple months. Lastly, I’m going to start to share more of my design process and projects when I can. 

Does that sound like a plan?? I feel like this little transition in my online space will help things move more smoothly in my freetime in the evenings as well as my freetime on the weekends.

Is anyone else feeling like their blog’s identity is getting a little fussy or that they just don’t have enough time in the day to do what you WANT to do? I’d love to hear your thoughts 🙂

Photo by Savannah Martiniere

Keepin' Cozy

It’s been really really chilly here in the Midwest US these past few days. It went from a good 50 degrees to 20 degrees and windy. I’ve been staying indoors wrapped up in all my cozies. The lovely ladies over at Soft Surroundings recently gifted me with THIS amazingly cozy faux fur blanket. It’s been a life saver on those super chilly nights. Thanks girls!

How are you guys keeping warm?

Paris Faux Fur Throw c/o Soft Surroundings
Soft Surroundings on Pinterest & Facebook!
